The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1110 The life experience that is not allowed to be known! 【1 update】

Jun Muqian's eyes suddenly darkened: Looking for me?

She was certain that Yuanshi Tianzun was really on the side of the Wu clan, but the positions of other Tiandao saints were vague.

Because it stands to reason that Zu Hongjun, as another part of the way of heaven, could escape his sight, but he did not express any reaction to what Yuanshi Tianzun did.

Even if the events in the Three Realms have nothing to do with Hongjun, it is obvious that the destruction of the ancient world is extremely closely related to the Wu Clan and the black mist.

Since even Hongjun knew that the prehistoric era had perished once, and it was due to turning back time and returning to hundreds of thousands of years ago, with a little more vitality, why didn't he take action to stop it?

What is hidden in this?

Yes, I'm looking for you. Bodhi pondered for a few seconds, as if he was considering a suitable one, It's just that before Jie Yin and I have picked you up, you went to the Illusory Universe first.

Jun Mu's eyes darkened.

She suddenly remembered that after the three great ancestral witches, Di Jiang, Qiang Liang and Zhu Rong, invaded Wanling Continent, she would go to the Illusory Great Thousand to find Rong Qing.

At that time, she didn't know that the guide was Ying Zijin, who was also Mei.

Ying Zijin said: Let's go quickly. If it's too late, you won't be able to reach the Illusory World.

Later, she thought that what Ying Zijin meant was the collapse of Wanling Continent, and naturally she couldn't go, but now it seems...

It was clear that Ying Zijin had calculated that Patriarch Bodhi and Amitabha would come to pick her up in the chaotic galaxy where the illusory universe was. If she was just one step later, they would pick her up.

Naturally, there is no way to go to the illusory universe.

But now it seems that Daozu also made mistakes in judgment. Jie Yin and I should not have picked you up at that time. Bodhi smiled slightly, It is not a good thing to pick you up in advance.


For a moment, Jun Muqian was unsure of Patriarch Bodhi's attitude.

She was silent for a long time and then asked: Master knows my life experience? I am very important to the ancient wilderness, so why did Daozu let the master and uncle take me back to the ancient wilderness?

The time Patriarch Bodhi mentioned should be when her spiritual veins had just opened.

Hunyuan spiritual veins, Hunyuan bell, Hunyuan Qi...

Everything that has anything to do with her has the word Hunyuan embedded in it by coincidence.

Jun Muzhen rubbed the silver-blue tassel bell on her waist and moved her eyebrows.

She now has reason to suspect that it was definitely not a coincidence that she met Hunyuan Ling when she was reborn in Huaxu Continent.

How could someone as powerful as Hunyuan Ling appear in the grass so coincidentally?

No matter how hidden it is, it will never be discovered and it will be advantageous to her in the end.

But who knew that when he heard the first question, Bodhi shook his head lightly: No, I don't know.

After a pause, he added: To be precise, I'm not allowed to know.


As soon as these words came out, Jun Muqian suddenly raised his head: What did you say?

What does it mean to not be allowed to know?

If you know, you will be in trouble. It's better not to know. Bodhi sighed, But you are indeed very important to Honghuang.

The reason Daozu asked me and Jieyin to pick you up at that time was because you had Hongmeng's aura.

Hongmeng's aura? Jun Muzhen also remembered that Di Jiang also said the same thing when he saw her.

——This little girl smells of Hongmeng, she can’t leave it!

She has the aura of Hongmeng, could it be because she has the luck of Hongmeng?

Before Pangu created the world, the world was in chaos. Bodhi said, waving his sleeves.

All of a sudden——

In the center of the two masters and disciples, a white mist appeared, floating up and down, sometimes deep and sometimes shallow.

Bodhi pointed at the mist and said, This mist is Hongmeng.

Jun Muqian nodded, understanding.

Hongmeng represents the vitality before the creation of the world.

But this part of the vitality cannot be used, because the movement of this vitality is too chaotic and cannot be absorbed by the Dantian and transported to the meridians.

That's why Pangu created the world and differentiated this part of the chaotic vitality. The differentiated vitality had a new name - Hunyuan.

After that, the origin of Heavenly Dao transformed into three thousand Hongmeng Purple Qi, also known as the foundation of Dao, which is an indispensable treasure for sanctification.

Without the Hongmeng Purple Qi, it is impossible to become a saint.

