The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1163 Head-on confrontation! Husband and wife join forces【2 updates】

Jie Jie!


The dark and cold laughter echoed in the heaven and earth where Naihe Bridge was located, making the whole underworld buzz.

More and more wandering souls were torn apart by unknown forces, and the screams were continuous and very penetrating.

Bai Wuchang was also shocked. He had been an official in the underworld for hundreds of thousands of years. He had never seen such a scene before, and he was stunned for a moment.

And the force that came from the Six Paths of Reincarnation was approaching towards the Naihe Bridge. The buzzing sound was dense and loud, and suddenly there was a violent wind and waves, and the energy surged swish!

Jun Muqian's pupils shrank: Quickly retreat!

She picked up Bai Wuchang who was in a daze, and quickly rushed to the other side with Rong Qing and Nezha who were holding Xiaotuanzi.

And the next second they left——


The Naihe Bridge was directly blown into pieces, and a large number of wandering souls were instantly turned into ashes. They were completely dead before they even had time to scream.

Once the soul is destroyed, it will completely return to chaos, and there will be no chance of reincarnation.

Nezha's expression froze slightly, and with a quick flip of his wrist, the Hundian Ling appeared instantly, turning into strips of red ribbons, rolling out like clouds, wrapping up the wandering souls that had not yet been affected. Quickly moved to the other side.

This is also the moment!

Boom boom boom!

Explosions rang out one after another at the Six Paths of Reincarnation. The local officials guarding in front of each reincarnation had already been killed by the violent force, and no other officials had time to close the door to the Six Paths of Reincarnation to stop the explosion.

The six gates, which were a thousand feet high, were unable to resist this series of explosions. In the blink of an eye, they burst open instantly!

Without the support of the gate, the entrance to the Six Paths of Reincarnation was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, but in just a short breath, it completely disappeared.

The six paths of reincarnation are closed!


To be precise, the six paths of reincarnation have completely left the underworld!

Jun Muqian's fingers suddenly tightened, and her eyes changed again and again: Has the Book of Life and Death been destroyed?

If not, how could the six realms of reincarnation be suddenly closed?

Not to mention whether this collapse can send Xiaotuanzi back to the illusory universe, the prehistoric reincarnation will completely collapse, wandering souls will wreak havoc in the world, and there will be nowhere to turn, and those who are still in reincarnation will also be completely lost.

For a universe, reincarnation is the most important thing. Without reincarnation, the universe is not far from destruction.

Could it be that the destruction of the ancient world was still about to begin, and she couldn't stop it at all?

No, the Book of Life and Death has not been destroyed yet. Nezha held the fire-pointed spear tightly, his eyes darkening, The Book of Life and Death is a book from the ground, and it is one of the top ten innate spiritual treasures at the same level as the Feng Shen Bang.

If you want to destroy the Book of Life and Death, you must burn it in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire and the Red Lotus Fire for seven to forty-nine hours. It is obvious that the collapse of the Six Paths of Reincarnation has nothing to do with the Book of Life and Death.

Mumu, don't worry. Rong Qing covered the little guy's eyes, then turned his head and said, Although the door to the Six Paths of Reincarnation is closed, the Six Paths of Reincarnation is still there, and it's easy to reopen it.

Jun Muqian heard the words and was about to say something when a sinister laughter came to his ears, which was very penetrating.


Young Master Tianyu, your words are too arrogant.


As the laughter fell, a figure slowly gathered.

After the six gates leading to the Six Paths of Reincarnation were closed, only a golden desolate world remained.

At this moment, above this desolate place, human-shaped black mist was slowly approaching.

The strong inner demon aura surged, and every step he took, the ground would be corroded by an inch.

Bai Wuchang finally came to his senses at this moment. When he saw the scene in front of him, he immediately looked horrified: What is this?

Although Nezha had never actually met the black mist, the familiar aura allowed him to be sure that the person chasing him was sent by the black mist.

At the same time, he also has a psychological disgust.

All the wandering souls rescued by Nezha had already run away, and there were only three people and one ghost left in the huge place.

The black mist is walking slowly, no different from ordinary people, except that it still has no physical body and facial features, like a shadow, looking extremely ferocious.

Jun Muqian's eyes gradually solidified.

She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen Kurogiri, but it couldn't have been a long time.

