The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1161 Ksitigarbha is back [2 updates]

In less than three seconds, the local official's limbs and head rolled away, and the bits of internal organs that were thrown away were picked up by his own hands, for fear of leaving any behind.

Not a single ghost can be seen on the banks of the Forgotten River. The entrance to the realm has never been so desolate.

Sun Wukong touched his chin and turned around, seemingly confused: Is my old Sun so scary?

Nezha's face was expressionless: Do you need me to tell you again what happened when you made a big fuss in the underworld?

Upon hearing this, the great sage sat down directly in the place where the local official had been. He crossed his legs and took out a peach from somewhere. He ate it and said, Tell me, little Nezha.

Nezha: really should get out of here.

Su Qingli was very curious: Young Master, please tell me.

My senior brother has great supernatural powers, he has ascended to heaven and descended to earth. Jun Muzhen briefly told the story, and then said, In the ancient world, only the great sage can change the fate of life and death.

It is true that Judge Cui Jue controls the book of life and death and can also change the life span of living beings, but his changes cannot go against the law of heaven and can only be written in accordance with the meaning of heaven.

So powerful? Su Qingli finally had a preliminary understanding of Sun Wukong's strength, As expected of your senior brother.

These little brats can't be frightened. Sun Wukong felt bored and picked up the golden cudgel again. We're gone. No one is guarding us. We just happened to go in.

Although King Qin Guang said that he wanted to seal the underworld, he actually did not use the formation to really seal the underworld. After all, as long as there were earth officials guarding it, wandering souls from the outside world could not come in, and he would not think of the Monkey King. It will come at this time.

With Jun Muqian's current strength, he is already able to cross the River of Forgetfulness without taking a boat.

She glanced down and found that there seemed to be a faint blood color emerging from the black Wangchuan River, but it was extremely subtle. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to see this color change at all.

Jun Muqian remembered that when she first came to the underworld, Bai Wuchang told her that Wangchuan and He used to be blood-yellow, but later turned into black for unknown reasons.

Could it be that this color is going to change back now?

Rong Qing, who was holding Xiaotuanzi, seemed to have noticed her doubts and said slowly: Mumu, the water of Wangchuan River probably changed color around the time when Ksitigarbha disappeared.

Oh? Hearing this, Jun Muqian thought thoughtfully, So is this Wangchuan related to Ksitigarbha? After Ksitigarbha left, it also changed?

Rong slightly nodded and said in a shallow voice: Now it seems that Ksitigarbha is coming back.

Interesting. Jun Muqian pondered, Ksitigarbha's departure has always been a mystery. I thought he might have suffered the same misfortune as Ancestor Minghe. Now it seems that he may have hidden it himself.

Yes. Rong Qing said, Ksitigarbha cultivates the way of prophecy. He can even add a heavenly shield to his body so that outsiders cannot detect him. Moreover, he can even use his memory as Ksitigarbha It’s sealed, so no one will find out.”

Yes... Jun Muqian sighed softly, The prehistoric era is indeed going to be in chaos. My brother and sister-in-law are about to return. Ksitigarbha, the former owner of the underworld, also has signs of returning. The three realms are going to restore the old dynasty.

Whether it is the Jade Emperor or the Queen Mother of the Ten Palaces of Hell, they are absolutely incomparable to the Heavenly Emperor, Emperor Jun, Heavenly Queen Xihe and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Because the former was designated by Dao Ancestor, and the latter controls a world with his own strength.

Ksitigarbha can become a mortal enemy of Patriarch Styx, and his strength is not much weaker.

The little beauty was confused: Mom, isn't it a good thing that they are back?

It's a good thing, but it's not a good thing either. Jun Mu smiled lightly, Because they are all back, which means that the prehistoric era has entered the final stage.

After saying that, she suddenly remembered a key thing——

Time can be turned back in the prehistoric times because the prehistoric times were destroyed. This proves that everything happening now has been experienced in the prehistoric times. After all, it is not that easy to change history.

According to Patriarch Bodhi, there were indeed variables in the prehistoric times, and one of them was her.

However, these changes are not enough to reverse the prehistoric future.

Although Patriarch Bodhi knew everything before time went back, he did not say much about how the Great Desolate was destroyed. Jun Muqian estimated that it was due to various intertwined reasons, and telling him would speed up the destruction of the Great Desolate.

