The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1140 The dragon, phoenix and unicorn return! 【2 more】

Nezha: ?

He was kind enough to help, but he was actually shown off?

What kind of world is this?

After Sun Wukong put it away, he thought of Nezha and asked him: Now, do you still want to stay in this heaven?

Nezha was startled when he heard this and shook his head lightly: I won't wait any longer.

In the past, I still had to deal with Tian Tingxu, but now I have completely broken up with each other, and there is no need to stay any longer.

At the moment, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are too busy taking care of themselves that they won't bother his master.

Okay, okay! Sun Wukong hugged Nezha's shoulders, extremely happy, and also had a feeling of old-fashioned relief, I have long said that there is nothing to treat in a small place like heaven. Little Nezha, can you With this self-awareness, I don’t need to persuade you anymore. If I have to fight you again in the future, I don’t know whether to show mercy or not.”

Nezha was speechless: I didn't really want to fight you back then.

I know, I know it all! Sun Wukong waved his hand, Don't mention the past things anymore, it will hurt your feelings if you mention them too much.

The Monkey King straightened his hair, turned around and said, Little Junior Sister, where are you going now?

Me? Jun Muqian glanced at Rong Qing and smiled slightly, We are going to send the little guy back to the illusory universe first, and then go to the Asura clan.

Asura clan? Sun Wukong was stunned when he heard this and frowned, I am not familiar with this Asura clan.

Although Sun Wukong jumped out of a stone, he is not an innate demon. He is still very young from that ancient time and can only be regarded as a junior.

The Asura clan's most glorious time was before and after the Dragon and Phoenix Tribulation, which was separated by more than a million years.

Nezha glanced at the Monkey King: Don't look at me. I was familiar with you before, but not now.

Mumu, we have to go to the Asura tribe first before we can send the little guy back. Rong Qing rubbed the little beauty's head, her voice softened, It's far from the earth, and the six paths of reincarnation are the weakest barrier in the ancient world. It's easy to open, and it's easy for parents to handle it.

Okay. Jun Muqian nodded, Then let's go to the Asura clan.

After hearing this conversation, the little beauty grabbed her father's clothes and refused to let go. She felt sad and wronged: Mom, I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave my father and mother.

Be obedient, son. Jun Muqian squatted down, Mom and dad have a big battle to fight. After this battle, I can stay with you forever. Didn't you say you want to see your grandparents?

After a pause, she chuckled: They are also very good-looking, and your uncle and aunt are also waiting for you.

Xiao Tuanzi still held Rong Qing, Baozi's face wrinkled, tears started to flow, and he said eagerly: Daddy...

Rong Qing was silent for a moment, then leaned down, wiped away Xiaotuanzi's tears with her fingertips, and whispered: Listen to your mother.

Although Sun Wukong and Nezha also liked this little guy, they didn't say anything to stop him. They just watched quietly from the side and sighed inaudibly.

The prehistoric times are in chaos, and a war is coming, and perhaps even they themselves will be unable to protect themselves.

The originally cheerful atmosphere was a bit heavier now, and the suppressed cries of Xiaotuanzi filled the air.

Jun Muqian rarely panicked. Just when she didn't know how to coax her, she suddenly——

I will grow up! the little beauty said, clenching her fists, When I grow up, I will know everything!

He tried hard to wipe away his tears, but the more he wiped them, the more he wiped them. He sobbed and said, At that time, can I help my mother and father? Can you not let me go?

What did you say? Jun Muqian laughed silently, her eyes pleased, Both mother and father will grow up with you, why would they let you go?

She was worrying too much, this little guy was very sensible.

Then pull the hook. Xiaotuanzi stretched out his little fleshy hand and said confidently, Mom and dad can't lie to me.

Okay, okay. Jun Muqian laughed, Pull the hook.

Rong Qing also said: I won't lie to you.

Seeing this scene, Sun Wukong touched his chin and sighed: It makes me want to have a baby, it's really fun.

Nezha reminded: You jumped out of the cracks in the rocks, don't think about it.

Sun Wukong: ...

After the little beauty successfully stopped her tears, she became cheerful again: Uncle the Great Sage and Uncle the Third Prince, where are you going?

Me? Sun Wukong thought for a moment, I am here to escort the junior sister, help the junior sister get things done, and I also want to go back and see the master.

Jun Muqian felt a little worried after hearing this: Master won't allow you to go back, right?

