The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1111 Three years later——[2 updates]

Jun Muqian turned back: Master, what else can you do?

Although the master-disciple relationship between her and Patriarch Bodhi is very strange, Patriarch Bodhi is there in terms of seniority and has helped her many times, so calling her master is not an exaggeration.

As a result, Bodhi actually said: Lend me your butterfly.

Jun Muqian was stunned, and before he could react, he saw Bodhi waving his sleeves, the wind was light and the clouds were calm.

With a crash, a person fell from the air and fell to the ground with a thud.

Ouch, ouch... Ji Le almost cried, My waist... hiss! My waist hurts.

what happened?

She was obviously lying on the bed, holding a soft pillow, preparing to fight Duke Zhou for three hundred rounds. Why did she suddenly change places?

Ji Le was stunned when she suddenly found herself standing up straight again, as if an external force had pulled her up.


She no longer has the right to throw, who is messing with her!

Ji Le turned back angrily and saw an old man looking at her with kind eyes. She blinked: Old man, who are you?

Jun Muqian patted her head: Don't be rude, this is Patriarch Bodhi.

Ji Le was startled: What... what?

Jun Muqian looked at Patriarch Bodhi: Master, what do you want to lend me this butterfly for?

This little butterfly is destined to be with Jie Yin. Bodhi smiled faintly and stroked his beard, If you don't mind, let her practice at Jie Yin's place for a while so that she can help you in the future.

Hearing these words, Ji Le turned away faster than turning the page in a book. She said loudly: Disgusted!

She doesn’t want to go to a monk to practice!

What if she becomes bald too?

I don't mind it. Jun Muqian ignored Ji Le's revolt and said calmly, Being able to practice with her uncle is her blessing.

It is true that Taoist Jieyin is the weakest among the saints, but he must not be underestimated.

She heard that there seemed to be no close disciples under Taoist Jie Yin. If Ji Le could become a disciple of Taoist Jie Yin, his future achievements would be immeasurable.

I don't! Ji Le took off Jun Mu Qian's clothes, feeling aggrieved. I want to stay with you. Don't give me to the monks. They will definitely shave my head.

My daughter's hair is the most important thing. Even if I kill her, I can't shave her hair.

Before Jun Muqian could answer, Bodhi said: Don't worry, Jie Yin and I are no longer in the Western Paradise. There is no need to shave our heads, and even those Buddhas have pigtails.

I don't want it. Ji Le still didn't want to go and struggled, I also heard that the monks only eat vegetarian food. I can't do it. I avoid vegetarian food.

Jun Muxian: ...

What a taboo.

Forget it. Jun Muqian sighed, If you don't want to go, just go. I can't force you.

Ji Le cheered: Mu, I knew you were the best.

But Bodhi still smiled: Little Butterfly, you really don't want to go?

Ji Le said confidently: No matter how hard you try to tempt me, I won't go.

Master, don't force her. Jun Muzhen shook her head, If she doesn't go, just let her go.

Oh? Bodhi looked thoughtfully at Bliss for three seconds and suddenly said something.

But Jun Muzhen didn't hear this sentence. It was obviously directly transmitted from the soul.

Ji Le's body trembled, and she was stunned for a moment, then the look in her eyes gradually became firm: Okay, I'll go.

You went again? Jun Muzhen was surprised, Why are you going again?

Ji Le hesitated a little: This is a secret, I, I won't tell you.

Jun Muxian: ...


As children grow up, they learn to be rebellious.

In this case, I will send you to the pick-up place soon. Bodhi was not surprised, My senior brother sometimes has a bit of a temper, so you don't have to be the same as him, just ignore him.

Bliss: ...

Senior brother?

Jun Muqian looked at Ji Le for a while and asked, Did the master say something to you that made you suddenly want to go again.

Ji Le curled his lips and snorted: I won't tell you this either.

Jun Muqian looked at Patriarch Bodhi again.

Bodhi stroked his beard and smiled: Since she doesn't want to say it, I won't say it either.

Okay. Jun Muqian nodded, Now that you've made your decision, don't regret it and practice hard. Your talent is not bad, and with the help of the Sun Archery Bow, you have to become a Da Luo Jinxian, right?

