The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1164 Little Beauty: Ugly monsters should not be cute in the first place [1 update]

He actually has such a physique!

He always thought it was just a legend!

Unexpectedly, he actually saw it on a newborn baby.

If the humanoid black mist had facial features at this time, he would definitely burst into laughter. He was so happy that he started dancing and laughing wildly: God helps me! God helps me!

Originally he only thought about holding back Tianyu Shaojun, Lingzhuzi and this stinky girl today, but now he has changed his mind, he wants to eat this little baby!

In this way, he doesn't have to kill Lingzhuzi and can use Lingzhuzi's body for his own use, helping him to quickly condense his body.

After eating this little baby, he can now rule the entire prehistoric era and kill all Hongjun and Nuwa!

Sure enough, someone would give him a pillow when he fell asleep. This ancient heaven still favored him.

The humanoid black mist looked greedily at the little dumpling in Rong Qing's arms, wishing he could pounce on it immediately.

But no matter how arrogant he is, he knows that this is the son of Young Master Tianyu. It is not that easy to snatch him away. He has to make careful calculations.

How could Jun Muxian not notice the movement of Heiwu? Her eyes suddenly became serious: You are looking for death!

Rong Qingzhong raised his eyes slightly, but without saying a word, he just took action.

With just a finger pointing in the distance, even the moves were useless, the spiritual power suddenly surged, and the space was pierced with a whoosh sound!

This power was so huge that just where it surged, the mountains on both sides of the Naihe Bridge collapsed in an instant, and the Wangchuan River that spanned half of the land also surged violently!


The blow was so fast that even the humanoid black mist had no time to dodge. He received Rong Qing's finger abruptly and immediately let out a shrill scream.

Stab, stab, stab!

A harsh cracking sound was heard, and the human-shaped black mist actually split open inch by inch, turning into powder in the air until not a single trace was left!

Nezha's pupils shrank, the fingers covering the fire-tip gun tightened, and he suddenly looked at the man in scarlet clothes, his eyes dark.

He can conclude that the power of this move far exceeds that of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, even!

It is possible to be above the saints of heaven!

At least Taoist Jie Yin's attack power was incomparable to Rong Qing's.

Not to mention, Rong Qing was controlled a lot in the Illusory Universe. In terms of his true strength, he was probably on par with Dao Ancestor Hongjun.

The two emperors of Tianyu are already terrible, but their son is also so strong?

Nezha subconsciously glanced at the little beauty who was so sleepy that she fell asleep, and understood.

No wonder, this black mist actually caught the attention of the little guy. This little guy seems to be just the son of Jun Maqian and Rong Qing, but in fact he is the combination of two universes. He also carries two universes. The power of the universe.

Jun Muqian's eyes darkened: Dead?

She knew that Rong Qing's style of fighting the enemy was like this. Although it looked calm and calm without any disturbance, it was actually extremely terrifying and difficult to resist.

Their attack methods happen to be opposite, but they are also complementary.

Rong Qing's eyes remained motionless, but her voice was cold: No, never.

It’s these three words that just came to light——

Jun Muqian was shocked to see that the black mist that had been dispersed began to condense again at this moment!

A faint black color floated in the air that was originally filled with the spirit of death. The black color gradually deepened and slowly transformed into a human form!

Time, less than three breaths!

Bai Wuchang was shocked: Holy crap, how come his vitality is stronger than a ghost like me?

Nezha: ...Shut your mouth.

Jie Jie Jie - the humanoid black mist moved his arms, his voice was still filled with pain, his head was looking straight ahead, he was proud and arrogant, Young Lord Tianyu, I forgot to tell you You, no one in this world can kill me!

He suddenly opened his arms, looked up to the sky and laughed: Because this master is immortal!

The inner demon will not be destroyed, and the owner will not die, but how can the inner demon be destroyed?

Every living thing has inner demons. Even if you had to do it over again, don't even think about winning against me!

Jun Muqian's heart suddenly sank.

