The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1162 Ksitigarbha appears! Six Paths of Reincarnation Collapse【1 update】

After seeing it, several Abang Rakshasas who were guarding the Infinite Hell quickly came up to greet him and bowed respectfully.

Jun Yan, Master Qing, Master Cui.

Yes. King Qin Guang nodded, Have there been any changes in the Infinite Hell recently?

The original name of the Infinite Hell is Abi Hell. Because Abi Hell is huge and vast, the wandering souls who are thrown here cannot escape and will suffer forever in Abi Hell, so it is named Infinite.

Over time, the former spread more widely, so the gods of the earth also called it this way.

There has never been a big movement. An Abang Rakshasa on the right took a step forward and bowed again. There are quite a few wandering souls who want to escape, but they are chained and naturally cannot escape.

King Qin Guang nodded.

The Infinite Hell is a place of punishment set up by Heaven. Even if Daluo Jinxian is beaten into it, there is no way to escape.

And because there are two of the ten original fires in the Infinite Purgatory - Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire and Red Lotus Karmic Fire, these two source fires are extremely harmful to the soul and soul.

The wandering souls who entered the endless hell could not survive or die, and could only suffer endless pain. King Qin Guang asked himself that he could not bear such torture. It was reasonable for a wandering soul to want to escape.

Keep watch. King Qin Guang waved his sleeves, I have something to go in to check. If you are outside, please don't come in.

Yes, Mr. Yan.

The Abang Rakshasas retreated and gave way to the gate of the Infinite Hell.

King Qin Guang took out the token seal and pressed it on the door.

With just a click sound, the thick black door cracked open.

And the door has just opened!

Suddenly, there was a swish of fire that flew from the inside and rushed straight towards King Qin Guang.

The light was dazzling, with an extremely hot aura, and the temperature was so high that several Abang Rakshasa screamed and turned into ashes.

Cui Jue was shocked and blurted out: Yan Jun, be careful!

King Qin Guang's expression turned cold and he did not dodge. He waved his hand to disperse the fire.

But at the same time, he himself took two steps back before he could stabilize his body, and his arm was also burned.

If King Qin Guang hadn't reacted in time, he might have lost a few of his fingers.

Qingdai's expression changed: Why does this Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire take the initiative to hurt people?

The Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire is not something from the underworld. King Qin Guang still showed no expression. While Lord Ksitigarbha was still here, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire was taken away by the Asura clan and only given to the Infernal Hell. Leave a little behind to burn your soul.

It rained red yesterday, and the ground was covered with a sea of ​​blood. Something big must have happened to the Asura clan, and the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire will naturally be ready to take action.

After saying that, he entered the black iron gate first, followed closely by Qingdai and Cui Jue.

What came into view was a sea made of flames, and countless wandering souls were scattered in it, all locked by black chains, making painful wailing sounds. The sound was extremely unpleasant and stung the eardrums.

As soon as King Qin Guang came in, many wandering souls immediately discovered his presence and frantically tried to rush over, making even sharper screams.

Among them were several Daluo Jinxian peaks. With such a movement, the iron chains immediately clanged, causing the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire to become even more intense.

Seeing this, Cui Jue sighed: Jiu Yanjun is right, the wandering souls here cannot be released, they are really extremely vicious!

He, the judge, was frightened when he saw it.

If these evil wandering souls were released, they would be full of hatred, and chaos would surely break out in the wilderness.

Qingdai disagreed: Cui Jue, you only saw one side. I saw that the wandering souls over there were very quiet. Some of them still have merit and good fortune, why can't they be released?

Where? Cui Jue looked over suspiciously, then suddenly realized, Oh, those things you mentioned are coincidences. Do you still remember the Asura Princess who kept running to the underworld a few years ago?

Remember. Qingdai frowned, She is related to the Infinite Hell?

It has something to do with it. Cui Jue tapped his palms, glanced at King Qin Guang, who was expressionless, and then smiled, This princess just wants to let go of those wandering souls, and she must have something to do with them. Kinship.”

