The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1160 Daddy takes you to see grandpa [1 update]

Among the six reincarnations, he is in charge of the human realm!

The Wheel-turning King is responsible for assessing the good and evil of each soul that enters the underworld and the merits of its previous life, and then assigns them to the four major states for reincarnation.

Those with high merit will go to Dongsheng Shenzhou and Xihe Niuzhou.

Those who follow evil will be reborn in Zhanbuzhou in the south and Luzhou in the north.

It's just that now that the Earthly Immortal Realm has collapsed, there is no such thing as a region. There are only differences such as high birth and low birth.

The lifespan of these wandering souls, whether they are rich or poor, is also recorded in detail through the Tenth Hall. Each month, they are compiled into a volume and sent to the First Hall to present to King Qin Guang.

However, those wandering souls who have done many evil things and brought disaster to the world will be sent to the eighteen levels of hell according to the sins they have committed. Only after their sins are satisfied can they be reincarnated as adults.

However, because the sins committed by these wandering souls are still unforgivable, they can only be reborn in a barbarian land when they enter reincarnation.

These wandering souls who are sent to barbarian lands will first be given to Meng Po Qingdai, and then Qingdai will feed these wandering souls with Meng Po soup, so that they will forget the events of their previous lives and will not be troubled again.

The Ten Halls of Hell are indeed headed by King Qin Guang of the First Hall, but in fact the prestige of the Wheel-turning King is greater among the three realms.

Moreover, the Wheel-turning King is even more mysterious, and even the other Nine Halls of Hell don't know his true strength.

As soon as King Qin Guang said these words, the gods in the underworld all looked at King Chakravartin, a little surprised and a little confused.

Then I heard King Chakravartin lower his voice and smile lowly, as if there was air flowing through his ears, and there was a slight surge of some extraordinary aura: I haven't seen my eldest brother for a long time. It's normal for my eldest brother to think that I have changed.

He then said calmly: Among all things in the universe, which one remains unchanged?

What the tenth brother said is right. King Chu Jiang was extremely puzzled, And brother, I didn't find any change in the tenth brother.

Bai Wuchang murmured in a low voice: Yes, don't you still wear black clothes all the time, don't show your face, and talk as little as a stone sculpture?

Hei Wuchang's expression changed immediately, and he covered Bai Wuchang's mouth tightly: Shut up!

Bai Wuchang stared at Qingdai and looked at Qingdai, as if asking for help. Qingdai glanced at him and gave him a back.

Bai Wuchang: ...

He is the one who gets hurt every time. The seducer has no ghost power!

Maybe I am blind. King Qin Guang smiled faintly, It's just that the tenth brother has been living in seclusion recently. It seems that the person in charge of human affairs has too many affairs, and the tenth brother is too tired because of this.

The Wheel King pressed the brim of his hat, and no emotion could be heard in his voice: Brother, you are serious. I have been in charge of humanity for nearly a million years, and I have long been used to it.

Speaking of which, very strange things have happened recently. Suddenly, King Chu Jiang of the Second Palace spoke again, The number of wandering souls in the underworld has increased a lot, and in the past few years, not to mention people with great merit, that is, Even small merits are gone.”

This is really strange. It's like all the merits in the world have been taken away. It's so weird.

Judge Cui Jue also said at this time: I have also noticed what Eryan Jun said, but I can't see anything strange when I look at the Book of Life and Death. I'm afraid it's just a coincidence.

Don't worry about this for now. King Qin Guang glanced at him, full of majesty, What I want to ask now is, does anyone have any objections to destroying the Book of Life and Death?

As soon as these words came out, the Nine Palaces of Hell, the Four Great Judges, Black and White Wuchang and Meng Po Qingdai all fell silent.

They do not want to destroy the Book of Life and Death, because once it is destroyed, the underworld will be in chaos, but this is the Jade Emperor's will and cannot be violated. It is a dilemma.

Unexpectedly, it was the Chakravartin King who broke the silence this time: Brother, have you ever thought that once the Book of Life and Death is destroyed and the wandering souls squeeze into the underworld, it is lighter, but it is heavier that the eighteen levels of hell are closed?

