The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1085: Murder and heart-breaking! I am Mingyue Qian [3 updates]

This overwhelming force made the other cultivators watching feel frightened and their scalps numb.

As we all know, group attack skills consume the most spiritual energy, and are also not as powerful as single attack skills.

How much spiritual energy does it cost for Jiang Qingxue to use this move?

I am not afraid that after letting Rong Mu hide, he will no longer be able to fight.

However, Jiang Qingxue was overjoyed because she discovered that this mysterious ice ruler was really powerful. It could automatically absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to launch an attack without consuming her own spiritual energy.

But Rong Mu was different. No matter how talented he was, he couldn't have endless spiritual energy, and it would be exhausted sooner or later.

In this way, she will win!

Jun Muqian raised his head and looked at the overwhelming pressure coming from the sky. He curled his lips and suddenly smiled.


At this time, the rushing water suddenly turned into long dragons, entrenched and flying, roaring out.

Before landing, the battle platform below was already shaking violently, buzzing, as if it might break apart at any time.

The long dragons formed by the convergence of water flow intertwined together, roaring, and all attacked the unmoving young man in white.


The loud noise shook the earth and shook the earth. In an instant, a powerful shock wave suddenly expanded from the air and moved around, shaking everyone under the battle platform.

If the Immortal Emperor had not been sharp-eyed and blocked it in time, it is very likely that the blow would have killed even the immortals.

The cultivators who fell on the ground were horrified, and they lost their voices when they looked at the water that was still roaring down.

A golden immortal patted his chest, with lingering fear in his heart: Rong Mu is really dead now. Jiang Qingxue's cultivation level is already above him, and with the help of Xuan Bingchi, not to mention Rong Mu, even I can resist But this one blow.”

Someone else said: Well, although I quite pity him, who makes him always go against Jiang Qingxue? If he has any brains, he will know who is standing behind Jiang Qingxue.

In the eyes of the practitioners, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother are the masters of the three realms, and their nieces and other gods must also protect them.

Not to mention that the Three Emperors have passed away, even if the Three Emperors are still there, it is impossible to fight against so many gods.

With such arrogance, Rong Mu still thinks you are Dao Ancestor Hongjun?

The Penglai disciples who had been slapped in the face came back to life and began to gloat again. They didn't need to think about it at all. They all knew what a comfortable scene it would be after this wave of attacks stopped.

With such a powerful offensive, Rong Mu probably wouldn't even be able to save his whole body.

Jiang Qingxue was very cautious. She was still waving the Black Ice Ruler, directing the water to flow down.

She had suffered a lot at Rong Mu's hands, and she had to make sure that he was no longer able to fight back.

This water flow offensive lasted for a full ten minutes, causing other cultivators' necks to hurt from staring at them before it finally stopped.

Although the battle platform was intact, a few cracks appeared on the ground beneath it.

The cultivators took another deep breath, the whole earth was like this, wouldn't Rong Mu be left with only bones and dregs?

They quickly looked up, but still couldn't see anyone.

The violent gushing water previously caused a riot of spiritual energy. Now these spiritual energy turned into cyclones, confusing the surroundings, flying sand and rocks, and making it blurry.

Everyone was anxious, trying to see clearly what the outcome of this life-and-death battle would be -

But right now!


Those spiritual energy cyclones suddenly changed direction and condensed into one, as if pushed by a big hand, they exploded in the air.


A strong force came oncoming, hitting Jiang Qingxue hard.

Her eyes widened, and she flew backwards, spitting out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably, and collapsed on the ground. The Xuanbing Ruler in her hand flew directly out.


The practitioners stared at this scene in astonishment with their eyes widened.


The water mist and smoke dispersed, and a slender and tall figure slowly emerged.

Take it one step at a time and take your time.

Gonggong stood up suddenly and blurted out in shock: Could this guy be cultivating fire?

Although he sealed several of his profound powers in the Xuanbing Ruler, with Jiang Qingxue's strength, he couldn't actually use even one of them, it was just for show.

But after all, it is refined from the water Yuanling Wuji Xuanbing. As long as the cultivation level is not as good as Jiang Qingxue's, after being attacked, even if it does not die, it will be completely frozen. How can it be unscathed?

Unless, to repair the fire, it must be an extremely strong flame.

Thinking of this, the murderous intent in Gonggong's eyes suddenly burst out, and there was a hint of coldness in his vision.

