The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1159 Rong Qing: Fusu is also quite capable [2 updates]

As soon as these words came out, the hall fell silent again.

And after seeing the handsome young man turn into a tall and straight monkey, all the Asuras almost went crazy.

What's going on today?

Why were all the things that hit their minds today crowded together?

Su Qingli was also stunned for a moment. She stared blankly at the Monkey King for two seconds: Young Master, this, this is...

This is my senior brother. Jun Muxian was a little helpless, but still introduced seriously, The Monkey King of the Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain, Sun Wukong, the Monkey King and the Monkey King.

Oh - Su Qingli suddenly realized, nodding and smiling, It turns out to be the young master's senior brother, I was so negligent just now, please forgive me.

Because the Jade Emperor erased all the deeds of Sun Wukong who once caused havoc in the Heavenly Palace, most of the new generation in the prehistoric era have never heard of the name Monkey King.

Su Qingli grew up in the world of Lingxuan, and she only heard some legends such as Nuwa mends the sky and Kuafu chases the sun.

After coming to the ancient world, she was too busy practicing and never cared about these things.

But the older generation is different. Even though the Asura clan is sealed in the sea of ​​blood, how could they not know that Heaven suffered a big loss at the hands of Sun Wukong?

The eyes of several old demon officials suddenly lit up: It's the Great Sage. The old minister is so ignorant that he didn't recognize the Great Sage.

Hearing this, the Great Sage frowned: If even you can recognize me, I, Old Sun, should really reflect on it.

Demon officers: ...

No, no, no, great sage, you have misunderstood, this is just a polite word!

What the Great Sage said makes sense. I once thought about going directly to the underworld. Su Qingli frowned, But I went to see King Qin Guang at that time, and he told me that I must have the Jade Emperor's permission, otherwise it would be You cannot release people from the Eternal Hell.

When Sun Wukong heard this, he smiled extremely contemptuously: Haotian, do you really think he is the Taoist? The Hell of Infinity is not something that he, the Lord of the Three Realms, can control.

The demon officers next to them were trembling, not daring to speak, and desperately covering their mouths.

Jun Muqian also nodded: Senior brother is right, what can truly release people from the Infinite Hell is either the way of heaven or the Book of Life and Death.

As long as the book of life and death is in hand and approved by the book of life and death, the names on it can be checked and the master and others can be released.

The Jade Emperor could only order King Qin Guang to release the souls of the other seventeen levels of hell. The Jade Emperor had no control over the Infinite Hell.

But suddenly, Jun Muxian realized something: Ali, the underworld said that the Princess Asura who has been looking for King Qin Guang is you?

Su Qingli was startled: It's me, but I've been there several times and always failed.

Because the Asura clan is also very close to the underworld, and the Asura path among the six paths of reincarnation is also controlled by the ancestor of the Styx, Su Qingli, who inherited the blood of the ancestor of the Styx, can freely enter and exit the underworld. Corroded by the spirit of death.

I was there when you went there for the last time. Jun Muzhen said slowly, It seems that if I stayed a little longer then, we would be able to meet earlier.

Fate plays tricks on people.

Oh? Sun Wukong heard this and asked one more question with interest, Little junior sister, have you gone to the underworld?

Been there. Jun Muqian raised an eyebrow, Underworld is still extremely afraid of senior brother to this day.

Her senior brother was really powerful, he had beaten him all over the world.

Ashamed, ashamed! The Great Sage squinted his eyes and smiled, I haven't been to the underworld for a long time, and I still want to play with that little black guy and little white guy.

Nezha took a look and was sure that Xiaotuanzi was definitely not self-taught, but inherited from the maternal line, but he was stronger.

Jun Muqian thought for a while and made a decisive decision: Let's go then. Senior brother, please take Ah Li to find Judge Cui Jue. Qingmeiren and I will go to Naihe Bridge first and send the little guy back, and then we will go find you. .”

After saying this, with a thought, she brought the little beauty out of Hunyuan Bell.

Caught off guard, Xiaotuanzi was still a little confused. He rubbed his eyes and stretched out his soft hand as if he was waking up from a dream: Mother, give me a hug.

Jun Muqian bent down and picked up the little beauty, and whispered: Your parents are going to send you to your grandparents in a while. Don't run around. Do you understand?

I know. The little beauty said obediently, I will wait for my father and mother to come back in the Illusory World.

