The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1165 Rong Jinhuai: Call me? The Emperor of Heaven is coming! 【2 more】

As soon as these words came out, King Qin Guang's expression changed drastically!

Cui Jue was also shocked and said hurriedly: Great Sage, please calm down! Great Sage, please calm down!

Who among them doesn't know Sun Wukong's strength?

This rogue monkey has never even paid attention to heaven, so how can he be afraid of the underworld?

King Qin Guang is the leader of the ten kings of hell. If he is deposed, the underworld will fall apart. At least now there is no one who can take the place of King Qin Guang.

Calm down? Sun Wukong looked at Cui Jue, Why should I, the old grandson, lower his status to vent his anger on you guys? But it is rare for me, the old grandson, to help my junior sister. We have no relationship between life and death. Today, you will all die.

Cui Jue's expression also changed drastically: Great Sage, this is absolutely impossible. You should really think twice.

Su Qingli sneered: Why do you think twice?

Jun Muqian told her that the book of life and death would have to be burned for seventy-seven and forty-nine hours before it would be completely destroyed, and now three hours have passed. If more time is wasted, who knows if the book of life and death can still be burned. The book is restored?

She simply couldn't imagine what she would do if the Hell was completely sealed.

That's enough, Cui Jue, there's no need to beg for mercy from him. King Qin Guang looked sternly, In the past, he forced you to change the book of life and death. I haven't avenged this revenge yet, so it's just right, let's settle it once and for all today!

Cui Jue and Qingdai were shocked when they heard this.

Is King Qin Guang crazy?

You actually want to go head-to-head with the Monkey King?

Sun Wukong narrowed his eyes, suddenly grabbed Su Qingli's shoulders, and suddenly teleported back dozens of meters.

At the same time as they left, there was a swish sound!

A huge colorful cloud instantly enveloped the place where they were standing.

The light on this cloud was extremely dazzling, and even with Su Qingli's initial cultivation level as a Daluo Jinxian, it was somewhat difficult to open her eyes.

The heavens are celebrating the clouds... Looking at the seven-colored clouds that were a hundred feet long, Sun Wukong's expression changed slightly, but he smiled, My son, you are really the loyal lackey of the Jade Emperor. Tian Qingyun was invited by you.

Innate spiritual treasure, the heavens celebrate!

Within Qingyun, the world of Hongmeng looms, with the sun, moon and stars shining in it!

Among the celebrating clouds, five-colored light illuminated the heavens, and eight-tone fairy music resounded throughout the world!

Beyond the Qingyun, countless golden lanterns, golden lotuses, necklaces, and hanging beads fell all over the sky from the Qingyun, like a steady stream of water dripping from the eaves.

But if you are fascinated by its beautiful appearance, you will be in serious trouble.

Zhutian Qingyun is a very powerful defensive magic weapon. Initially, it was a treasure used by Taoist ancestor Hongjun to protect himself. Later, after a sermon, he gave this spiritual treasure to his second disciple Yuanshi Tianzun. .

There is no upper limit to the power of the innate spiritual treasure, it still depends on who uses it.

If Daozu Hongjun uses it, he will naturally be invincible in the world.

Yuanshi Tianzun used it, and his teacher Hongjun also had to spend time to break it.

The defense level of Zhutian Qingyun, used by King Qin Guang at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, is higher than the attack power of the peak Da Luo Jinxian of Hunyuan!

And Sun Wukong is now in the early stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Although he is a spiritual stone monkey, he has inherited part of Nuwa's power, and with the Dinghai Divine Needle in his hand, it will probably take a lot of effort to really break through the defenses of Qingyun in the heavens. strength.

But time waits for no one.

Zhutian Qingyun? More than that! King Qin Guang's confidence increased after he sacrificed Zhutian Qingyun. He shouted, Wuji Xinghuang Banner!

There was another swish sound, and the sound of wind came through the air.

Then I saw a flag suddenly appeared in front of the heavenly Qingyun, standing on the spot, fluttering in the wind.

This flag is golden yellow and its light is equally dazzling.

Innate spiritual treasure, Wuji Xinghuang Banner!

One of the five flags, transformed from the chaotic green lotus leaf!

Thousands of golden lotuses, nothing can break them, all evils can be avoided, and all laws can't invade!

It is also a defensive magic weapon, comparable to Zhutian Qingyun. Although it cannot be compared with Donghuang Taiyi's Chaos Bell, its power is second only to Taishang Laojun's Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower!

The two defensive innate spiritual treasures came out at the same time, and the saint of heaven had to work hard when he came.

