The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1114 His Highness Shaojun made the little beauty cry [1 update]


Silence, still silence.

After a long period of silence, Jun Muqian reacted slowly, with a dazed expression: This seems to be a problem...

It is really weird that the news about Yuan Shen conceiving a child has spread out. I am afraid that considering the combined history of the Great Desolate World and the Illusory Universe for nearly tens of millions of years, she is such a strange person.

It is true that with the strength of the little beauty's current soul, she can survive even without a physical body.

But Rong Qing was right. If he didn't have a body, wouldn't he be a ghost when he went out?

The little beauty bit her finger and was confused for a while, then asked innocently: Dad, what is a ghost?

Rong Qing's lips curved slightly, but her voice was still light: It's a thing that can scare your mother into fainting. This thing can also float around and appear mysteriously.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian was stunned at first, and then became angry: Rong Qing, don't talk nonsense. When have I ever been afraid of ghosts?

All the ghosts in front of her were beaten by her!

What is this man talking about here?

Or in front of the child, she simply took the wrong medicine. Could it be that she wanted to lower her image in front of the little beauty and improve herself?

In this case, wouldn't Zaizai run away with his father?

Jun Muxian suddenly felt that a certain young man was shameless.

But the little beauty was stunned, staring at her father blankly, as if thinking about the huge amount of information contained in this sentence.

Really, really? He frowned, as if he was about to cry, and his voice became softer, Then, then I won't go out.

The little beauty tugged at Jun Muqian's clothes anxiously. She was clearly aggrieved, but she still comforted her mother seriously: Mother, don't be afraid. I, I won't go out. Mother, don't be afraid. I I won’t scare my mother, I…”

Before he finished speaking, a choking sound suddenly appeared in the air.

The next second, Xiao Tuanzi, who had just been trying to suppress it, burst into tears, and his tears flowed down freely.


In the silence, it is extremely clear.

Rong Qing: ...

He froze there, at a loss. For the first time, he really didn't know what to do.

This was something serious. Jun Maqian was startled by Xiaotuanzi's sad cry. She snatched Xiaotuanzi from her arms and hugged him.

Don't cry, don't cry. Seeing the cute and delicate Baozi's face wrinkled up and still red, Jun Muqian felt extremely distressed and kept coaxing, Why is mother afraid of you? I like you the most, so of course you have to come out, otherwise, wouldn’t my mother have been pregnant with you in vain?”

The little beauty sobbed: But, but the little beauty is a ghost now, mother, you are afraid of ghosts...

Jun Muxian: ...

Damn it, she's afraid of ghosts!

What's going on with this man? How can he still scare his children that he's a ghost?

Have you ever seen such a cute ghost?

No, she's going to be pissed off.

While coaxing Xiao Tuanzi, Jun Muzhen raised his eyes and cast a cold gaze at the culprit: I have decided, I want to divorce my husband, and then take the little beauty to find a new father.

Rong Qing: ...

He really didn't mean it.

He just wanted to tease Xiaotuanzi, but who would have thought that instead of teasing him, he frightened the little beauty instead?

Rong Qing pinched the center of his eyebrows and took a deep breath: Mumu, listen to my explanation.

Explain what? Jun Muqian gave him a cold look, Don't explain, I think you just don't want your son. It doesn't matter, some people do.

Anyway, Senior Brother Kong Xuan told me that as long as I am willing, I can choose from all the men in the wild. When the time comes, I can choose just a few and I won't need you.

Rong Qing: ...

This sentence was like a stormy wave crashing down on top, giving His Highness Shaojun an unprecedented sense of crisis.


How many more do you want to choose?


However, Rong Qing also knew that it was because he said the wrong thing and scared their little dumpling to tears.

He is really used to thinking like an adult, or maybe he thinks that Xiaotuanzi is born with a soul, which is different from ordinary people.

However, babies are still babies, and their feelings and emotions are fragile and prone to collapse.

It is really your own fault and you will not survive.

Rong sighed lightly, knowing that if he couldn't coax Xiaotuanzi well, his queen might really run away with her son.

He restrained his emotional fluctuations, his eyes narrowed, and his voice was unexpectedly soft: But daddy can make a body for you.

With your body now, you can stay with your mother.

The little beauty, who was still crying sadly, was stunned when she heard this.

His grape-like eyes were glistening with tears, looking very heart-wrenching.

Xiaotuanzi looked at the man in scarlet clothes longingly: Dad, is it true? Can you really build a body for me?

Jun Muxian also looked over, raised his eyebrows, and smiled: Your father is not good at emotional intelligence, but he is not bad at work.

The little beauty bit her finger in confusion: Mom, what is emotional intelligence?

