The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1116 A family of three robbed the underworld [1 update]

Although the prehistoric period has gone through three great tribulations, it also has three great merits and virtues. In chronological order, they are -

Pangu created the sky, Nuwa created humans, and Taiyi ruled the world.

The great god Pangu split the chaotic world with the Kaitian Divine Ax, one of the four great treasures of chaos. From then on, the turbid air sank to become the earth, and the pure air rose to become the sky.

After Pangu passed away, the sky-opening ax turned into three innate treasures: the ax blade turned into Pangu flag, the ax head turned into Chaos Bell, and the ax handle turned into Tai Chi diagram.

Pangu Banner not only inherited the offensive power of the Kaitian Divine Axe, but its own power has also been improved to a higher level. It is undoubtedly one of the most powerful magic weapons in the prehistoric world today.

This Pangu flag is the most precious treasure of the teachings, and is personally kept by Yuanshi Tianzun.

It is precisely because he has the Pangu Banner of the same level as the Chaos Bell that Yuanshi Tianzun has the ability to seal the Chaos Bell.

After Pangu created the world, there were only innate demon gods born in response to heaven and earth in the entire prehistoric era, and there were no other living beings.

But if you want to create a complete world, you must have something that can support the world. Simply relying on the innate demon gods and innate spiritual treasures is never enough.

Thousands of living things are indispensable.

Therefore, Nuwa created humans.

Before creating humans, Nuwa also created other creatures, including various spiritual beasts, which was the first.

The spiritual beasts gain wisdom and continue to multiply, and the prehistoric world is prosperous and full of vitality.

And because the spiritual energy was abundant after the creation of the world, these spiritual beasts were able to cultivate themselves and transform into humans. The first demon clan was born.

Therefore, before the birth of Donghuang Taiyi and Heavenly Emperor Dijun, Nuwa was considered the first generation leader of the demon clan.

So far, in addition to worshiping the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and the Heavenly Emperor Dijun, the demon clan also has a very high respect for Nuwa.

There is a reason why Nuwa is called the sect of all spirits. Almost all the acquired creatures in the prehistoric world were created by her.

However, creating humans is the most difficult task.

Legend has it that Nuwa made humans out of clay and shaped them in her own likeness. But in fact, in the process of creating humans, Nuwa spent a lot of energy and used countless magic weapons to truly create human beings. out.

One of them is the human whip created by the innate spiritual treasure.

The human whip was just a vine picked by Nuwa at first, and was finally refined into a spiritual treasure by Nuwa.

Because it participated in the process of creating human beings, the human-creating whip is also a spiritual treasure of merit and virtue, and it is the first treasure to guard the vitality of the human race.

It can harmonize the destiny of human beings with the energy of nature, and unite nature and man. It can also defeat the destiny of human beings and dethrone the human emperor.

All people of the mortal race are subject to restraint.

This human-creating whip is similar to the divine whip. If a human being is whipped, even the Great Luo Jinxian will still be turned into loess.

The human whip can create humans, and it can also kill people.

That's right. Rong slightly nodded, With the whip in hand and a body, it won't be a problem.

After hearing the word body, the little beauty quickly floated over, blinked her big eyes, and said happily: Daddy, you must make it according to my appearance.

Rong Qing turned sideways and rubbed his head, her lips curved gently: Naturally.

But - Jun Muqian frowned, and her soul sent a message, Beauty Qing, if the body of the little beauty is made by the whip, will it be restrained by the whip?

It was okay for her to have weaknesses, but she would never want any in her children.

No. Rong Qing said calmly, Because our children are not human.

... Three seconds later, Jun Muqian finally understood. She nodded with difficulty, That makes sense.

Rong Qing is not a human in the first place, no... his status in the illusory universe is at least the same as that of Hongjun, the great ancestor of Taoism. Naturally, he can be called a god a long time ago.

And she...she actually doesn't know what she is even now.

Jun Muqian sighed.

I thought that I would be able to find out her life experience when I came to the Great Wilderness.

As a result, she can find it now, but there is still a barrier blocking her, preventing her from taking the last step.

And that bastard Daojun, when she finds him, she will definitely kill him!

Mom, you're not sad. The little beauty's eyes were confused, and she came over worriedly. She imitated Rong Qing and patted her back, Dad and I are both here.

Jun Mu smiled lightly and hugged him: You are so sensible.

If you have a husband and a son, what more can you ask for?

No matter which one, it was something she didn't dare to think about before.

But where is the human-creating whip now? Jun Muqian hugged Xiaotuanzi with one hand and said more seriously, You and I now know that the real Emperor Wa is locked up. I'm afraid this matter must be related to Yuanshi Tianzun and the Wu Clan are closely involved, could the human-creating whip also be in the hands of the Wu Clan?

