The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1139 Heaven changes hands? Emperor Jun’s companion treasure【1 update】

An ordinary condolence made the Jade Emperor almost fall off his throne.

He barely maintained his figure, supported the table, and said tremblingly: Yes, of course I do, Great Sage... Great Sage, where have you been all these years?

The Queen Mother huddled up in a ball, not even daring to speak.

They saw the battle at Nantianmen clearly, and no matter how stupid they were, they knew what Sun Wukong's current level of cultivation was.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian!

They have been practicing for millions of years, and they are still at the peak of Daluo Jinxian. However, he has reached it in just a few hundred thousand years. The talent of this luminous stone monkey is so good that it makes people jealous!

This monkey had gone to heaven many times before when he was studying for scriptures. Whenever the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother saw him, they just called him you monkey with a bit of contempt.

But things are different now. Sun Wukong's cultivation far exceeds theirs. Even if their status is still above Sun Wukong, they still have to be called Great Sage.

I miss you Grandpa Sun so much that you don't even know where I have been? Sun Wukong suddenly pulled up the Jade Emperor's clothes and sneered, Old Jade Emperor, I am very doubtful about the truth of your words.

Great, great sage! The Jade Emperor's heartbeat almost stopped, I swear, everything I said is absolutely true, and I will never dare to deceive the great sage.

As he spoke, he hit the Queen Mother who was pretending to be dead with his arm.

Yes, yes! The Queen Mother was covered in cold sweat, nodding her head, her face full of flattery, We... how dare we lie in front of the Great Sage?

Sun Wukong stared at the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother for more than ten seconds, and suddenly felt boring. He only felt ridiculous.

At that time, Heavenly Court said on the surface that it wanted to recruit him and treat him with courtesy, and finally made him a Bi Mawen. No god looked down on him. It was not like he had not heard what they said in secret.

Later, he rebelled from the Heavenly Court and no longer took refuge, but the Jade Emperor sent heavenly soldiers and generals to capture him. Because Huaguo Mountain was burned and he had no intention of fighting, he was captured alive in the Heavenly Court and trapped in an alchemy furnace for seventy-seventy-nine days.

What did the gods say at that time?

They gathered around the alchemy furnace, laughing with mockery on their faces.

Fly, do your somersaults! Can't you fly?

Change your seventy-two transformations. What other abilities do you have? Show them out. Show them all!

A beast, still dreaming of becoming a god?

At that time, he thought that he would never die and fulfill the wishes of these gods!

And sure enough, he was not burned to death by the true fire of Samadhi in the alchemy furnace, but instead developed a pair of blazing eyes.

He kicked over the alchemy furnace, made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, and forced the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother to give an explanation!

But what happens next?

Five hundred years of Wuzhishan!

Haotian, I won't talk nonsense to you. Sun Wukong's eyes turned cold, but he still smiled, I haven't been to Heaven for a long time, and I don't know if Heaven has collected a lot of treasures. Now, Bring all your treasures over and let me, Grandson, take a pick.

The Jade Emperor was stunned: What...what?

Not here to kill him, just want the baby?

The Monkey King didn't explain at all, and said coldly: Don't try to fool me with any junk things. If the treasure you bring out is not good...hehe!

The last two laughs sent chills all over the Jade Emperor's body, as if thousands of swords were pointing at his heart at this moment. He hurriedly said: Of course! Of course! The Great Sage finally came back once, how could I? Don’t you want to offer a treasure?”

Saying that, the Jade Emperor roared at the heavenly soldiers and generals: Why don't you bring all the treasures to the Great Sage?!

He believed that if he really dared to fool Sun Wukong, the monkey would really be knocked down with a stick, and the heaven would definitely change hands!

The heavenly soldiers and generals were also frightened and ran away quickly.

Within a few dozen seconds, they arrived carrying boxes after boxes of treasures, standing aside shivering.

Although the heavenly soldiers and generals that existed for hundreds of thousands of years have long since disappeared, who among those who hold positions in heaven has never heard of the name Monkey King?

Great Sage, look - the Jade Emperor stood up with weak legs and tried to force out a smile, all the treasures in heaven are here, you can have anything you want.

I saw that the entire Lingxiao Palace was filled with all kinds of genius treasures, such as extreme cold meteorite iron, Danxia Yungang, nine-day Ganoderma lucidum, ice soul... everything was really there.

