The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1137. The Great Sage wants to fight with Shaojun? 【1 update】


Such a childish remark suddenly brought a deathly silence.

Nezha, who was about to step forward to give Sun Wukong a bear hug, stopped. He looked at Xiaotuanzi, and then at the Monkey King who was also lost in silence. For a moment, he didn't know which side to help. good.

Jun Muxian was also stunned for a rare moment, not because of what the little beauty said, but because he came out at this time.

This battle with the man in black robe will only last for two or three hours at most. How can such a short time be enough to help the little beauty refine her body?

Jun Mu Qianzi looked at his little dumpling carefully and found that the little beauty indeed had a body, and this body was very consistent with his soul. It was completely impossible to tell that it was put on after tomorrow.

What's going on?

Just when she was a little stunned, Sun Wukong carried the golden hoop and picked up the little dumpling with one hand.

The Monkey King frowned, obviously displeased, and clicked his tongue: Where did this little baby come from, to be so rude when meeting my grandson?

One sentence quickly brought Jun Muzhen out of her trance. She was slightly startled: I'm sorry, senior brother, this is me...

However, the words didn't come out in time.

Wow - because the little beauty suddenly spoke again, his eyes suddenly lit up, and his voice was soft and admiring, Are you the Monkey King, the Monkey King who caused havoc in the Heavenly Palace?

Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter, and the gloomy look on his eyebrows instantly dissipated: What a clever and sweet-tongued little kid! That's right, I am the Monkey King, the Monkey King, who caused havoc in the Heavenly Palace five hundred years ago. .”

Jun Muxian: ???

Hi, kid, what's the matter with you?

Nezha: ...

It's amazing that this child actually knows what this monkey likes to hear.

After realizing that he was worrying too much, Nezha sighed and reminded him: Monkey, now is not the time for you to learn from the experience.

He naturally knew that after Sun Wukong came out from the Five Elements Mountain and escorted the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures, he would say this every time he saw the monster blocking the way.

It is said to be a self-reported family name, but in reality this monkey has a good reputation, likes to show off, and likes to scare those goblins.

It has been hundreds of thousands of years, and the old habits have not changed.

Slip of the tongue, hehe, slip of the tongue! Sun Wukong was not annoyed after hearing this, he just smiled, Isn't this what was said five hundred years ago? If you say it too much, you can't change it.

Ahem... Jun Muzhen had time to speak, Senior brother, ahem... this is my son.

As soon as these words came out, Sun Wukong's hand shook and he almost threw the little beauty away. He was a little unbelievable: Son, son?


The Monkey King scratched his head, counted again and again with his fingers, and muttered: My grandson is right, aren't you only twenty years old? How come you have such a big son?

Those of them who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years still have no descendants. Isn't it a bit exaggerated to push back and forth?

He did know from Patriarch Bodhi that their junior sister and the heir from the Illusory Great Thousand were husband and wife, but they were too anxious to give birth to the baby so early.

I know, I know! The little beauty raised her hands and said happily, That's because the newborn babies are too ugly. The little beauty didn't want to be ugly, so she grew bigger on her own.

Otherwise, the Great Sage will definitely think I'm ugly and throw me out.

Jun Muxian: ...

Nezha: ...

Sun Wukong was happy. He simply made the golden cudgel smaller and stuffed it back into his ears. He used both arms to hold Xiaotuanzi: You are my junior sister's child. How could I throw you out?

The Monkey King also thought in his heart: Rounding things off, he could also be the little baby's uncle. Unexpectedly, he was a stone monkey with no father or mother. He was raised from birth, and in the end he would have a descendant to play with.

Eh? The little beauty was suddenly hugged, confused, and suddenly raised her hand, Mother said that the Monkey King is so powerful, a somersault can travel thousands of miles.

Sun Wukong nodded repeatedly: That's all in the past. Now, let alone one hundred and eight thousand miles, even if it's one hundred and eighty million miles, I, the old grandson, can make it over with a single somersault.

And there's more - the little beauty continued to boast, My mother also said that even if a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, the four heavenly kings, and the twenty-eight constellations are all dispatched, they are no match for the Monkey King. The Jade Emperor and the King My mother was beaten by the Monkey King until she cried for father and mother.

