The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1138 The Great Sage is causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace again! 【2 more】

Hearing this, Rong Qing smiled slightly and nodded: Senior brother, you guessed it right.

He really can't do anything aggressively, because his power comes from the illusory universe, not the prehistoric world. The power of different universes will attract the attention of countless calamities.

That's why he and Mu Mu decided to send the little beauty back to the illusory world, otherwise the war would start and he was afraid that he would not be able to protect the two of them.

But even though it cannot exert all its power, it is still possible to deal with the level of the Tiandao Saint.

Jun Muqian's expression tightened: Qingmei, won't the secret of heaven come back to you when you come to the primitive world?

Naturally, she would never forget that this was their beginning.

Before Rong Qing could answer, Sun Wukong spoke, and he smiled and said: Little junior sister, you are so smart that you were confused for a moment. This backlash from heaven is just a heavenly word, given by heaven.

Since it was given by Heaven, how dare Heaven dare to attack my junior brother-in-law? Wouldn't that mean death?

Nezha also spoke: Although the ancient way of heaven and the illusory universe are not the same, they are at the same level, so we don't dare to touch them.

Just kidding, the Empress of Tianyu is the controller of Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao still wants to touch Tianyu Young Master?

Really looking for death.

Jun Muqian frowned: But back then...

Rong Qing rubbed her head and sighed softly: Back then, my mother sealed my memory and cultivation, and asked me to travel to the three thousand lower planes, in order to eradicate the dark power, and also to regain my seven emotions and six desires. That’s why Heaven doesn’t recognize me.”

I see. Jun Muqian's eyebrows relaxed, and she breathed a sigh of relief, That's good.

The little beauty blinked. Although he didn't understand, it didn't stop him from stretching out his hands and jumping: Daddy, daddy, I want a hug too.

Jun Muqian laughed: Mother, come and hug you.

As she said that, she bent down and picked up the little dumpling.

The solid little dumplings are soft, with white and rosy skin, and can be broken by blowing.

Okay. The little beauty hugged her mother, bit her fingers and thought for a long time before asking, Dad hugs my mother, and my mother hugs the little beauty, so what is the little beauty holding?

Rong slightly raised his eyebrows: What do you want to hug?

What does mother want to hold? The little beauty looked at her mother longingly, Whatever mother wants to hold, I will help mother hold it.

Jun Muqian was struck by a knowing blow. She covered her heart, her heart pounding.

God, her little beauty is really good at it.

Look, what kind of fairy words are they talking about? It makes her feel ashamed.

If you listen more to her little beauty, she can live an extra ten thousand years.

Sun Wukong: ...

Nezha: ...

Why is this scene so inexplicably dazzling?

It's a bit heartbreaking.

Nezha chose to turn around and stop looking. He asked in a low voice: Monkey, did you come here from the lower plane?

I came back from the lower plane ten days ago. Sun Wukong picked his ears and said lazily, I came from Pantaoyuan.

Nezha was stunned: Peach garden? Did you eat those flat peaches?

Hiccup, it tastes much worse than before. Sun Wukong waved his hand, I really don't know what the queen mother used. It makes me feel sick to my stomach. I haven't gone to her to settle the score yet.

Nezha: ...

It tastes terrible. Have you finished eating it?

He could hear the words of the fairy maids, saying that not a single peach was left in the peach orchard, and the ground was full of peach stones.

Hey, yes, yes, remind me, grandson. Sun Wukong suddenly high-fived and waved to the little beauty, smiling brightly, Let's go, little doll, I, grandson, will take you to get the treasure.

Upon hearing this, the little beauty stuck her head out and asked curiously: What baby is it?

His big eyes were bright, obviously very moved.

Jun Muxian felt something was wrong just looking at it. Could it be that her little beauty had inherited the shameless bell's greed for money?

You'll find out when you get there. Sun Wukong waved his hand, Hey, little junior sister, do you mind if I lend you this little doll?

Before Jun Muxian could speak, Xiaotuanzi had already ran over and said cheerfully: I don't mind!

Jun Muxian: ...

Okay, okay! Sun Wukong picked up the little beauty again, Hey, little junior sister, I'll see you here later, I, the old Sun, will go first.

After saying that, he moved and disappeared from the place.

Rong Qing pinched his eyebrows, helpless.

Jun Muqian turned her head silently and lowered her voice: Qingmei, I have a hunch that there will be many people snatching our son.

Rong Qing said calmly: You have to grab it.