If it were in the hands of the Witch Clan, this would be troublesome.

At least for now, they don't have the ability to fight against the Witch Clan.

Rong Qing's brows furrowed slightly, then relaxed, and said calmly: 80% possibility, not here.

Jun Muqian frowned: Oh?

Mumu, you underestimate Nuwa. Rong Qing said, Among the saints of heaven, Hongjun ranks first, and Nuwa will rank second. She is locked up, absolutely not because she was really raped. Caught alive.

In the ancient world, there may be people who want to defeat Nuwa, but there are no people who can capture her.

Jun Muqian's eyes suddenly darkened: So, Emperor Wa's imprisonment was a trap?

Rong made an understatement: It's also possible that he was deceived by someone he knew.

A familiar person... Jun Muqian frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly became horrified, Could it be Xuan Ming and Hou Tu?

Although Yuanshi Tianzun and Emperor Wa are both heavenly saints, there is not much overlap between the two, and Yuanshi Tianzun looks down on several other saints. Even if it is Nuwa, he will not take a second look.

If anyone among the innate demon gods has the deepest friendship with Nuwa, it is Wu Xuanming, the ancestor of rain, and Wu Houtu, the ancestor of earth.

Rong Qing had obviously thought of this in advance: It's just a guess.

After a pause, he continued: Therefore, it is impossible for Nuwa to really let the Witch Clan take away the human-creating whip, the magic weapon that restrains the human race. After all, the Seven-Star Moon Whip, which is the most dangerous to the Witch Clan, is also admiring you. In the hands of the Witch Clan, it was not taken away.

Jun Muqian understood.


For the Witch Clan, it is obvious that the Seven Star Moon Whip is more important.

I think... Rong Qing lowered her eyelashes and tapped the table gently with her slender fingers, There is a 50% chance that the whip will be created in the underworld, and there is a 50% chance that it will be in heaven.

Then go. Jun Muzhen made a decision immediately, I am now the Taiyi Golden Immortal. Qingmei, has your cultivation been completely unsealed?

Never. Rong Qing smiled lightly, But Yuan Shi is no longer my opponent.

As a result, as soon as he finished saying this, he was kicked by Jun Muzhen.

Rong Qing was startled: Mumu?

When he looked up, he saw his queen hugging Xiaotuanzi and only showing his back.

Jun Muqian snorted coldly: Go away and ignore your father. He is a pervert.

The little beauty blinked and the curious baby raised her hands: Mother, mother, what is perversion?

Jun Muqian's eyes were cold: It means that some people have too high cultivation level, and your father is a pervert.


Still not satisfied: Shameless.


Finally, he added: Shameless.



Originally, Jun Muxian had no plans to go to Heaven to attend a peach feast. She really didn't want to care about the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, but now she was going to give Xiaomei an artificial body. If the underworld didn't create a human whip, Heaven would definitely go there. .

And now, a family of three has come to the underworld.

Naturally, after Jun Muqian was promoted to Taiyi Golden Immortal, he could enter as a living person, but for the sake of the little beauty, she and Rong Qing also chose to leave the body.

When Bai Wuchang, who was guarding the Wangchuan River, saw the woman in purple and the man in scarlet holding a small dumpling, he thought he was blind or died again: Oh, my God...

He ran over and said, Grandma, what are you doing?

As soon as Bai Wuchang finished speaking, he was hit on the head, more than once.

The little beauty clenched her fist and waved it forward aggressively: Mom, don't be afraid, I will help you fight the ghost.

His face is so pale and he looks so ugly, he must be a ghost!

Jun Muxian: ...

Rong Qing: ...

Bai Wuchang: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

It's hard to be a human being, but it's even harder to be a ghost.

After some explanations, the little beauty took back her fist in doubt, but before taking it back, she waved at Bai Wuchang in warning: If you dare to scare mother, I will blow your head off.

Jun Muqian was shocked.

Her son has the potential to be a overlord.

I don't dare. How dare I? Bai Wuchang cried bitterly, Your Highness, I really don't dare.

After crying for a while, he asked: Grandma, why did you remember coming to the underworld again? I have handled the things you gave me carefully, and I haven't made any mistakes in the past few years.

Bai Wuchang looked like he was begging for praise.

Hearing this, Jun Maqian was thoughtful and took out a few pieces of spiritual jade with a snap.

Bai Wuchang's eyes lit up and he stretched out his hand: Grandma, how can you be so embarrassed...

Pah, pah, pah—

Jun Muxian bought dozens more pieces of spiritual jade: Take it, immediately, immediately, buy all the clothes stores in Fengdu City now. I want to choose clothes for my son.

Bai Wuchang: ???

Little Beauty: I, the great tycoon of all time, make money

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