The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1115 Beauty crit! Refining the body of the little beauty【2 updates】

Looking at the golden lotus on Jun Muqian's head, Guanglan was so shocked that he was speechless.

Not Taiyi True Immortal, but Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Although it is a word difference, it is a world of difference!

If only one Xuan Immortal among a thousand Xuan Immortals can become a Taiyi True Immortal, then only one Taiyi Golden Immortal can emerge out of a hundred thousand Taiyi True Immortals.

Just because if you want to enter the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal, you must completely condense your soul.

As long as there is a slight difference in soul attainments and talent, it is impossible to fully condense the soul, which also eliminates the possibility of becoming a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Therefore, ninety-nine percent of the Taiyi Immortals in the Three Realms are either innate demon gods or born with strong blood.

But even so, if you want to practice from Taiyi True Immortal to Taiyi Golden Immortal, it will take up to 100,000 years!

Even the Three Emperors, with the help of Nuwa, could not escape from this rule of cultivation.

But Jun Muxian is a real mortal, and he has indeed risen from the lowest level. It only took him three years to reach the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal?

Guanglan was dumbfounded: Oh, my God...

Does Lingtai Fangcun Mountain specialize in recruiting perverts?

It's not enough to take in one monkey, now comes another more perverted one?

The golden lotus lasted for ten breaths. After Jun Muzhen absorbed all the spiritual energy, it suddenly exploded with a buzz sound.


Jun Muqian opened his eyes, golden light exploded in his pupils, and the talismans flashed with majestic momentum.

And her cultivation finally settled on——

The last issue of Taiyi Golden Immortal!

This strength, when placed in the Illusory Universe, is the realm of transformation into gods.

With just one step, Jun Muxian can regain his old cultivation level.

At the same time, she also discovered that cultivation in the Great Desolate World was more difficult than that in the Illusory Great Thousand, often taking twice or even ten times the time.

If it weren't for the fact that she had already practiced once, and her state of mind and soul had surpassed her spiritual power, otherwise it would have been completely impossible for her to reach the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal in such a short period of time.

But if you want to cross from Taiyi Jinxian to Daluo Jinxian, you need an opportunity. Just retreat will not work.

But this opportunity is not easy to find.

In the past, every key breakthrough she made came when she encountered a life-or-death crisis.

Jun Muqian was thinking when a cheerful cry came from her ears: Mother, mother, I'm out!

Jun Muqian came back to her senses, narrowed her eyes and found that the little beauty had come out of her soul.

Naturally, it is just a soul.

Except that he has no body, he is no different from an ordinary three-year-old boy.

Xiaotuanzi seemed to have come to a new world, and was very curious about everything around him. He blinked his eyes and looked left and right.

He stretched out his little hand and grabbed the lotus flower she was sitting on, and said very happily: Mother, do you think I am right? You were born from the lotus flower.

Jun Muxian: ...

She couldn't hit her son, she had to go along with him and pamper him.

The little beauty is so smart. Jun Muqian took the little dumpling over with one hand, You can also guess that my mother was born from a lotus.

No! Xiaotuanzi retorted in a soft voice, I didn't guess it, I saw it.

Jun Muqian opened her eyes and told lies: Okay, what I saw is awesome.

When Rong Qing, who was sitting below, saw this scene, he felt inexplicably depressed and his mood suddenly sank.

He had to admit that Mu Mu didn't seem to coax him like this.

Daddy, daddy. Just when a certain young gentleman was feeling jealous, Xiaotuanzi's eyes lit up and he floated over, Daddy, you are so awesome.

Rong Qing: ...

Suddenly, I lost my temper.

He curled his lips and smiled helplessly: How do you know that daddy is very powerful?

Hearing this, Xiaotuanzi waved his hands inscrutably and said proudly: I don't need to look, I know that daddy is the best.

As he said that, he became confused: If dad is not great, how can he marry mom?

In one sentence, the jealous Wang Shaojun of a certain cosmic level was coaxed into a state of elation.

Jun Muxian: !!!

What kind of freak did she give birth to?

No, how can anyone say that their child is a freak? Is it supposed to be some kind of fairy child?

This flattery comes out of nowhere?

No, that's not right either. You can't say it's flattery.

It was clear that she said it seriously, and coupled with that extremely beautiful face, it was clear that no one could resist it.

Jun Muqian was thoughtful.

She also wondered if Rong Qing would be jealous when the little beauty was born.