The Book of Life and Death not only records the yin and yang lifespans of creatures in the ancient world, but also records the time that wandering souls who committed crimes will be punished in the eighteen levels of hell.

If the book of life and death is destroyed, these wandering souls will never be able to come out in this life. Even if Daozu Hongjun personally takes action, there will be no way to do anything until they suffer to death.

This sentence really reminded King Qin Guang, and he frowned: Then we will temporarily release all the wandering souls in the hells of the eighteen cities and imprison them separately.

Are you going to release all the eighteen levels of hell? After hearing this, King Ping Ping of the Nine Palaces couldn't hold back, Are you going to release even those from the Infinite Hell?

King Chu Jiang shook his head and said: Brother, you cannot release those from the Infinite Prison. The people locked there are extremely vicious wandering souls, some of whom are not weaker than us in cultivation. If they are released, the Three Realms will be in chaos.

Brother, you must not let him go. King Ping Ping looked sternly, I know you don't care much about the Infinite Hell on weekdays, but how can you not know after I have been in charge of it for so long? Absolutely not!

The Chakravartin King raised his eyes lightly: But since these wandering souls have only entered the Infinite Hell and have not been completely wiped out by Heaven, it proves that Heaven believes that they can reform. If they don't let them go, wouldn't they be in trouble?

Tenth brother, you don't know how dangerous the hell is! King Pingping said earnestly, If the law of heaven does not wipe it out, then you don't care at all. We are in charge of the earth, so we can't bring harm to the ancient world!

Okay! King Qin Guang waved his hand to stop the dispute. The second brother and the ninth brother are right. The other seventeen levels of hell can be released, but not the endless hell. There is no need to argue about this matter. I have the final say. .”

The Wheel-turning King remained silent and lowered his head slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Since we have all agreed to destroy the Book of Life and Death, now - King Qin Guang turned around and looked at Cui Jue: Cui Jue, you take the Book of Life and Death with me and Qing Dai to the Infinite Purgatory, and destroy it with the red lotus karma fire Drop the Book of Life and Death.

Second brother, ninth brother, you are responsible for releasing the wandering souls from the other seventeen levels of hell except the Infinite Hell, and you must strictly monitor them.

Third brother, fourth brother... and tenth brother, you should continue to manage your own affairs and provide early warning, so that the six paths of reincarnation will not collapse too quickly.

All the kings of hell in the Nine Palaces said: Yes, big brother.

Bai Wuchang scratched his head: What about Yan Jun, me and Lao Hei?

You two? King Qin Guang frowned, Qingdai is not here, you go to Naihe Bridge to guard, don't let some wandering souls who should go to the animal realm go to the human realm.

When Bai Wuchang wanted to say something, Hei Wuchang covered his mouth again: Yes, Mr. Yan, we will go right away.

After saying that, he ignored Bai Wuchang and stared at him desperately, and took Bai Wuchang away by force.

Oh, I have to be busy again. King Chu Jiang sighed and left quickly.

Several other kings of hell also left quickly. Only the wheel-turning king still stood there quietly for a while and then walked away.


After the gods of the underworld took their orders and left, Jun Muxian, Rong Qing and others finally arrived at the underworld.

This time they came not as souls, but as living people.

The little beauty nestled in Jun Muqian's arms, curious, looking left and right: Mother, can I return to the illusory world from here?

Well, that's not possible either. Jun Muzhen said, You have to go to the Naihe Bridge first. After your father clears the passage, he will take you home.

The passage between the two universes is not easy to open, but as long as it does not involve changing destiny, there will not be much obstruction, and there is no need to open the door to the universe.

She and Rong Qing had agreed that Rong Qing would take Xiaotuanzi back, and she and Su Qingli would rescue Fufeng and the others and then meet up again.

The Illusory Universe and the Great Desolate World are adjacent to each other, and the flow rate of time is not much different.

Now that Sun Wukong and Nezha are here, Rong Qing can rest assured.

Even worse, there is Patriarch Bodhi.