Sun Wukong only glanced at it and knew that the Jade Emperor had indeed not lied, so he did not count them. He just waved his hand and collected them all.

Jade Emperor: ...

Those were just polite words!

Are you bringing someone who really emptied the heaven?

This monkey's shamelessness really increases with his cultivation level.

After collecting it, a dry yellow thing fell on the ground, which looked like a book.

But the Jade Emperor's expression changed drastically, and before he could prepare to put the book away quietly, he was already discovered.

What is this? Sun Wukong picked up the withered yellow book and was disgusted with it. Trying me with a broken book and pretending that I am blind and easy to bully?


As soon as he finished speaking, the golden cudgel came out automatically and lay directly in front of the Jade Emperor, about to smash it down before his eyes.

No, no, no, great sage! The Jade Emperor panicked and blurted out, This is not a broken book, this is a Hetu Luoshu!

Oh? Is it Hetu Luoshu, one of the top ten best innate spiritual treasures? Sun Wukong was not surprised. He threw the book away and looked at the Jade Emperor, Why is such a good treasure in your hands? Shouldn't it be? meeting……

He leaned over suddenly, his sharp teeth exposed, and his voice was solemn: Where did you steal it?

Absolutely not! The Jade Emperor was really scared out of his mind. He wanted to kneel down in front of him and replied tremblingly, The Great Sage doesn't know something. This Hetu Luoshu was once a companion treasure of the Emperor of Heaven, but in the During the battle between the lich and the lich, Jiutian Kunpeng stole this accompanying treasure from the hands of the Emperor of Heaven and dedicated it to the Emperor.

Tianzun is already a saint of heaven, and this top-quality innate spiritual treasure is useless to him, so he placed it in the heaven again. Unexpectedly...

The Jade Emperor was so miserable that he couldn't tell.

He didn't expect that his group of men were so stupid that they took all Hetuluoshu. He was originally afraid that Hetuluoshu would be taken away, so he even used a special cover-up trick to turn Hetuluoshu into a If it's in tatters, no one will notice it.

Unexpectedly, he was exposed directly in front of this ruthless monkey.

Can you not give it?


The Jade Emperor just wants the Hetu Luoshu not to get into the hands of Emperor Jun. The age of the monkeys is also very far away from that era, and they must not know what happened in the Lich War.

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Okay, I will believe you just this once. Sun Wukong held the golden cudgel, stuffed the yellow book into his armor, and waved, Jade Emperor, see you next time!

As soon as he finished speaking, wind blew under the Monkey King's feet and he disappeared in an instant.


The Jade Emperor collapsed on the ground, wet with cold sweat.


At the messy Nantianmen, Jun Muzhen, Rong Qing and Nezha could only sit on the largest piece of gravel and chat. At this moment——

Mother, mother, mother!

With a swish, a small, soft dumpling rushed into Jun Muzhen's arms, Mother, Uncle Monkey King is so amazing. He has given me so many treasures.

The little beauty said, raising her hand.

Jun Muqian took a closer look and found that it was a spiritual ring.

The power of the soul swept through it again, and it was almost knocked down by the mountains of treasures inside.

This is more than just robbing the heaven, this is simply looting everything.

Behind him, Sun Wukong walked slowly with his golden cudgel on his shoulders and hummed a tune, obviously in a happy mood.

After walking over, he threw something casually at the woman in purple: Hey, little junior sister, I'll give this to you. It's a bit shabby. I'll make up for it later.

Well, what? Jun Muqian subconsciously took it, thinking it was some gadget. After taking a look, he jumped up suddenly and blurted out, He Tu Luoshu?!

Nezha was also surprised: Hetu Luoshu is actually in heaven?

Only Rong Qing looked calm and said: It is indeed in heaven.

He originally wanted to wait until he finished casting the body of the little beauty, and then take Hetuluo Shu, but he didn't expect that things would change too much later, so he interrupted the matter.

Jun Muzhen didn't know how to thank her. She didn't seem to have anything to offer. After thinking about it, she took out the magic talismans she had made.

Senior brother, your gift is too great. It's me who should make up for it.

What is this? Sun Wukong scratched his head and frowned, I am a little illiterate.

Tsk. Nezha shook his head and smiled, The first one is written with the command talisman of heaven and earth, the second one is the yin and yang holding talisman, and the third one...

No matter what they are. Sun Wukong carefully put away these talismans, showing off with an indifferent expression, Anyway, you don't have them.

Guess what update is today?

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