The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1112 The little beauty is born [1 update]

The letterhead was golden, obviously the one commonly used by Heavenly Court, and there was a faint scent of lotus floating on it.

This kind of lotus can only grow in Yaochi.

Other disciples also smelled it and couldn't help but poke their heads out curiously: Elder brother, what's going on in that big place in Heaven?

For these orthodox disciples of the Heavenly Saint, they really have never taken Heavenly Court seriously.

Naturally, it is the heaven now controlled by the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother.

When Sun Wukong caused havoc in the Heavenly Palace, although he had already been expelled from his master's sect, these fellow disciples still cared about this little junior fellow apprentice.

It is true that they also remember the days when the monkey teased each of them when he first came to Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, but this does not prevent them from having some communication with their junior brother behind the back of their master.

Although Sun Wukong is naughty and disobedient to discipline, he still has a certain temper in everything he does.

To be able to make him furious and cause trouble in Heaven, I am afraid that the matter is definitely not as simple as being insulted by Heaven. There must be a deeper reason.

It's a pity that since Sun Wukong was conferred the title of Victorious Buddha, the brothers led by Guanglan can't find him, and they can't ask the reason why.

Occasionally, I heard that he would fight with some gods in heaven, but from beginning to end, the dragon never saw the end.

When I asked Patriarch Bodhi, the master just kept silent.

As a result, the disciples' favorable impression of Heavenly Court plummeted, and they would never go to any banquet or competition held by Heavenly Court.

After being ignored three or four times, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother also realized what was going on and no longer sent invitations to Xie Yue Sanxing Cave.

Could it be that this time he was too shameless and sent the invitation to the teacher's door?

Guanglan frowned and took it apart. He looked at it and said, The peach feast will be held in seven days. This is the invitation.

These seven days are the seven days in the human world.

Peach feast? After hearing this, the third senior brother sneered, Yaochi really regards her poor garden as a treasure. Every time it's her birthday, she holds a peach party. I really don't know if she really holds it. The banquet has another purpose.

Based on the speed of time in the heaven, March 3rd every year is the birthday of Queen Mother Yaochi.

On this day, she will invite gods from all over the world to come to heaven to participate in the peach feast.

Then, different flat peaches are divided according to the grades of the gods.

Those of high rank will naturally eat the fruits from the peach tree, which blooms every nine thousand years, bears fruit every nine thousand years, and matures every nine thousand years.

Tsk, tsk, what a joke. Another senior brother also laughed, I remember that at that time, they asked the junior brother to guard the peach garden. Even if the junior brother jumped out of the cracks in the rocks, he was still a monkey. This monkey is the most Any fool knows what he likes to eat.”

As soon as these words came out, all the disciples laughed.

They sent us invitations, who is going to go? Some disciples said scornfully, Didn't even the junior fellow disciples not be invited to the peach feast hundreds of thousands of years ago? Why are you still thinking of our Xianyue Sanxing Cave now?

Of course I won't go if I don't want to go. Guanglan's brows furrowed further and he pulled out another piece of golden letter paper, But here, there is also an invitation specifically addressed to my junior sister.

Generally speaking, each force only sends one invitation to the Peach Feast because there are too many gods in the three realms.

Except for dominant beings like Tathagata Buddha, the Lord of the Western Paradise, and Yama, the Lord of the Ten Palaces of the Underworld, no god can get an invitation alone.

The expressions of all the brothers could not help but change.

There must be a fraud! A junior brother blurted out, Didn't my junior brother bring great disgrace to Heavenly Court three years ago? With the size of Heavenly Court, how could he still entertain his junior sister in person?

That's right. A senior brother next to him also said, The Jade Emperor is very cunning. He couldn't defeat his junior brother back then, and even went to invite Tathagata specially. Maybe he was thinking about how to deal with his junior sister during the peach feast.

In fact, although Buddha Tathagata is the Lord of the Western Paradise, before Patriarch Bodhi and Amitabha Buddha retired to the three realms, Tathagata was still a disciple of the Tongtian leader.

The status is also the same as theirs.

But today is different from the past. They can rebel against Heaven, but not the West. After all, the West was also established by Patriarch Bodhi and Amitabha.

They can also be regarded as disciples of Western teachings.

The brothers were arguing, but when Guanglan remained silent, they couldn't help but stop.

A disciple said anxiously: Senior Brother, you must stop this little junior sister. Don't let her fall into the trap of heaven.

