The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1180 Asking for love! Tiandao who was confused by the Lord【1 update】

Before the cold voice fell, Jun Muxian felt his vision blur.

It was blurry for more than ten seconds before it became clear again.

There was a sound of wind blowing by, making the sound noisy.

Now, in front of Jun Muzhen and Ying Zijin is no longer the endless hell in the mirror hell, but a vast and boundless plain.

The sky and earth were pitch black, with only a few stars twinkling in the sky. The remaining clouds covered the crescent moon, and the atmosphere was gloomy.

And this plain is not empty. On the contrary, it is filled with different mirrors. They are so densely packed that at a glance, you can't even count them and you can't see the end of them.

Maze? Jun Muqian looked around, thoughtfully, Many mirrors.

It was also at this moment that the cold voice sounded above the two people's heads again, without any emotion.

The first level, time limit, one hour.

If it is not completed, you will never be reincarnated.

Jun Muqian's eyebrows moved.

What a harsh punishment!

No wonder it is said that destiny is irreversible. If you want to change the determined result, you are fighting against the way of heaven. At the least, your cultivation will regress, and at worst, the body will die and the way will disappear.

Heaven is ruthless and will not show any mercy to the world. It will only operate according to the laws it should have.

Therefore, those who are good at divination will never do it easily.

Ying Zijin nodded: I'll come.

No, don't forget it. Jun Muqian shook her head and stopped, This first level is not difficult. I can do it. What if there is a level that I can't break?

Although Ying Zijin is very strong in hexagrams, except for those who control chaos, no one can escape the control of heaven, and they are among them.

What if after all this calculation, the law of heaven comes back to bite Ying Zijin?

When Ying Zijin divined her life, he had already lost a hundred thousand years of cultivation.

She couldn't gamble anymore.

After hearing this, Ying Zijin didn't say much and stood aside.

Jun Muqian looked at the mirrors in front of her carefully and noticed that in every mirror, there were reflections of her and Ying Zijin, which were the same as their real bodies.

When she moves, the thousands of shes in the mirror are also moving.

Obviously, there must be something special in these mirrors, and she just needs to find that something special in order to open up a way through the level.

Jun Muqian knew that this was a test set by Heaven. Naturally, it would not be as simple as an illusion. Everything they experienced was real. It would not work to use the method of breaking the illusion to pass the first level. .

She pondered for a long time, then walked straight to a mirror and raised her hand.

At the same time, she in the mirror also raised her hand.

Originally, the movements inside and outside the mirror were consistent, but suddenly!

The woman in purple in the mirror suddenly changed her expression, showing a slightly ferocious look. The next second, a hand came out from the mirror and directly locked Jun Muzhen's wrist with great strength, as if It's like dragging her into the mirror.

Ying Zijin's expression changed slightly, and when he was about to step forward, he saw that Jun Maqian's eyes did not even waver. The power of the soul burst out from his body in an instant, sweeping the front mirror in an instant.


With a crisp sound, the mirror completely shattered and fell to the ground with a clatter.

The mirror image no longer exists.

At the same time as this mirror cracked, the reflections in the surrounding mirrors were clearly panicked and flew quickly, but they were still captured by Jun Muzhen.

Yes, it's as I guessed. She took a step back and stood in the center, We can't get close to these mirrors, otherwise the mirror images inside will bring us into the mirror world.

Ying Zijin nodded slightly: But we can't get out of here without getting close to these mirrors.


There are mirrors all around, and there is not even a passable road.

She tried it just now, but she couldn't move forward by flying from a high place.

It's not like the reflections in all mirrors will change. Jun Muqian curled her lips, If my guess is right, this first level is so difficult. It must be because God didn't want us to restore our destiny.

If Heaven wanted it, then it would be impossible for the Book of Life and Death to be destroyed.

Oh? Ying Zijin raised his eyebrows slightly, Jun Muqian, do you already have a solution?

If it had been someone else today, I'm afraid he would have been reincarnated forever. Jun Muxian flexed his knuckles, But when it comes to me, having twice as many mirrors is useless.