Sun Wukong's expression finally became more solemn.

Seeing this, King Qin Guang smiled coldly and looked extremely contemptuous: Sun Wukong, you are powerful, but you have been kicked out of the master by the ancestor a long time ago. Without the help of magic weapons, I will see how you can break my defense!

After saying that, he waved his hand again and ordered: Stop this monkey. After seventy-seven forty-nine hours, there will be nothing he can do!




The black mist was dispersed again and again, but also condensed again and again.

After the black mist condensed and took shape for the umpteenth time, Jun Muqian said in a deep voice: Beautiful Qing, he chose to stop us at this time, obviously because this is the earth and there are many wandering souls. Likewise, the inner demons will be even stronger.

After death, most people will have wishes, otherwise they would have to drink Meng Po Soup and forget about the past.

Some people are relieved, but some people are unwilling, and this unwillingness will turn into inner demons.

In turn, these inner demons are nourishing the human form of black mist, making its power inexhaustible.

And they have to allocate part of their attention to protect Xiaotuanzi, which makes them even more constrained.

But the human form of Black Mist is different. He is trying to grab Xiaotuanzi despite the consequences of being scattered.

Hmph, you are indeed stubborn. Don't worry, of course I won't be stupid enough to kill you. The humanoid Black Mist smiled sinisterly, If I kill Young Master Tianyu, I won't be waiting for the twins of Tianyu. Did the emperor come to your door?

But I must have this little doll!

The human-shaped black mist suddenly moved again, and the aura of the inner demon also surged.

Rong Qing's eyebrows were cold, and he took action again, still dispersing the black mist with a single finger.

But this time, Heiwu had obviously become wiser. He actually used a wandering soul next to him to turn into a wisp of inner demon mist, and rolled out the little beauty in Rong Qing's arms.


Jun Muqian's expression changed drastically, and when he chased after him, it was already too late.

After Heiwu succeeded, he immediately withdrew, no longer confronting Rong Qing head-on.

Jie Jie Jie...hasn't this owner succeeded? The humanoid black mist seemed to be a little afraid of the little beauty, and did not dare to touch it himself. He just wrapped the little dumpling with a spirit of inner demons, My Lord I have been dealing with you for so long just to consume your physical strength, but you want to fight with me with the strength of an ant, which is simply ridiculous!

The head of the humanoid black mist turned to the man in scarlet clothes and smiled sarcastically: Young Master Tianyu, I have to admit that you are already very powerful, so powerful that you can be compared with the former Japanese master at his peak! It's a pity that this is the prehistoric period. , you can’t release too much power at all.”

Unless you control a universe like your parents! If you want to kill me on my own territory, you are overestimating your own capabilities!

Don't even think about moving. If you do, I will kill your son immediately.

Rong Qing clenched his fingers, his eyes filled with raging murderous intent.

The humanoid black mist noticed it and quickly pushed away a few steps.

Although he could recover after being scattered, it didn't mean that he wasn't injured.

Young Master Tianyu is indeed extremely scary, but it is really a pity that such a scary person has weaknesses.

Nezha was also exhausted. He took a breath and said, No, he is really too weird. I have never seen anything so weird.

Even if you can't be beaten to death, you can still have countless clones. As long as the inner demon is there, you are invincible.

Mother, don't be afraid. The little beauty was caught by the black mist, but she was unexpectedly calm and comforted her, I will be fine, mother, don't be afraid.

Mother is not afraid. Jun Muzhen's throat moved and she clenched her fingers tightly, Don't worry, mother will definitely keep you safe and sound.

Even if she died here today, she would never allow anything to happen to the little guy.

Rong Qing noticed her strange movement and grabbed her hand suddenly, with a serious look in his eyes: Mumu, let me come. I can't accept even one of you getting hurt.

Jun Muqian took a deep breath: Come together.

Hahahaha, saving people from my master? What crazy talk are you talking about? Do you really not know my master's strength yet? Hearing this, the humanoid black mist laughed wildly, Unless today's two emperors of the sky Come in person, otherwise you will never save your son!

But how could they come? Hahahaha, the one who has the last laugh today is still me!

After taunting him, he grabbed Xiaotuanzi and was about to leave the realm, quickly escaping.

But, at this moment——

Really? A low and deep laughter sounded, and every byte was extremely tantalizing, like a lingering whisper between lovers, But how can you tell that I won't come?

At the same time as this voice came out, there was also a huge coercion across the universe!

It instantly enveloped the entire realm!


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