Okay, I know what you said, but let's not get involved in this matter. Guanglan shook his head and folded the letter, Let the junior sister make her own decision whether to go or not.

All the brothers were stunned when they heard this: But senior brother, how can this...

What? Guang Lan clasped his hands behind his back and glanced at them, Are you the junior junior sister? Can you make decisions for her? With the IQs of Haotian and Yaochi, can you really trick the junior junior sister?

Brothers and sisters: ...

Really can't.

Isn't that enough? Guanglan clicked his tongue, Maybe my junior sister is also waiting for this opportunity to take revenge.

With that said, he walked to the door of the cave and knocked gently.

A few seconds later, the door creaked open.

Guanglan was a little surprised.

He just had the attitude of giving it a try, but he didn't expect that he actually got permission.

This proves that the retreat of the younger junior sister is about to end, otherwise the younger junior sister-in-law would not let him in.

When they saw the door open, the other brothers suddenly became jealous and came forward one after another.

Go, go, go. Guanglan was furious, What are you doing? Junior sister hasn't officially left the seclusion yet. You guys are squeezing in one by one. Do you want to crowd the cave?

As soon as the steps of the brothers stopped, they were suddenly dissatisfied: Then why can you go in, Senior Brother?

Who made me the senior brother? Guanglan snorted slightly, The elders and younger ones are in order, and the elder brothers are like fathers. They are all waiting for me outside. I only went in to talk about the peach feast. I can do it alone. enough.

After saying that, he walked in.

The door also slammed shut again, blocking out the resentful eyes.

The cave was pitch black without any light.

But Guanglan is now at the level of Daluo Jinxian, and it doesn't hinder him from walking even with his eyes closed.

He walked quickly to the deepest part of the cave and saw the man in scarlet clothes sitting quietly under the ninth-grade lotus platform, his eyes closed and his posture elegant.

Rong Qing was not wearing a silver mask at this time, and his face that turned all living beings upside down was completely exposed to the air.

Even though there is no light at this time, it does not prevent him from being extremely elegant, and there is actually a kind of dazzling glare.

Even though Guanglan was a man, he couldn't help but admire him.

If this kind of appearance were placed in the ancient times of the past, I am afraid that the number one most beautiful man in the ancient times would have changed hands.

The junior sister really has a good eye, and the husband she chose is so unparalleled in the world.

Behind Rong Qing, on the ninth-grade lotus platform, Jun Muqian was sitting cross-legged and meditating.

Guanglan took a closer look and found that, as expected, Jun Muxian's retreat was indeed at the last moment.

I just don't know how much improvement she can make after she comes out of seclusion.

At this time, Rong Qing opened her eyes, raised her head slightly, and looked at Guanglan: What's the matter?

Yes, yes! Guanglan slapped his forehead and sent a message from his soul, Heaven gave the junior sister an invitation to go to the Peach Feast. The Peach Feast will start in seven days. Let's take a look. do you want to go.

Pan Tao Hui? Rong Qing narrowed her eyes and said in a calm voice, When Mu Mu wakes up, I will listen to her.

Guanglan: ...

Didn't he come here to be tortured?

Guanglan suddenly realized that it was a good thing that the master would not let them see the little junior sister.

What if other junior disciples are stimulated and actually become a monk?

Okay, then, Your Highness, Shaojun, everything depends on you. Guanglan secretly wiped his sweat, You should also give more advice to my junior sister, don't be impulsive in everything.

Rong Qing nodded: I will take a good look at her.

Guanglan clasped his fists and turned around. Just as he was about to leave, there was an explosion from behind.


But then, there was a series of sonic booms.

Bang bang bang!


Guanglan suddenly felt as if the spiritual energy in it had been drained out. He turned around in surprise, only to find that on the ninth-grade lotus platform, there was suddenly a bright light, which was so bright that people could not open their eyes.


Jun Muqian's consciousness was still drifting outside. Layers of mist were overlapping, and he was surrounded by endless darkness.

She needs to break through these fogs and darkness before she can regain her consciousness and end this practice.

But suddenly, before Jun Muqian could make a move, a dazzling golden light burst out, piercing the fog and instantly dispersing all the darkness around her.

Jun Muqian was stunned, looked up, and found that the source of the golden light was a lotus.

But among the lotuses, there is a child sleeping.

As if he had a premonition, he rubbed his eyes and sat up.

Little Beauty: I’m coming out!

Qingmeiren: I think you can stay longer


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