Oh - Jun Mu Qian sat down cross-legged, thought for a while, and suggested, How about giving the little beauty a sister? It would be good to have a companion.

Rong Qing frowned when he heard the words: No more babies.

Ah? Jun Muqian looked up, Why?

He said concisely and to the point: You have worked too hard.

That's right. Jun Muqian thought for a while. This soul's pregnancy happens to be a special case. I heard that giving birth is really painful. Then I will ask the little beauty for her opinion. If he doesn't want a sister, I will listen. It belongs to you two.

After a pause, he asked again: Qingmei, didn't you say it would take several days? Why did you come out so quickly?

I was worried. Rong Qing was silent for a moment, So I opened up a space and accelerated the flow of time... Unexpectedly, it was still a step slower.

Once you start using the artificial whip to condense the body of the little beauty, you can never stop it.

Otherwise, not only will he be counterattacked, but the little beauty may also have her spirit shattered.

He felt uneasy, so he could only speed up.

Fortunately, nothing serious happened.

Jun Muqian looked serious: You didn't encounter any danger, did you?

Opening up space is not a trivial matter. It is very likely that if something goes wrong, everything will go wrong, and the danger it brings will be fatal.

How could it be? Rong Qing smiled lightly, To me, as long as you are still well, anything else is not called danger.

It's better not to do this in the future. Jun Muqian understood what he was thinking and sighed, You have to think about yourself.

Yeah. Rong Qing said, It's enough that Mumu thinks about me.

Well said! Jun Muzhen hooked his chin with her fingers, Everything you do from today onwards must be reported to me, and I will test the risk.

Hearing this, Rong Qing narrowed his eyes and said in a long voice, Should Mumu do the same thing?

Do it! Of course I will do it! Jun Muqian raised her hand and swore, We will supervise each other. Whoever dares to violate it will not be allowed to go to the other person's bed for a month.

Rong Qing: ...

No matter how you look at it, this is him being punished, right?

Hey, by the way, there is no place to go to the village or shop today... Jun Muxian suddenly thought of a question, Where can I get the treasure?

Nezha on the side had no expression on his face and said quietly: Well, that's why I went to Jie Tianting.

Rong Qing: ...

Jun Muxian: ...


Lingxiao Palace.

The Jade Emperor's body was still trembling, but he finally managed to regain his senses, and immediately roared: Quickly, open the protective formation quickly, don't let that monkey come in all at once!

The heavenly soldiers and generals who received the order looked at each other in surprise. Although they were a little confused, they all followed the order obediently.

Hao, Haotian... Queen Mother's teeth chattered, He won't attack, right? The matter has nothing to do with us.

Of course they could hear the movements at Nantianmen, and they also knew that Nezha and Jun Muxian were being surrounded and killed again, and they were even more happy to see Nezha and Jun Muxian killed.

They thought that after Yuanshi Tianzun took action, they would be able to sit back and relax, but who knew that Sun Wukong would actually come back?

Moreover, the strength has reached a level that they cannot even imagine.

That monkey has a naughty temper and has always been mischievous. The Jade Emperor gritted his teeth. When he was learning the scriptures, he wanted to kill the heaven again, but the tight curse restricted his cultivation and made him unable to move.

But now he has no worries and has not sought revenge from heaven. Now that something like this happened at the gate of heaven, do you think it has nothing to do with us?

The Jade Emperor hated, hated that the monkey did not die directly under the palm of Tathagata Buddha. If he had died, there would be no trouble in the future.

The Queen Mother panicked: Then, what should we do? Should we...


There was a loud bang and the Queen Mother almost fell down. She looked up in panic, her face turned pale with fright.

I saw that the heavenly soldiers and generals who had just been sent out were now thrown in, falling to the ground and wailing in great pain.

The next second, a figure flashed in, and then a foot suddenly stepped on the golden table. With a pop sound, the Jade Emperor sitting on the throne felt his heart freeze and his blood ran cold.

At the same time, that familiar tone sounded.

Jade Emperor, long time no see. Do you miss me, my grandson?

Lord: What should I do if there are so many people trying to snatch my son?

Qingmeiren: I can’t steal it.

Yunge: (rubbing hands) I snatched it away, it’s much cuter than Qing’er



The Great Sage comes with its own BGM and graphics, so which Great Sage are you thinking of?

Hey, in addition to the 86 version of Monkey King, I really like the Monkey King played by Zhang Weijian_(:з」∠)_ and I also like the sequel to Journey to the West: Fighting to Defeat the Buddha

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