But you and I both know that after entering the hell, how can you get out? The princess begged several times, which made me feel a little distressed. No, she hasn't been here for several years. I think she gave up.

Qingdai's brows furrowed even more tightly: But now that the book of life and death is about to be destroyed, why not just sell her a thin noodle and let these wandering souls go?

Before Cui Jue could speak, King Qin Guang said coldly: Qing Dai, I also know that you are kind-hearted, but the wandering souls of the Infernal Hell are really not allowed to be released at all. If you look at their merits, how can you let them go? What happens next?”

A few wandering souls and the entire prehistoric world, is it possible that we have to give up the latter for a little merit?

... Qingdai fell silent.

Yes, the former is nothing compared to the latter.

She sighed and said nothing.

Eh-? At this moment, Cui Jue suddenly let out a soft voice of doubt.

What's wrong? King Qin Guang stopped, Did you find something wrong?

Why do I feel like there is one less person here? Cui Jue flipped through the book of life and death and looked to the right, I remember it shouldn't be this number.

Upon hearing this, King Qin Guang's expression suddenly changed: Could it be that someone ran away?

Yan Jun, wait a moment, let me match a pair. Cui Jue quickly checked the book of life and death, and after a few minutes, he said in disbelief, I must have remembered it wrong, the names and numbers match up, it's strange.

If you are too busy, your memory will be confused. King Qin Guang said nothing more, It is better to destroy the Book of Life and Death as soon as possible.

Cui Jue and Qingdai followed again, following King Qin Guang towards the source of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire.

If you want to destroy the Book of Life and Death, you must put the Book of Life and Death into these two source fires and burn them for seven to forty-nine hours. This will also make it easier for King Qin Guang and the others to escape and not be trapped in the endless hell. middle.

No matter how the vicious ghosts around him roared, they could not cause any harm to King Qin Guang.

Okay. King Qin Guang put the book of life and death into the source fire, and set up another formation. After confirming that it was correct, he turned around and said, Keep guard at the gate of this hell for another seventy-seven and forty-nine hours. , the matter will be completed, and after that, we will suppress the Six Paths of Reincarnation and prevent the underworld from collapsing.

Qing Dai and Cui Jue looked at each other and both said, Yes.

Cui Jue sighed as he walked away: It's good now, I, the judge, will lose my job.

It's not a big deal that you are unemployed. Qingdai said indifferently, Now that there is no book of life and death, the human world will be in chaos. I hope His Majesty the Jade Emperor can manage it well.

After the three underworld gods completely left, the Infernal Hell returned to its former appearance, with painful wails heard continuously.

In the sea of ​​blazing fire, someone raised his eyes faintly, glanced at the book of life and death that was burned by the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire, and after a while, he withdrew his gaze.

In the dark, there was a faint sound.



On the other side, Jun Muxian had separated from Sun Wukong and others. Nezha chose to follow them because he was also familiar with the underworld.

Although Bai Wuchang wanted to have a good relationship with Sun Wukong, and if he could become Lord of Hell in the future, he would have to rely on the Great Sage, but he was still afraid of excessive worship, so he asked Bai Wuchang to take Sun Wukong and Su Qingli to Cui Jue's house. Now that I have a place to live, I will lead the way for Jun Muxian and the others.

Jun Muqian glanced at the crowded Naihe Bridge: Qingdai isn't there?

Ah? That dead old woman? Bai Wuchang touched his nose, She went busy with King Qin Guang. The underworld is closed today, and I have nothing to do, so I was sent here by Lord Yan.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed, and there was a hint of sharpness: What happened in the underworld?

Inexplicably, she had a bad feeling.

Grandma, I can't speak out or write it out. Bai Wuchang said with a bitter look on his face, I was given a silence order by Lord Yan. If I say anything, my soul will explode.

Jun Muqian frowned.