It is true that this is not an illusion. Heaven has the ability to construct this place to be the same as reality.

But no matter how strong the way of heaven is, it is still inferior to the great road.

There is simply not enough to see about her who possesses the Great Way of the Heart.

Jun Muqian raised his head, glanced around briefly, and walked straight towards a mirror.

She didn't look sideways, as if she didn't see the reflections glaring at her in the other mirrors, and passed directly through that mirror.

Just hearing a buzz and a fluctuation in the space, I saw the mirror twisting, and then slowly disappeared.

Let's go. Jun Muqian waved to the woman in black, Follow me closely, don't accidentally get eaten by these mirrors.

Don't worry. Ying Zijin stepped forward slowly and said in a slow tone, Although I am quite delicate, I won't fall down if the wind blows.

Jun Muxian was relieved: You finally realized the fact that you are fragile.

The two of them walked back and forth between countless mirrors without stopping.

Towards the end, the speed becomes faster and faster, and only a connected afterimage can be seen, moving very fast.

After passing through the last mirror, her vision blurred again. After it became clear, Jun Maqian found that she was standing next to the long river of magma again.

The illusory shadow was still floating quietly above, but it seemed as if it hadn't seen them and didn't make a sound.

Jun Muqian waited for more than ten seconds and couldn't bear it any longer. She raised her hand and waved it in front of the illusory shadow: Where's the next level?


Still no answer.

This was a very long period of silence. Obviously Tiandao did not expect that such a difficult first level would be broken in less than ten minutes, so he fell into a state of self-doubt.

Jun Muxian paused for a while and then asked: Are you still alive?

What's going on with Heavenly Dao? Are you still taking a break?

Not dedicated.

After a full three minutes, the illusory shadow seemed to have received the instruction and mechanically made a voice: Congratulations to both of you for passing the first level. The second level begins.


As soon as the words fell, a breeze rose from the ground, wrapping Jun Muzhen and Ying Zijin, and the space shook violently.


As soon as the wind stopped, his strength was relieved, and Jun Muxian stood firm.

She squinted her eyes and looked up, but she was startled: No...

It seems so. Ying Zijin also opened his eyes, Interesting, God is ruthless, but he wants to test our affection.

Jun Muqian's expression slightly condensed.

This is no other place, it is the ambush place where she and Ying Zijin were hunted down in their previous life.

Just outside the illusory universe, the demonic realm, and a barren mountain.

The reason why they were ambushed was because they formed a feud with a force in the Demon Realm when they were competing for the Qingshuang Lianlian.

People in the Demon Realm are extremely easy to kill, and they are even more irritable. Those in high positions will naturally not allow the things they like to be taken away.

The Qingshuang Linglian finally came into her hands, but the leader of the force couldn't compete with it, so he went to Linghui and offered a high price for her and Ying Zijin's route, and then set a trap to catch them all.

At that time, they were all in the Immortal Realm. This level of cultivation was considered high in the Lower Five Realms, but in the Demon Realm, they could only be considered as middle-level. Naturally, they could not defeat the men under the command of a power lord.

Although they managed to escape in the end, they were indeed seriously injured.

Of course, Jun Muxian couldn't suffer such a loss. Later, when her cultivation improved, she killed him again and directly destroyed this force.

But that time was also one she absolutely didn't want to think about.

In order to save each other, they fought their way out of the siege and suffered countless injuries. Her physical body was stronger and was in good condition, but Ying Zijin was almost dying from his injuries.

But now, Tiandao has directly peeked into their memories and condensed such a level. It is clearly to test their friendship and see if this friendship is truly life-or-death, no matter the cost.

Jun Mu raised his eyes slightly, looked at this familiar place, and slightly raised his lips: I'm afraid that Tiandao will make a mistake again. How can a heartless thing understand a loving person?

After just a few words of conversation between the two, hundreds of demon cultivators came out of the surrounding area, with ferocious faces and eager eyes, no different from what they had experienced before.

Jun Muqian was about to take action, but suddenly, she discovered something was wrong, and her eyes suddenly froze!

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