Before Sun Wukong could answer, Nezha said: Ancestor just chased the monkey out of the disciples on the surface, and then informed the three realms, so that all the demons and gods in the three realms will think that the monkey has nothing to do with the ancestor.

Little Nezha is right. Sun Wukong nodded, But before I arrived in Xitian, I really thought that the master really didn't want me anymore.

Jun Muqian nodded: I see.

Sure enough, Patriarch Bodhi was protecting Sun Wukong. Although the reason is not clear, it must be related to Yuanshi Tianzun and the black mist.

I will also go to the Asura clan with you. Nezha said again, I can't go back to see the master and cause him trouble.

Taiyi Zhenren is now only the pinnacle of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he is really not good enough among this prehistoric peak strength.

Okay. Jun Muxian picked up the little beauty and said, Let's go together.

Wait a minute - Sun Wukong suddenly said, Did you pass by the East China Sea? I want to go to the East China Sea again.

Nezha: ...Why are you going to the East China Sea?

After robbing the sky, do you want to robbing the sea?

Nothing to do. Sun Wukong said heartlessly, carrying the golden cudgel and left, I haven't seen that old dragon for a long time, let's play a little bit.



East China Sea, Crystal Palace.

Ao Guang left the Heavenly Court and quickly recruited Ao Qin, the Dragon King of the South Sea, and Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, to the East China Sea.

Ao Guang didn't know what happened in heaven later.

Moreover, the battle at Nantianmen lasted for several hours, and several months had already passed in the human world.

In the past few months, it can be said that the Sihai Dragon Clan has really started to make big moves. They have all released their accusations. Even the heavens sent gods to earth to warn them, but they were all beaten back.

At this time, the Dragon King of the Four Seas was still discussing important matters in the Crystal Palace.

The other three sea dragon kings are naturally headed by Ao Guang. Whatever Ao Guang says, they will do it. In comparison, Heavenly Court is just an outsider. They are not on the list of gods and do not have to be controlled by Heavenly Court.

But it was still necessary to plan ahead and discuss countermeasures, and at this moment, Prime Minister Turtle rolled in.

Before he could stop, he was already shouting: Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the Lord is here!

Miss Mu is here? Ao Guang perked up, Please come quickly!

Prime Minister Turtle swallowed the words The Great Sage is here too and rolled away again.

Ao Guang didn't know it at all. He was still looking at the vast map of the ancient world attentively, but suddenly he heard a thunderous explosion, which shocked him so much that he almost dropped his head.

Hey, Ao Guang, my old grandson came to you to ask for a drink. Where are you?

Ao Guang couldn't be more familiar with this voice. No... it should be said that the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas were all familiar with it.

They were stunned for a moment, then turned their heads to look, and the next second——


The four dragon kings all knelt down and their voices were still uniform.

Nezha: ...

Rong Qing: ...

Jun Muxian: ...

Okay, it seems that the Great Sage is better and the four dragon kings are afraid of him.

Great Sage? Ao Guang cursed his legs. After getting up, he looked at the Monkey King strutting in. He couldn't believe his eyes, Are you back?

Why are you saying this? Sun Wukong glanced at him, Can't I come back?

Yes, yes, yes! Ao Guang was sweating profusely and kicked Prime Minister Gui, Hurry and prepare wine for the Great Sage.

Prime Minister Turtle rolled away aggrievedly.

I'm sorry, the Great Sage, but the Dragon Clan is busy with affairs and couldn't greet us in time. Ao Guang clasped his fists, Miss Mu, Your Highness the Shaojun, Your Highness the Third Prince, welcome.

Sun Wukong sat down unceremoniously: What are you old dragons busy with?

Oh, it's a long story. Ao Guang sighed, Isn't there a lot of things to deal with after leaving Heaven? There is also a junior of mine who came back some time ago, and he is also...

Before he finished speaking——


Suddenly, the East China Sea shook violently, and the Crystal Palace was about to collapse.

When everyone was stunned, an extremely ancient and majestic dragon roar sounded, almost piercing the eardrums.


It’s the same moment too!

In the other two directions in the three realms, two voices also sounded together, which were equally shocking and intertwined with the dragon's roar.



I originally went to collect information about the Great Sage, but I found a bunch of them: Sun Wukong x Tathagata, Sun Wukong x Yang Jian... huh? ? ? ?

Oh——I suddenly remembered that I had read a romance before, about Sun Wukong x Wuzhishan_(:з」∠)_

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