At this time, the boy in white finally appeared in front of everyone.

Not to mention being injured, there were no wrinkles on his clothes. Compared with before the war, he looked a little more ethereal.

The only difference is that the boy in white has a green fan in his hand.

There were flames flowing on the fan, making a sizzling sound, and a faint mist floated up, hovering in the air.

The Jade Emperor's expression changed: Banana fan?!

It's not the destroyed banana fan in Jiang Qingxue's hand, but the real banana fan!

Gonggong also recognized it, and the strong murderous intention disappeared in an instant. The look on his face was a bit contemptuous: What did I think...

It turns out that this boy is not cultivating fire, but he has the innate spiritual treasure banana fan in his hand.

No wonder, it can suppress Xuan Bing Chi's attack.

Some practitioners scratched their heads and were very confused: Isn't the banana fan used to fan the wind?

If this is a banana fan, why is it fanning fire?

Jiang Qingxue vomited a few more mouthfuls of blood, and after trying to get up, she saw this scene and lost her voice: Why do you have a banana fan in your hand?

Moreover, there was a faint golden light shining on this banana fan, which was different from the one she held.

Innate spiritual treasure!

Jiang Qingxue's eyes suddenly became sharper.

She doesn't even have an innate spiritual treasure. How can Rong Mu, an ordinary mortal, have one?

Jiang Qingxue suppressed her anger and sneered: It's just a banana fan, what are you so crazy about?

She had been careless before, focusing on showing off the power of her attack, and forgot to kill Rong Mu quickly without giving him a chance to use his weapon.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows and chuckled: Oh, what about this?

With a swish sound, the next second, a second emerald green fan appeared in the left hand of the boy in white.

The appearance is the same as the one in the right hand, except that the shape is larger.


It’s actually a banana fan? !

All the demon gods were shocked and could not utter a single word.

There are two banana fans in total, one is the yang fan and the other is the yin fan.

The yang fan can fan out fire vapor, and the yin fan can fan out water vapor.

However, what is widely circulated is the Zhiyin Fan, which can extinguish a volcano.

The power of the Zhiyin Fan is also greater than that of the Zhiyang Fan. After all, at the beginning, the Zhiyang Fan was just a fan used by the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Master, to burn the alchemy furnace.

And now...two banana fans are actually in the hands of a mortal? !

This is an innate spiritual treasure!

They don't even have one innate demon god, let alone two.

Finally, there was a touch of solemnity on the Jade Emperor's face, and his eyes slowly darkened.

This human being...

Everyone looked at the two banana fans with their mouths open, their nerves were challenged, and some practitioners rolled their eyes and fainted.

Some of the Golden Immortals and Mysterious Immortals who were determined to become gods had extremely ugly faces.

Damn it!

Rong Mu actually has an innate spiritual treasure in his hand?

The most they could do was grit their teeth and come up with a divine weapon, but they actually had two innate spiritual treasures at their fingertips.

In front of the innate spiritual treasure, no matter what kind of weapon it is, it will be suppressed.

What a slap in the face!

As if she had been slapped hard, Jiang Qingxue's face turned red and then white. Mixed with shame and anger, she screamed: Rong Mu!

Rong Mu did it on purpose, it must be on purpose!

Deliberately humiliating her with two banana fans!

You'll see it clearly when you regain your senses, Jun Muqian raised her hand and smiled, This is the real banana fan.



A flash of fire appeared.

The cold wind is blowing!

The two banana fans, who had never met before, came out together at this moment.

Ten miles...fifty miles...a hundred miles!

The spiritual energy within a radius of a hundred miles was completely drained, turning into a vacuum area.

The majestic offensive surged out from Jun Muzian's hand like a turbulent wave, and exploded out at the speed of thunder, seemingly carrying thousands of shock waves, attacking Jiang Qingxue like lightning.


Jiang Qingxue didn't even have time to dodge, and was directly blasted into the air.


She let out a scream and wanted to quickly use the Xuanbing Ruler to summon water to save herself. Suddenly, her jaw was suddenly tightened, and she was forced to raise her head in pain.

By the way, I have to tell you one more thing -

Jun Muqian leaned forward slightly and looked down at Jiang Qingxue, who was struck by water and fire. She raised her lips and said slowly, I am Mingyue Qian.

Lord: Nothing is lacking except the innate spiritual treasures

Good night~

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