The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1181 Daozu Hongjun! 【2 more】

Her cultivation level was actually blocked!

Not to mention spiritual power, even the power of the soul and spiritual power were all lost at this moment.

Jun Muqian's heart sank.

Repeating what she had experienced before would not cause any harm to her Taoist heart, but now that her cultivation is gone, how can she pass this level set by Tiandao?

She frowned, looking at the demon cultivators coming up from around her, and subconsciously protected Ying Zijin behind her.

In terms of attack and defense, she is naturally stronger.

In terms of hexagrams and alchemy, she is far inferior to Ying Zijin.

Just enough to complement each other.

Jun Muqian slowly clenched her fist, wondering if she could overcome this hurdle with the help of her heart.

No need to take action. But at this time, Ying Zijin said, This level of interrogation happens to be useless to me.

Jun Muqian turned his head and frowned: What?

The way of heaven wants to test love, but no one with love can break this test, even if it is a saint of heaven. Ying Zijin raised his hand and said slowly, But how can I get love from someone who has no intention at all? .”

For me, this level does not hold true.

Just after these words were spoken——


The scene in front of him suddenly fluctuated violently, as if he was being held tightly by a big hand, unable to move at all.

Then, with a swish, both human figures and flowers, plants and trees were shattered at this moment.

When the sight was adjusted again, it returned to the original magma river.

As soon as Jun Muqian opened his eyes, he saw the illusory shadow floating in the sky, floating and sinking.

Jun Muxian: ...

Illusory Shadow: ...

The weird silence struck again.

Jun Muqian thought to himself, if Tiandao could really speak and was a living person, he would probably react like this now——

I haven't even blinked a few times, why the hell did you come out again? !

But she didn't expect that the two levels set by Tiandao were just restrained by each of them, and they still broke through quickly without even a pause.

If she had the will of heaven, she would have chosen to kill him head-on. She was simply too shameless to show off to others.

After another long period of silence, Illusory Shadow spoke again, still in a cold tone: The second level has been passed, the third level...

Wait a minute. Jun Muzhen suddenly interrupted the illusory shadow, I have something else to do. Don't worry. I didn't say you have to pass the third level without breathing, right?

Tiandao: ...

Very good. Jun Muqian had a cowardly look on her face, and then she turned around with a solemn look on her face, worried, If you have no heart, will it really not affect your body?

Normally speaking, one cannot live without a heart, but once one's cultivation reaches a certain level, it doesn't matter.

But in this case, because of physical defects, they are unable to reach the ultimate level in cultivation, and they often die early.

Although she and Ying Zijin had known each other for a long time, she still didn't know where her best friend came from.

It's not like she hasn't asked before, but to this, Ying Zijin's answer was forgot.

No. Ying Zijin pondered for a moment, Well... I seem to remember that I threw away my heart myself. If it affects my body, I shouldn't throw it away.

Jun Muxian: ???

Her throat moved, and she was slightly incredulous: Ying Zijin, are you okay? You actually lost your heart on your own?

I only remembered it in the past few days. Ying Zijin pressed his eyebrows, No wonder I don't remember much about the past. It seems to be the sequelae of losing my heart.

What's going on? Jun Muxian's expression gradually turned ugly, Why did you throw away your heart?

Ying Zijin sighed: I don't remember this. It's probably not a good thing. It has no other influence on me besides being ruthless.

If the heart is gone, it will be gone, and it will save trouble.

You don't even remember it, and you know it's a good thing or a bad thing? Jun Muqian frowned, When the prehistoric affairs are finished, I will accompany you to search for your heart in the universe. After I find it, I will look again. what's going on.

Okay, I'll listen to you. Ying Zijin raised his hand, Let's continue to clear the level. Don't let this kind of thing ruin your mood.

Tiandao: ...

I'm sorry you still remember to clear the level.

Jun Muqian's eyebrows were calm, and she agreed, but she suddenly said coldly: Although you say you are a heartless person, in fact, whoever treats you sincerely, you will give back tenfold and a hundredfold.

No one with love can reach your level.

Ying Zijin narrowed his eyes and was silent.