I don't! Ji Le retorted, I want to become Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

You are ambitious. Jun Muzhen praised, I don't know how many thousands of years it will take me to see it.

No matter how good your talent is, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian cannot become one overnight.

Ji Le was angry: Don't underestimate me.

Jun Muqian raised her eyebrows and looked at Bodhi: Master, I'll leave first, and I'll ask you to take care of Ji Le.

Bodhi nodded and smiled. After the purple-clothed woman left, she waved her sleeves and disappeared with bliss.


After returning, Jun Muxian entered deep retreat.

Originally, Rong Qing wanted to send Mu Ying to Tianting Yaochi, but because the speed of time between heaven and earth was so different, maybe two or three years would pass by the Xianyue Sanxing Cave every time he went there.

Therefore, Patriarch Bodhi took over the final task of escorting Mu Ying to Yaochi.

However, with Patriarch Bodhi here, no one in the heaven can detect him.

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother would not know even if they tried hard to find out that the Emperor Jun and Xihe they had been looking for for a long time were just under their noses and were still recovering with the help of Yaochi's power.

After that, Patriarch Bodhi disappeared again, and even Guanglan didn’t know where he had gone.

Since Jun Muqian started to retreat as soon as he returned to his school, the fellow apprentices headed by Guanglan could no longer entertain the junior sister they had been waiting for for who knows how long. They could only cultivate themselves as before.

The days in Lingtai Fangcun Mountain have also returned to calm. It has been the same day for hundreds of thousands of years, without any fun.

Of course, no disciple dared to disturb Jun Muxian.

Although the disciples of Patriarch Bodhi are unknown in the Three Realms, their status is very high. When they reach their status, they will naturally know that there are other things in the universe besides the prehistoric era.

We also know that the Illusory Universe, the youngest universe, was originally unable to compete with other universes, but because of the appearance of a couple, they single-handedly improved the overall strength of the Illusory Universe.

Not only that, but he also truly controls a universe, which is really terrifying!

And the person currently protecting their little junior sister is the eldest son of this couple, and his real cultivation level is even higher than their master.

You can't mess with it, and you can't afford it.

The place where Jun Muqian retreats is specially chosen by Patriarch Bodhi. It not only has a high concentration of spiritual energy, but also helps to realize the Tao.

Before, only Sun Wukong had practiced here.

In front of the cave door, many brothers and sisters gathered together, looking at the closed door and sighing.

Oh, my junior sister has been in seclusion for three years. The first junior brother wiped his tears and said, I have pity on me. I still don't know what my junior sister is like.

What are you talking about? Guanglan glared at him, Don't we all start our retreats tens of thousands of years ago? Junior Sister, it's only been three years, so you think that's too much?

Hey, Senior Brother, even if that's the case, don't you know the beauty of this treasured land, Master? Another junior brother said, Although the flow of time has not changed, practicing here for one year is equivalent to one year in the outside world. millennium!

As soon as these words came out, the other brothers and sisters started talking.

That's right, my junior brother only practiced for a few days back then. After he came out, his cultivation level increased so fast that I was really envious.

I envy you, but I can't envy you. Do you think anyone can enter this treasured place? After entering, you have to be able to withstand the violent spiritual energy inside. This little junior brother is a stone monkey, so of course he can't compare.

What is the junior sister?

Little junior sister is naturally...

Shut up, shut up, stop arguing. Guanglan felt a headache after hearing this, If you continue to argue like this, His Highness Shaojun will kill you.

Brothers and sisters: ...

Scared. Scared.

One of the disciples sighed: Oh, I thought that the master had found the little junior sister for us, but I didn't expect that the little junior sister was already married. This little junior sister-in-law is still the young master of Tianyu, so we can't compete with him.

That is, if someone else marries my junior sister, I will definitely beat him up, but since he is the young master of Tianyu, he will definitely be a perfect match.

Just as he was talking, a crane flew slowly towards us in the distance, loosened its claws, and dropped a roll.

What is this? Guanglan squatted down and took out the letter from the roll to take a look.

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