She did know that there was such a strange gag order and it couldn't be forcibly lifted.

Let me ask you, do you nod or shake your head? Jun Mu Qian said, The underworld is closed today. Is this the Jade Emperor's decree?

Bai Wuchang nodded.

Jun Muxian asked again: Is it related to the Book of Life and Death?

Bai Wuchang was surprised: Grandma, you actually...

Stop talking. Jun Muqian's voice turned cold, Let me ask another question, does it have anything to do with the Infinite Hell?

Bai Wuchang thought for a moment and nodded.

Destroying the Book of Life and Death will indeed affect the Infinite Hell.

With just three simple questions, Jun Muxian deduced everything in an instant. Her eyes suddenly turned cold: What a Haotian, he's looking for death!

Isn't he going to destroy the book of life and death? Nezha's expression also changed, No wonder I didn't ask, I'm afraid even Yang Jian doesn't know about it.

Is the Jade Emperor really crazy and wants to destroy the Book of Life and Death?

He dares! Jun Muqian's eyebrows were as serious as ever before, If the book of life and death is really destroyed, I will destroy his heaven and take his life!

Rong Qing narrowed his eyes and said calmly: If Hongjun wants to protect him, I will do it. He doesn't have to be the Taoist ancestor.

Bai Wuchang was frightened when he heard this: Grandma, Your Highness the Young Master, Your Highness the Third Prince, what's going on?

Why is Dao Ancestor involved?

It has nothing to do with you. Jun Mu breathed a sigh of relief, Where is the Book of Life and Death now?

He can say this!

Bai Wuchang hurriedly said: In the endless hell.

The Infinite Hell... Nezha suddenly blurted out, King Qin Guang wants to use the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire and the Red Lotus Karmic Fire to destroy the Book of Life and Death. Once the Book of Life and Death is destroyed, the Infinite Hell will be completely closed.

The Infinite Hell is closed, and Dao Ancestor has no way to open it. Little girl, if you want to save people, you won't be able to save them at all.

Jun Muqian took a deep breath, calmed down the extremely violent emotions in her heart, and spoke very quickly: I have to go to the Infinite Hell first, Qingmei, take good care of the little one. If the passage is opened, then Take him away first, and I will deal with King Qin Guang first.

Hearing this, Rong Qing frowned slightly: Mumu, this won't work, I'll go with you.

Qingmei, no need, senior brother is also there. Jun Muqian waved his hand, You take good care of the little guy, and take good care of yourself. Don't worry about me saving him.

After saying that, she bent down, looked at Xiaotuanzi, and said in a soft voice: Listen to daddy, do you understand?

Although the little beauty didn't understand, he understood his mother's anxiety very well. He stretched out his hand and imitated Rong Qing and touched her head: Mom, don't be angry. Go and get busy. Dad is here, so I won't do it. Something happened.

Nezha also said: I will go with you. No matter what, the monkey alone can deal with the ten kings of hell. There is really no need to worry about the battle strength, Your Highness Shaojun.

After a pause, he added: Furthermore, if the Book of Life and Death is destroyed, the Six Paths of Reincarnation will also be temporarily closed. At that time, you will not be able to send this little dumpling back even if you want to.

Hearing this, Rong Qing fell silent: Okay, I will send the little guy away as soon as possible and come back to help you.

Jun Muqian nodded and said to Bai Wuchang: You don't have to worry about being punished. Just help His Highness Shaojun here.

After saying that, she was going to leave Naihe Bridge with Nezha and go to the Infinite Hell, and then prepare to send a message to Sun Wukong and Su Qingli.

But just when she took a step forward, suddenly, there was a big movement in the underworld!

Suddenly everything was turned upside down!

With a boom, the Six Paths of Reincarnation exploded, and the wandering souls who had arrived at the entrance of the Six Paths of Reincarnation were annihilated alive and turned into powder.

Screams broke out, and the other wandering souls were stunned on the spot.


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