He bit his finger and suddenly said: Mom and dad must be safe and sound. Not even a hair is hurt. I will check!

Mother also knows. Jun Mu smiled and rubbed his head with a soft voice, How about the hook?

Okay. The little beauty stretched out her little thumb and pulled the hook.

Oh my God. Su Qingli on the side was shocked when she saw this, When did you have a son? How old are you? Your man is such a beast!

Jun Muxian: ...

Hearing this, Rong slightly raised his eyes and said in a light voice, carrying pressure: Fusu is quite a beast, you can give it a try when the time comes.

Su Qingli: ...

She was a little afraid of what to do.

Oh, yes, I really forgot your introduction. Jun Muxian touched Xiaotuanzi's head again, Call me Auntie the Queen.

The little beauty ran over, raised her little head, blinked her big amethyst grape-like eyes, and said with a serious face: Little Queen Sister, although you and my mother are of the same generation, you are so young. She’s so beautiful, I think she should be called sister.”

Jun Muqian turned away and looked at Rong Qing: Look at your son.

This time, Rong Qing remained calm, with a calm expression on her face: Yes, my seed.

Su Qingli's heart melted when she said little queen sister.

What's more, the little beauty's close-range beauty attack made Queen Su, who was also interested in her appearance, immediately scream and hug Xiaotuanzi: Xiaoqian, give me your son, he's so cute. Ouch, my heart can't bear it, how can you be so cute!

The little beauty thought for a while and said happily: Because I grew up eating cute food.

Su Qingli clutched her chest, she really couldn't bear it anymore and just wanted to steal the little dumpling immediately.

That's not possible. Jun Muxian hugged the little beauty over again, You can give birth by yourself.

Alas. Hearing this, Su Qingli sighed sadly, I just want your son, can you be the godmother's office?

That's okay. Jun Muqian raised her eyebrows, But you have to be second in line, because Sister Yue has reserved the first one.

Su Qingli: ...

Is this generation a little messed up?

In the end, Su Qingli reluctantly became the little beauty's second godmother, so she could pinch Xiaotuanzi's face openly.

At the end, she sighed: Hey, young master, you said that if I were born twenty years later, I would definitely pursue your son.

Before Jun Muxian could answer, the little beauty spoke happily: Then little queen sister can wait until I grow up!

I think so too. Su Qingli was amused, But your godfather is quite jealous.

Huh? The little beauty blinked, Is the little queen also going to give birth to the little queen in the house?

Su Qingli was shocked and looked at the woman in purple: What did you teach your son?

Jun Muxian: ...I swear, I didn't teach you this.

She glanced at the man in scarlet clothes who was calm and composed: Beauty Qing, I'm really afraid that you will be beaten when you get home.

Rong Qing tilted her head when she heard the words, and raised her slender eyebrows slightly: Mumu?

My mother will definitely say that you led her grandson into trouble. Jun Muqian clicked her tongue, And then, without me taking any action, my mother will knock you out with the medicine.

Rong Qing: ...

He really believed that his mother could do such a thing.


Just when Jun Maqian and his party were heading to the underworld——

In Fengdu City, King Qin Guang frowned as he looked at the imperial edict that had just been received from Heaven in his hand.

Around him, the other Nine Palaces of Hell, the Four Great Judges, Black and White Wuchang, and Meng Po Qingdai all stood with their heads bowed, with different expressions on their faces.

After a full ten breaths, King Qin Guang raised his head and glanced at the gods of the underworld one by one with cold eyes: Do you all know what this imperial edict says?

After hearing this, King Chu Jiang of the Second Palace spoke first: Brother, we do know, but we can't understand why His Majesty the Jade Emperor issued such an order.

Destroy the Book of Life and Death?

Is the Jade Emperor crazy?

Once the Book of Life and Death is destroyed, half of the underworld will collapse!

The other underworld gods also nodded.

I don't know, but this is the order of His Majesty the Jade Emperor, and we cannot violate it. King Qin Guang's voice was cold. Suddenly, his eyes became sharper, and he suddenly glanced at a man shrouded in black robes. The person inside said, Third brother, you seem to have changed a lot in recent days.

Tenth Palace, Wheel-turning King!


Fusu: Am I green?

Little Beauty: (happily) Not yet!

Well, please give me some votes (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

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