She also didn't know whether Ksitigarbha and her brother and sister-in-law had appeared in that ruined world.

If not, this is the second variable.

A group of people were walking towards Naihe Bridge when suddenly there was a burst of shouting from the front.

Hey, you're a ghost, why are you howling? You're still so scared after being a ghost, you really embarrass us ghosts! Bai Wuchang dragged the previous local official who was so frightened that he was torn apart, Ben Wuchang told You, the ghost, must be as bold as Ben Wu Chang to become a seducer.

Now that you have become a soul seducer, you have to go out to seduce souls. If one day you are sent to seduce the soul of some big shot, wouldn't you be frightened to death before you even get out of the chain?

After being bullied for a long time, Bai Wuchang wanted to give himself a prestige. He shook his head and said: I think back then, Ben Wuchang even went to seduce the soul of the Monkey King. Do you know who the Monkey King is?

Oh - of course you know, you were the one who prescribed it to Ben Wuchang...


With a plop, Bai Wuchang knelt down. He was dumbfounded and his eyes were dull.

Jun Muxian: ...

So bold.

Nezha's eyes looked pitiful.

It's you, that's right, you're the Bai, right? Sun Wukong narrowed his eyes, Why, is the soul of my old grandson so worthy of showing off?

Big, big, big... Bai Wuchang was agitated and stammered, Big, big, big...

He was big for a long time, but he didn't say a word. Suddenly he was scratching his head and scratching his head in anxiety, wishing he could beat himself to death.

What's bigger? Sun Wukong crossed his arms and looked at Bai Wuchang, Do you want to use my grandson's golden cudgel?

No... no no no! Bai Wuchang slapped himself hard, and finally took a breath, and yelled, Great Sage!

Why are you making such a loud noise? Sun Wukong took a step back, looking worried, My old Sun's ears were deafened by you.

Great Sage, you are finally here. Do you know how eagerly I have been waiting for you? Bai Wuchang changed his face faster than he could flip through a book. I still remember your heroic appearance in my heart now.

Hearing these words, Sun Wukong became somewhat interested: Can you tell me about it?

This... Bai Wuchang was stunned for a moment, glanced at the golden cudgel that could hit him at any time, and immediately blurted out, Great Sage, back then you kicked the judge and punched Yan Jun, that stick When we go down, Fengdu City is shaking three times!

The more he spoke, the more fluent he became: The five ghost emperors were frightened to death, the big ghosts and the little ghosts ran away as fast as they could, and the old woman beside the Naihe Bridge also had to cry and sigh!

Jun Muxian: ?

Is this the legendary rhyming genius?

Sun Wukong was quite satisfied with what he heard and nodded slightly: Then tell me, why do you expect me to come to the underworld?

When Bai Wuchang heard this, he immediately stood up and said flatteringly: I'm just waiting for you, the Great Sage, to kill Lord Yama. To be honest, I really dislike them, especially the Wheel-turning King, who is like a stone sculpture. , won’t even laugh.”

After the Great Sage kills them, if I become Lord of Hell and the Great Sage tells me to go east, I will never go west!

Shut up. Jun Muqian was speechless, Senior brother, stop talking to him, he's such a devil.

Holy crap! Bai Wuchang was shocked, Grandma, you are actually the junior sister of the Great Sage? Then aren't you the disciple of Patriarch Bodhi?!

Okay, stop talking so much. Jun Muqian pressed her eyebrows, We all have important things to come here today. I'm going to Naihe Bridge, and my senior brother is going to see Judge Cui Jue. I heard that the underworld is closed today, no. Let me in, what’s going on?”

Yes... Bai Wuchang was about to answer, but inexplicably found that he could not say the three words Book of Life and Death, and he immediately knew that he had been given a silence order by King Qin Guang.

In desperation, he could only change his words: Because the ten Lords of Hell have something to do, the underworld is closed for a day. But since my aunt and the great sage are here, the underworld cannot stop them. I will take you in right now.

Jun Muqian's eyes darkened, and she looked at Rong Qing before saying, Okay.

At this moment, King Qin Guang has brought Qingdai and Cui Jue to the endless hell——

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