Jun Muqian said slowly: According to your grandma, he probably just can't speak and is just a blockhead. If it weren't for your mother and I who kindly saved him, he would be a bachelor now.

After a pause, he added: Old bachelor.

The little beauty still couldn't understand it, so she just thought it was a compliment to her father: Wow, what is a bachelor? Can you eat it?

Bachelors can't eat, but your mother can. Rong Qing understood now, and he was thrown away by his wife.

He bent down, his eyes were level with Xiaotuanzi.

The two pairs of pupils faced each other, like two galaxies slowly blending together. When the light flowed, it was brilliant.

Rong Qing put her hand on Xiaotuanzi's head, curved the corners of her lips, and whispered: It's Daddy's fault. Daddy will apologize to you.

Why did daddy apologize to me? The little beauty had already forgotten what happened before. He hugged Rong Qing's neck again and didn't let go. The little chubby hand was waving, Nonsense, daddy is fine. I'm fine. I like daddy.

Jun Muqian turned her head and looked at the reunited father and son with gentle eyes.

She always knew he would be a good father.


The family of three is very harmonious in their minds, but Guanglan is anxious outside.

Alas, alas! He almost finished scratching his hair, What the hell is going on? Originally, it was just the junior sister who was in trouble. Why is it that now His Highness Shaojun is also in trouble?

If the two of them were not still breathing, the lotus platform would not have stopped rotating, otherwise Guanglan would have really thought that Jun Muzhen and Rong Qing had passed away.

But he didn't dare to step forward and disturb him. What if something bigger happened again?

A few more hours passed, and just when Guanglan was about to lose his hold and was about to contact Patriarch Bodhi, things finally changed.

The man in scarlet clothes suddenly woke up, released the woman in purple clothes from his arms, and straightened her body very carefully before getting off the lotus platform and starting a new round of protecting the Dharma.

Guanglan was stunned at first, then breathed a sigh of relief and asked hurriedly: Your Highness Shaojun, my junior sister...

Shh- Rong Qing raised her hand and placed her index finger on her thin lips, Mumu is about to wake up.

Ah? Guanglan was stunned again, Junior sister is finally coming out of seclusion?

As soon as he finished speaking, an even stronger golden light suddenly erupted from the ninth-grade golden lotus throne, instantly illuminating the entire dark cave.


The majestic aura of spiritual energy suddenly rushed up from the top of Jun Muzhen's head and flew straight to the top of the cave.

There was a loud boom, and the stone wall above shattered in response. The cracked stones fell down with a shush, but without exception, they were bounced away by the light emanating from the lotus platform. .

Guanglan lost his balance, slipped and almost fell.

Not only the cave, but also the entire Lingtai Fangcun Mountain was shaken by a sudden earthquake, causing the birds on the trees to rise up one after another and scurry around in panic.

The brothers and sisters outside the cave were all drinking wine together and cursing the Heavenly Court. This shock was like a slap in the face, and everyone was stunned.

He suddenly turned his head to look, but he could only see the golden light flashing in the cave, and the spiritual energy was surging crazily, as if it was about to be completely drained.


The aura on Jun Muzhen's body rose again, and finally reached a peak at this moment.

At the same time, the cultivation brought about by three years of seclusion also began to show.

Almost without any pause, with a bang sound, Jun Muxian's cultivation level directly rushed towards the Golden Immortal!

Before this was over, there was another bang, and the spiritual energy did not circulate at all in the Golden Immortal, but broke through the barrier of the Xuan Immortal.

Guanglan nodded repeatedly after seeing this: Junior sister is really talented. She became a Xuanxian in three years. It's true...

The words Awesome were stuck in his throat before he could say them.

Because within a few seconds of Guanglan saying these words, Jun Muzhen's aura changed again, and his cultivation level broke again. He actually reached the level of Taiyi True Immortal that many Xuanxian dreamed of!

Taiyi is so immortal!

As long as you can become Taiyi True Immortal, you can start practicing Taoism, and sooner or later you will be able to become a powerful Taoist who can travel in the chaotic galaxy.

But for the Taiyi True Immortal class, countless people are stuck.

However, it's still not over.

Guanglan's eyes suddenly widened, and he was stunned.

The next second, he cursed: Damn, pervert...

Taiyi... Jinxian? ? !

Yun Ge: The little beauty is so good at coaxing people, I think some people are jealous.

Lord: Huh? Beautiful people won't be jealous.

Yun Ge: Your father-in-law

It’s still someone who doesn’t show his face: Haha...

Rong Qing, who has never been able to coax his father since he was a child:...

It’s the last day, vote if you have votes~

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