Jun Muqian suddenly said: So, the eighth Heavenly Saint has not been born until now, is it because of the lack of Hongmeng Purple Qi?

Yes, that's wrong, Bodhi said. The Hongmeng Purple Qi in your perception is a tool for using innate spiritual treasures. It is also a magic weapon for improving spiritual power and refining the soul.

“Although this magic weapon is also Hongmeng Purple Qi, it has nothing to do with the foundation of the Great Dao or the origin of Heavenly Dao. It is just a purer spiritual energy. Although it is rare, it will continue to be derived.

And the Hongmeng Purple Qi that can truly enable people to achieve enlightenment and become a saint has long been exhausted. Back then, Jie Yin and I were lucky enough to get one of them.

Although the former and the latter can both be called Hongmeng Purple Qi, they are not the same concept.

Jun Muqian frowned.

So it turns out that it seems that all the Hongmeng Purple Qi she got from Jun Shang at that time was just ordinary spiritual energy.

However, the eighth Heavenly Saint has not been born for millions of years, not only because of the lack of Hongmeng Purple Qi. Bodhi added, It also lacks the Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

Hunyuan Dao Fruit? Jun Muzhen was stunned for a moment, The same thing as flat peach and ginseng fruit?

It's far, far away. Bodhi smiled and waved his hand, This Hunyuan Dao Fruit has nothing to do with eating, and you don't need to delve into its complicated meaning. It refers to the holy position.

He explained briefly: For example, there are only two jade platforms where you can sit. If another person comes, he will have to stand.

Jun Mu Qianming realized: Just like the illusory universe, the number of domain emperors is fixed?

That's the truth. Bodhi stroked his beard, So the strength of that boy Taiyi is actually not weaker than Jieyin, but without the holy title and lacking the Hongmeng Purple Qi, he will not be able to become a saint in this life.

Only with the holy throne can you have the opportunity to attain enlightenment. When I got the holy throne, I had to steal it.

Jun Muqian's eyebrows twitched: So whether you can become a saint still depends on luck?

You can say that. Bodhi smiled lightly, But sometimes luck is also a part of strength.

Jun Muqian agrees with this.

If you really don't have the strength, you won't even be able to grab the holy throne.

And even if you grab the holy position, you still won't be able to attain enlightenment without strength, and you still won't be able to become a saint of heaven.

At this time, Bodhi said again: But you are different. You are an innate Taoist body, and you can become a saint without a holy status, but you still lack the real Hongmeng Purple Qi.

He sighed: It's a pity that even Dao Ancestor doesn't know where there is Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Jun Muqian was silent.

She actually has no great pursuit of becoming a saint. She just wants to save her relatives and friends.

As long as she can save them, let alone become a saint, even if she has to destroy her cultivation.

Taozu asked me and Jieyin to bring you back because we thought you had the ability to save the wilderness. Since you have the aura of Hongmeng in your body, it proves that you are related to before the creation of the world. This may be a breakthrough point. Bodhi Deep He looked at her deeply and said, However, not everyone agrees.

Tongtian believes that bringing you back will speed up the destruction of the ancient world.

However, in the end, many people agreed.

So, my senior brother and I set off for the Illusory Great Thousand, but there was a heavenly secret blocking us, so we couldn't find it for a while.

Saying that, Bodhi sighed: I thought that after you went to the Illusory Great Thousand, the world would be completely hopeless. I didn't expect that you would come back.

Jun Muqian lowered her eyelashes: If it weren't for the fact that my relatives and friends are in danger in the prehistoric times, I really wouldn't have thought about coming back.

Who would have thought that Honghuang is actually another universe?

You mean those people in Infinite Purgatory? Bodhi frowned, I can't interfere. If I interfere, I will be noticed. You can only rely on yourself.

Jun Muqian nodded: I understand, so I am going to practice in seclusion. I must at least reach the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal to have a chance of winning.

That's fine. Bodhi nodded slightly, I really don't have anything to teach you. After all, you've almost mastered these seventy-two transformations.

In this way, you can practice here. The rest will be discussed after you leave seclusion.

Okay. Jun Muqian agreed.

But now she can also see: Patriarch Bodhi and the other seven saints only knew that the prehistoric era would perish in the future, and that there would be very powerful opponents, but it was unclear how they would perish and what the process would be.

Bodhi suddenly turned around: That's right——

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