Now it seems that this matter can be avoided completely.

With the little beauty's ability to coax people, how could she possibly get angry?

Sure enough, in just a few minutes, His Highness Shaojun had become a child slave.

Guanglan, who finally recovered from the shock, looked confused: Little junior sister, what are you doing?

Talking to the air?

But there is no messenger from the underworld here, and even if King Qin Guang comes, he can still see it.

Hearing these words, Jun Muxian was also surprised: Elder brother, can't you see?

Guanglan's cultivation level is also at the level of Daluo Jinxian. Her little beauty has just been born, so she can't...

She glanced at the little dumpling lying comfortably in Rong Qing's arms, and her surprise became deeper and deeper.

The little beauty will not be born as a Da Luo Jinxian, right?

But she didn't feel any spiritual energy fluctuations on his body.

What did you see? Looking at the empty cave, Guanglan was even more confused, Is there something you want me to see?

I don't want to. Just as he finished speaking, a fierce voice came from the air, This ugly uncle is not good-looking. I don't want him to look at me.

After saying that, the voice was full of pride: Only good-looking people can look at this little beauty.

Guanglan: ...

Jun Muxian: ...

Rong Qing: ...

Well, it seems that not only am I no longer angry, but I am also in a happier mood.

Guanglan stayed for two seconds and then howled: Ghost-!!!

But before he could shout the first word he wanted to shout, Rong Qing used his spiritual power to block it.

The little beauty poked her head curiously: Dad, why does Uncle Ugly scream so unpleasantly?

Rong Qingran said calmly: Because he cried when you said he was ugly.

Guanglan: ...

Ah? The little beauty was stunned.

As if he thought of something, he floated over, put his hand on Guanglan's head, and hummed a song: Uncle Ugly, don't cry. I'll show you the little beauty. It won't look good if you cry.

Jun Muxian: ...


This level of coaxing is amazing.

Guanglan was about to curse angrily, but when he looked up, he saw a small dumpling patting his head. His big eyes were blinking, his lips were red and his teeth were white.


Guanglan clutched his chest and took a big step back. He was unable to withstand the beauty blow from the little beauty and almost suffocated to death.

Okay, okay... he stammered for a long time, so damn cute!

Rong Qing cast a cold look over her: No swearing.

He raised his hand and hugged his son back.

Guanglan couldn't see the little beauty at this time. He looked at Jun Muxian very hurt: Little junior sister, why do you do this to me?

Jun Muqian suppressed a smile: Elder brother, how can you blame me?

Guanglan accused sadly and angrily: Nonsense, your senior brother and I have never gotten married, but there are many female fairies chasing me, so naturally I can't be ugly.

It turns out that you and His Highness Shaojun's family have outstanding looks, the children they gave birth to are top-notch, and their overall taste has improved. If you don't blame this, who should blame you?

Jun Muxian: ...

What a fallacy.

Also, you must hide such a cute child. Guanglan said earnestly, Otherwise...hey, where is the person?

He looked at the empty cave and was dumbfounded again.


As soon as he became possessive, His Highness Shaojun said he didn't want others to see his son, so he teleported into the house with his queen.

Xiaotuanzi was lying on Rong Qing's shoulder, looking at everything around him curiously: Dad, what is that?


That it?

Tea cup.

And here...

No matter how many questions the little beauty asked, Rong Qing took the trouble to answer them.

Jun Muqian leaned on her elbows and looked at the father and son. After being quiet for a while, she asked, Qingmei, do you really want to refine a body?

Yeah. Rong Qing nodded, We can't really let him go on like this.

Although there is a spiritual practice dedicated to cultivating the soul, the spirit and the body have always been indispensable. If one is missing the other, one will still not be able to reach the peak.

How to refine it? Jun Muqian frowned, Refining the body is different from refining the weapon. You have to be careful with whatever materials you use. Moreover, if you want to make the body spiritual and become the carrier of the soul, it may not be that simple. .”

It is not that the physical body is created so that the soul can be integrated with it.

Of course. Rong Qing smiled lightly, Have you forgotten, Mu Mu, that there is an innate spiritual treasure in this ancient world, named -

Create a human whip.

Jun Muqian suddenly raised her head: The whip used by Nuwa to create humans?

# On how the little beauty with rainbow fart was born #

From being jealous with your children to becoming a child slave, it only takes one step!

Well, let me ask for votes~

Good night everyone~

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