Heiwu has been inactive recently, probably because he is afraid of the Tiandao Saints, so he can give them a buffer period.

The little beauty blinked: Will my grandparents also come to pick me up?

Although your grandparents are very busy, you will definitely pick them up when you go back. Your grandpa should be the one to pick him up. Jun Muqian pinched his face and said, After you go there, there will be many places for you to play.

Yeah. Xiaotuanzi was very happy. When I finish playing, will my mother and father come back to stay with me?

Jun Muqian laughed silently: Of course.

Mumu, let me hug you. Rong Qing took the little beauty over and whispered to him, Daddy has to come back after seeing you off. Remember to be obedient over there, and then stay away from your uncle and aunt. .”

Xiaotuanzi was very confused: Why? Didn't mother say that uncle and aunt are also beautiful?

Rong Qing looked indifferent: Because your uncle is too stupid and your aunt likes to get into trouble.

Jun Muxian: ...

She felt a little sad that Rong Nian and Rong Xi were so disliked by their elder brother.

Having not been here for hundreds of thousands of years, has this underworld changed a lot? The Monkey King walked at the front carrying the golden hoop, and he was a little more interested. I almost didn't dare to recognize him.

Because there used to be a person with great merit who entered the underworld after death and felt that the underworld was too gloomy. Nezha explained at the side, Later, after he was reincarnated, he had excellent qualifications, and finally became an immortal and became a god in heaven. A ceremonial officer gave the Jade Emperor advice to reform the underworld, and the underworld began to undergo a great transformation, no different from heaven.

I don't care whether it changes or not. Sun Wukong didn't care much and continued walking forward, As long as the general appearance remains the same, is that Cui over here?

Nezha glanced in the direction he pointed and nodded: It's there, but you really want to fight in? King Qin Guang is not a good-tempered person either.

Whether he has a good temper or not, I, Old Sun, will all be defeated. Sun Wukong narrowed his eyes, Don't fight him first, just intimidate him.

Nezha: ?

Before he could figure out what this threat meant, he watched Sun Wukong step forward first, and then poked a stick in front of the local official guarding the Wangchuan River.

The golden hoop poked a crack in the ground immediately, so it was better to hold on.

The local official who was sleeping soundly in front of the case was shaken so much that he fell off his chair.

He held his head in confusion, sat up in confusion, and muttered: What's going on? Is there an earthquake in the underworld?

Before the local official came to his senses, he heard a familiar voice above his head. The voice ordered: Raise your head, I, Old Sun, have something to ask you.

Don't tell me, don't tell me. The local official didn't look at it, but waved his hand, Yan Jun said that you can't go in and out of the underworld today. He also granted amnesty to the dead and can die another day. You can go back if you go back.

As soon as these words came out, Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed slightly: Is the underworld on vacation?

No wonder there isn't even a boat on the Wangchuan River today. In the past, there was always a long queue here.

Su Qingli's expression changed slightly: Isn't it because King Qin Guang knew something in advance and used this trick specifically?

No. Nezha shook his head, King Qin Guang doesn't have the right to close the underworld yet. He needs to get the Jade Emperor's order. I'll ask Yang Jian what he did above.

Jun Muxian also stepped forward: It seems that we can only enter by force now.

Little Junior Sister, just stand there. Sun Wukong waved his hand, Let me, Old Sun, play with this brat.

With that said, he lifted up the local official: Let me ask you, where is King Qin Guang?

How could I know where Your Majesty is? The local official raised his head in displeasure, Where are you...

At this sight, his eyes suddenly widened: You, you, you...

What's wrong with your Grandpa Sun? The Great Sage was very interested and leaned closer. Oh, I recognize you. It seems that the last time I came to the underworld, it was you -

Before he finished speaking, the local official rolled his eyes and was so frightened that his head fell off. Then his limbs were torn apart. They rolled all over the ground and scattered in all directions. Every piece of his body was moving crazily. Escape.

No, the Monkey King is coming in again!

Big ghosts and little ghosts, run, run!

You don't have to do anything if you run late!

Jun Muxian: ...

Rong Qing: ...

Nezha: ...

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