Okay, it's your turn, tell me. Jun Muxian looked at the illusory shadow, What is the third level?

I don’t know if it was a serious blow, but Illusive Shadow’s voice became more mechanical: “In this third level, you only need to answer one question.”

Oh? Jun Muqian raised his head, If you answer correctly, you can get the Book of Life and Death?

The illusory shadow is just a projection of the consciousness of heaven. Naturally, it will not answer this question, and its voice is cold and hard: Go against heaven, or go with heaven?

Go against heaven, or go with heaven!

Jun Muqian's eyes suddenly narrowed and he smiled suddenly: So I'm waiting here.

The first two levels are indeed difficult, but they are not as good as this third level.

Yes, it seems to be a simple question, but no matter which answer it is, it is a dead end.

If she answered that she wanted to go with the flow, it would be equivalent to admitting that it was a mistake for them to come here, and the Book of Life and Death should not be restored.

And if she chooses to go against heaven, she will be scolding Heaven in front of Heaven. Heaven will definitely be furious, and it will be even less likely to give her a chance to restore her life and death.


There seems to be no choice at all.

However, Jun Muqian still remembered what Ying Zijin had said before that among the more than 10,000 futures, there were twenty-three outcomes for them to restore the original dead book, which proved that this problem could be solved.

So what should you answer to pass this third level perfectly?

If you give the wrong answer, I'm afraid you will never be reincarnated.

Jun Muqian simply sat on a stubborn rock next to him and fell into deep thought.

The illusory shadow also stood still in the air and made no more noise.

There was silence for a stick of incense, and then Heavenly Dao made a sound again. It was a countdown, cold and without temperature, like a fist, hitting people's hearts again and again.

Ten, nine, eight,...four, three, two...

Just when one was about to hit the ground, Jun Muqian raised his head and suddenly smiled: I have already thought about how to answer.

She stood up and looked at the illusory shadow with sharp eyes but a smile on her lips.

You asked me whether I should go with heaven or go against heaven. In fact, you didn't even think about me passing. You just wanted to kill me, but it's a pity -

I don't follow heaven, nor do I go against heaven, because I don't have heaven in my heart!

The voice of the illusory shadow suddenly stopped and made a buzzing sound, as if the energy had been drained and could no longer be maintained.

But Jun Muqian was still smiling: The ancient wilderness was vast, and thousands of people worshiped it. However, today the earth is dark and blind, yin and yang are reversed, and black and white cannot be distinguished. You ignore the laws of heaven and leave all souls in the dark night.

Then before dawn, I will be the light.

She raised her head, stared at the illusory shadow, and said word by word: Are you satisfied?

Buzz buzz...bang!

The imaginary shadow shook more and more, and finally exploded and turned into mist that filled the sky and scattered all over the place.

And at the same moment when Jun Muzhen finished speaking, the young man in purple who was sitting cross-legged outside the void suddenly opened his eyes.

A dab of cinnabar on his eyebrows formed a sharp contrast with his fair skin.

A head of silver hair is as misty as clouds, as if there are stars falling on it, floating green and flowing elixir, bright and clear.

Behind the young man in purple are thousands of stars rolling past, vast and boundless.

Lying on nine layers of clouds, I am the leader.

Outside the dark yellow sky and earth, a qi energy transforms into a Hongjun!

Daozu Hongjun!

What a 'Heart without Heaven'. Hongjun raised his head, looked at the ancient world in the distance, narrowed his eyes, and said lightly, What a 'Before dawn, I am the light'...

Okay, that's really good.

This tone is really familiar...

Naturally, there was no voice in the void to answer him.

After all, apart from Hongjun, no other demon god can come here right now.

I've been with you for so long, and this is the first time I've seen you deflated. Hongjun smiled, quite a bit gloating, How does this feel?

These words were obviously spoken to the way of heaven.

A few seconds later, Hongjun said again: Yes, I can't interfere with your decision, but the three barriers you set have been broken, and you can't stop them.

As soon as these words came out, the stars around him rolled even more violently, as if they were roaring something.

But can we get the Book of Life and Death... Hongjun sighed, But it's difficult.

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