Although she could not yet deduce the origin of the humanoid black mist, she had to admit that what the humanoid black mist said was good.

It is impossible to extinguish things like inner demons.

Unless...kill all the creatures under the Heavenly Saint!

But in this way, what is the difference between destroying the ancient world?

Seeing that none of the three people spoke, the humanoid black mist became even more proud: I advise you not to waste your efforts and obediently let me eat this little guy, otherwise I will rely on my immortality to consume you to death. it's here.

Rong Qing raised his eyes, his expression could not tell the difference between happiness and anger, but his momentum gradually grew: You can give it a try.

... The human form of Heiwu was a little wary, Young Master Tianyu, I don't want to be your enemy. As long as you give me the little guy in your arms, I will not do anything that you blocked me in the past. You can let bygones be bygones.

It's just a son. You are young and strong, are you still worried about not being able to have a child? Besides, the boss is you, so I won't just guard a yellow-haired girl, hugging her from left to right. How nice-!

Once again, the humanoid black mist was dispersed, and the screams became even more tragic.

But Jun Muqian knew that the human form of black mist could still be restored.

Continuing like this is simply not an option.

At this time, the little dumpling in Rong Qing's arms moved and he was awakened.

Mother, what's wrong? The little beauty rubbed her eyes, opened her eyes, her pupils were wet, Mother, I didn't mean to do it, I was too sleepy.

Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed sharply and softened in an instant: It's okay, just go on sleeping. When you wake up, you can see your grandparents.

Huh? The little beauty sat up and raised her head in confusion, Wow, where did this ugliness come from, mother, I'm going to go blind.

After saying that, Xiaotuanzi covered his eyes with his hands. His expression was still very sad, as if he had suffered a major blow in his life.

The humanoid black mist that was waiting for an opportunity said: ???

How could there be such an ugly person? The little beauty was about to cry, but thinking that men cannot cry, she suddenly opened her eyes again and said angrily, How dare you come out to scare my mother when you look like this? I'll hit you!

As he said that, he really clenched his fist and waved towards the humanoid black mist.

With a swish sound, the energy surged.

Jun Muxian: ...

Rong Qing: ...

Nezha: ...

Bai Wuchang was stunned: Grandma Grandma, Grandpa Zu is still... quite fierce, isn't he?

Although this blow did not seem to cause any damage to the humanoid black mist, Jun Muzhen clearly felt the humanoid black mist fluctuate, and it was obvious that he was really injured.

Her expression tightened.

No, Xiaotuanzi must be sent back as soon as possible. There must be no further delay.

Hmph, the little guy is really talented, but that doesn't hide your incredible physique. The humanoid Black Mist laughed angrily, The more you call me ugly, the more I will eat you!

After saying that, he stepped forward and headed towards the direction of Xiaotuanzi. There seemed to be a bloody mouth on the head without facial features. He let out a ferocious laugh: Don't think about struggling, just turn into a monster. Let me nourish you!


the other side--

Sun Wukong, who was following Hei Wuchang, suddenly stopped. He touched his chin, frowned and said to himself: I, Sun, feel that something is wrong.

Su Qingli was stunned: Great Sage, what's wrong?

In the past, when my old grandson came to the underworld, King Qin Guang would definitely come out and kneel down to greet him. Sun Wukong said, Not to mention Cui Jue, but today they have not come. Is it strange?

Su Qingli considered it for a moment: Maybe they just don't know that the Great Sage is coming?

Sun Wukong smiled: There was such a big movement at that time, how could you not know about it?

Su Qingli was silent.

Black kid. Sun Wukong turned his head and narrowed his eyes, Is there something you are hiding from me in the underworld?

Hei Wuchang was still expressionless, not because he was not afraid of Sun Wukong, but because he was a facial paralysis: Great Sage, I was given a silence order, so I can't answer it.

You don't need to answer. Sun Wukong waved his hand lightly, You only need to tell me, Old Sun, where this guy, King Qin Guang, is.