Sun Wukong squinted his eyes, feeling extremely happy both physically and mentally, but he still said modestly on his face: Ashamed, ashamed!

Did you say that? Seeing this, Nezha turned to look at the woman in purple, admiring her sincerely, I didn't see it, but you are so good at raising your son. You can even teach monkeys what they want to hear.

Jun Muqian's throat tightened and she said with difficulty, No, I swear, I never said that.

Is she still confused now?

Nezha: ???

He was confused at first, and then shocked: Then how did he say this?

He can't even do this flattery.

What kind of genius is this?

Jun Muqian thought about it for a moment: Probably self-taught.

Nezha: ...

A good guess is that this family may be perverts.

Just when Jun Maqian was about to take Xiaotuanzi from Sun Wukong's arms, he was pulled into a warm embrace first.

There was a slight rush of breath in the ears, floating on the back of the neck and ears, causing a light blush.

Rong Qing's voice seemed to be filled with something extremely heavy. She calmed down and said, Mumu, I'm sorry, I'm late.

Huh? Jun Muqian was startled, then hugged him and said softly, Beautiful Qing, look, I'm fine. If you blame yourself, I'll feel uncomfortable.

No one would have thought that something like this would happen. The enemy is coming and cannot be stopped.

Hearing this, Rong Qing held her tighter, holding her tightly as if holding the most precious treasure in the world. After a while, she let go.

His eyelashes were still trembling, and it took a while before he completely calmed down.

Rong Qing held the purple-clothed woman's hand, turned around, and said to the Monkey King who was still teasing Xiaotuanzi: Thank you, senior brother, and the third prince for saving your life.


This sentence made both Nezha and Sun Wukong moved.

They certainly know Rong Qing's identity. Rong Qing's status in the Illusory Universe is equivalent to Taoist ancestor Hongjun's status in the prehistoric times.

According to the etiquette, they have to worship.

Of course, neither Sun Wukong nor Nezha will abide by etiquette.

But there is a difference between their activeness and their passiveness, and no one cares about face.

But now Rong Qing took the initiative to lower her body, even lower, just to say thank you.

Hey, no thanks, no thanks. The last worry in Sun Wukong's heart disappeared, As a family, it's tacky to talk about no thanks!

He put the dumpling down and wanted to make a bow, but he couldn't do it for a long time. Either his feet were in the wrong position or his hands were in the wrong position.

Nezha couldn't stand it anymore and pushed the Monkey King: Okay, what are you pretending to be like a rough guy?

Nonsense. Sun Wukong glared at him, I, Sun, have been practicing for so long, and I have already changed my body.

It's you, little Nezha. I haven't seen you for so long. You have grown up. Why are you not as good as my old Sun?

Nezha didn't want to hear this title at all: Just do the math, am I older than you?

Little Nezha, little Nezha, little ass!

Hehe, there's nothing we can do about it. Sun Wukong said, Who told you that when you fought with me, you were only a little bit taller?

As he spoke, he also compared the height, which seemed to be less than one meter.

Nezha choked with anger.

But Sun Wukong continued: Oh, I was very happy to see such a beautiful little baby at that time, but I didn't expect that this little baby would fight with me as soon as it came up. The facial expression was so fierce and scary. I, the old man, have no choice but to pick up the stick.

Jun Muxian nodded in agreement.

Nezha was really cute when he was a child, especially his face, which was softer than cotton.

Monkey, don't you think there's no one who can hit you? Nezha knew that he couldn't defeat this arrogant monkey. He was silent for a while, pointed at the man in scarlet clothes, slightly raised his lips, Shaojun is right here, you are just right We can have a fight.”

Do you think I am a fool? After hearing this, Sun Wukong didn't even think about it. He smiled and said, My junior brother-in-law's cultivation level is higher than that of my grandson. Do I have to rush to find fault? No. Fight or not!”

Nezha: ...

He forgot that this monkey has always been shameless, and the method of provoking the general will not work.

And - Sun Wukong looked Rong Qing up and down, touched his chin, his eyes became sharper, If I, Old Sun, guessed it right, little junior brother-in-law, you can't do anything aggressively in the prehistoric times...

Lord: What kind of genius did I give birth to?

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