Last time, the black mist was just a mist, just like the clouds in the sky, but now it has turned into a human form!

The black mist is indeed alive!

Even the black mist was originally a person, but it was scattered for some reason and turned into the black mist.

And now, the black mist is slowly turning into a human.

Jun Muqian knew without thinking that if the black mist completely turned into a human being, Honghuang would definitely be in complete crisis!

And the destroyed prehistoric world must have been made of black mist.

Jie Jie Jie... What good luck. The head of the humanoid black mist moved stiffly, I finally came out, let's see who I met.

His laughter amplified: Ling Zhuzi, Tianyu Young Master, and you, a yellow-haired girl.

Hearing this, Bai Wuchang scratched his head: I'm here too, why don't you add me?

Is it because he is not famous?

The humanoid black mist was originally intended to intimidate Jun Muqian, but with Bai Wuchang's words, his hard-working momentum was shattered, and he was so angry that he almost came to life.

He laughed angrily: A little seducer actually dares to question this master?!

Hey, good, good! Unexpectedly, Bai Wuchang smiled happily, So you know me, you should have told me earlier.

It seems that he is quite famous, and he is on the same level as the third prince, so he is satisfied.

Humanoid black mist: ...

Nezha glanced at Bai Wuchang speechlessly and slipped him behind him, fearing that this idiot would destroy him to death in a moment.

I didn't expect that you would actually show up in person. Jun Muqian looked at the human-shaped black mist, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said calmly, It seems that Yuanshi Tianzun and the Wu Clan are just pawns of yours. .”

Joke! The humanoid Black Mist heard this and sneered, Not to mention Yuan Shi and the Wu Clan, even Hongjun Nuwa can only be a pawn in the master's hands!

Nezha's expression changed: Did you lock me up?!

Huh, got it? The humanoid black mist didn't care, and just snorted coldly, How can I fight against the saint of heaven if I haven't fully recovered yet? Now that you know it, I will say it-

It was my master who resurrected the Twelve Ancestral Witches, and then asked Xuan Ming and Hou Tu to go to the Wa Palace to inform Nuwa that something big had happened. Tsk tsk, Nuwa really has the world in mind, and she followed her without even doubting the truth.

How could you know that this master had asked Yuan Shi to step into the trap a long time ago, and as soon as she left the Wa Palace, he locked her up so that she could no longer help the Three Realms!

Anger emerged in Nezha's eyes: You!

The humanoid black mist continued: Who knew that this Nuwa was restless in the cage, and she still wanted to help this one and this one, wouldn't this be consuming all her own essence?

Originally, she still had a little bit left, but who made her cover up the traces of the Fire of Chaos? Huh, I can't find the host of the Fire of Chaos now, but it doesn't mean that I can't find it forever, but Nuwa can only You are really stupid to wait for death slowly!

Jun Muqian's heart sank.

The person who helped her cover up the aura of Chaos Fire was actually Emperor Wa!

No wonder...

As for you - the human form of Heiwu finished his words, turned his head again, and smiled miserably, With Young Master Tianyu here, I can't kill you, but I can stop you from destroying my good things. , it can still be done.”

Jun Muqian's eyes turned cold: Sure enough, it's your handiwork!

Since Yuanshi Tianzun is Heiwu's subordinate, naturally the Heavenly Court will only obey Heiwu's orders.

But why must we destroy the Book of Life and Death?

Yes, it's my master's order. The humanoid black mist sneered, This master is not afraid of Emperor Jun, Dong Huang, let alone the daughter of the Ancestor of Styx, but Ksitigarbha will never think of him. Infinite hell!

Ksitigarbha? Nezha's expression changed, Ksitigarbha is in the Infinite Hell?!

Jun Muqian and Rong Qing looked at each other, feeling a little solemn in their hearts.

Ksitigarbha's practice of prophecy is indeed a huge threat to Black Mist.

Then, they must protect Ksitigarbha.

Jun Muqian whispered: Qingmei, I will put the little guy into the Hunyuan Bell. In a while, you and I will contain the black mist and let the spirit beads go to help senior brother.

Rong Qing tightened her fingers: Okay.

Huh? Why is there a child? The humanoid Hei Wu was laughing wildly, and suddenly discovered the little dumpling in Rong Qing's arms. He was stunned for a moment, and then burst out with an ecstatic scream, This little thing... …”

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