Hearing this, Hei Wuchang fell silent and struggled.

Reason tells him that he shouldn't say it, but if he doesn't say it, will it...

In the end, Hei Wuchang still said with a stiff face: Great Sage, I am just a soul seducer, how can I know where Lord Yan has gone?

Hehe, if you didn't tell me, I would have guessed it. Sun Wukong stopped smiling and suddenly sneered, Just when my junior sister was about to use the book of life and death, something like this happened in the underworld. It can be seen that What kind of intentions does King Qin Guang have in mind?

Su Qingli got the message from the talisman at this time, and her expression changed: Great Sage, Xiao Qian said that King Qin Guang wants to destroy the Book of Life and Death, and they are in the Infinite Hell.

Hei Wuchang's expression changed.

Get out of the way. The golden cudgel in Sun Wukong's hand pointed at Hei Wuchang's head, You know, if my stick goes down, you won't be able to do anything.

Hei Wuchang gritted his teeth: Please, the Great Sage, don't embarrass me.

Sun Wukong glanced at Hei Wuchang casually, plucked out a monkey hair, and blew a breath.


Next to the Monkey King, another monkey exactly like him appeared, also carrying a golden hoop.


Hei Wuchang froze, he knew that he could not stop Sun Wukong at all, let alone him, the Tenth Palace King of Hell could only barely resist when he came out.

Let's go to the Infinite Hell. Sun Wukong ignored Hei Wuchang. He lifted Su Qingli up and used teleportation to arrive at the gate of the Infinite Hell.

This movement was not small, and it immediately alerted Abang Rakshasa, who was guarding the Infernal Hell.

In an instant, the swords all came out of their sheaths, and a cold light suddenly appeared.


What answered them was not a voice, but a huge golden stick.

With a bang, the screams resounded throughout the world, rising and falling, making people's eardrums hurt.

The next second, the tall and straight Monkey King appeared. He looked very disgusted: Without a beating, really without a beating, I, Old Sun, haven't done anything yet.

Su Qingli's mouth twitched.

A good one hasn't done much yet.

These Abang Rakshasa were all in the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and they were wiped out by the group in one move.

Great Sage?! King Qin Guang, who was guarding the gate of the Infinite Hell, had waves on his face that had not changed for thousands of years, and his muscles twitched violently, Why did he come?

Doesn’t it mean that Sun Wukong is not in the main plane?

Cui Jue was also confused: Yan Jun, I don't know either.

King Qin Guang took a heavy breath, obviously very angry. He clenched his fists, walked up, and smiled stiffly: Why didn't the Great Sage not notify you in advance when he came to the earth realm?

When Sun Wukong heard this, he turned around and said with a half-smile, King Qin Guang, do you still recognize me?

What did the Great Sage say? How could the little king not know the Great Sage? King Qin Guang's forehead was already sweating. It's just that I haven't seen the Great Sage for a long time, and the little Wang still misses him a lot.

Su Qingli bluntly exposed it: It is indeed a ghost telling lies.

Only then did King Qin Guang notice Su Qingli's presence, and his expression changed: Why are you here? You are...

In an instant, he realized it.

King Qin Guang sneered: Even if you hook up with the Great Sage, without the Jade Emperor's will, you can't even think about releasing those wandering souls from the Infinite Hell.

Su Qingli's eyes turned cold: Then you can destroy the Book of Life and Death?

Whether the Book of Life and Death is destroyed or not has nothing to do with you. King Qin Guang said coldly to Sun Wukong, I am really too busy today, so I cannot entertain the great sage. Cui Jue, send me off to the great sage.

However, Cui Jue failed to take a step forward at all.

The golden cudgel was lying in front of him, as if it was about to be knocked down at any moment.

King Qin Guang's voice became even colder: What does the Great Sage mean?

King Qin Guang, you are not the King of Hell, but you are the lackey of the Jade Emperor. Are you tired of living? Sun Wu smiled coldly and said in a solemn tone, Today, I will destroy your soul!

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