The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1084 Lord: Learn more about arrogance [2 updates]


Once again, two words suddenly popped up, and everyone went crazy.

It’s over, who is it?

The Jade Emperor was also very angry. He would never let the troublemaker go easily this time.

As a result, when he turned around, he found that the person speaking was actually the ancestor of water, Wu Gonggong.

The words that the Jade Emperor was about to spit out were suppressed again.

One after another, the Jade Emperor almost suffered from internal injuries. What is this?

Jun Muqian looked at Gonggong who suddenly stood up, his eyes narrowed, but there was no fear.

She has fought against both Zhu Rong, and Gonggong and Zhu Rong are about equal in strength. Gonggong is more arrogant than Zhu Rong, so there is really nothing to fear.

It's just that she hasn't seen all the twelve ancestral witches yet. She doesn't know who is the brain trust among the ancestral witches. The brain trust is the most terrifying existence.

Such a simple life-and-death battle is really boring. Gonggong clapped his hands, There should be something added, don't you think so?


No one spoke.

Gonggong added: Besides, I can't stand a grown man being so aggressive towards a little girl.

Jun Muqian was speechless: ...


If she is a woman, she is not as good as Jiang Qingxue. If she is a man, she bullies Jiang Qingxue. It is all her fault.

It's so difficult to be a human being.

So, I plan to lend this little girl a weapon. Gonggong waved his hand in the air, and a ray of light burst out from his palm.


The light dissipated, revealing a weapon that looked like a long sword, but it had no blade.

But even so, the majestic pressure dissipated, and suddenly, there was cold air pouring down, and the temperature dropped sharply.

There was a bit of surprise in the Jade Emperor's eyes: This is...

This object is called the 'Xuan Ice Ruler', which I refined from the Wuji Xuan Ice. Gonggong threw the long ruler in his hand, Although it is not an innate spiritual treasure, its power is only so-so. .

With that said, he threw the Xuanbing Ruler directly to Jiang Qingxue and smiled meaningfully: Here, I'll reward you.


These words shocked the Jade Emperor.

Wuji Xuanbing!

What is Wuji Xuanbing?

That is the Water Yuanling, one of the four great Chaos Yuanlings!

The Yuanling of the same earth is the turbid essence, the Yuanling of fire is the golden flame of the sun, and the Yuanling of wind is nothingness and wind. They all appeared after Pangu created the world.

The four major chaotic spirits are equally powerful to each other and will not interfere with each other.

Until later, the golden flame of the Great Sun of the Fire Yuanling fell on the sun candle, absorbing the immeasurable Open Heaven merits from the Great Dao, thereby greatly increasing its power and swallowing up the other three chaotic Yuanlings.

Then, the golden flames of the great sun turned into two golden crows of the great sun with ninety-nine lives!

From then on, there was no longer the theory of earth, water, wind, and fire in the ancient world, but the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth that were continuously evolved later.

In terms of the period of birth, the Twelve Ancestral Witches were some time earlier than Taiyi Emperor Jun.

Donghuang Taiyi stared at the mysterious ice ruler and sneered: What kind of treasure do I think this is? It's just a broken ruler. I can refine ten thousand pieces of this kind of thing.

Hearing this message from the soul, Jun Muqian's eyelids twitched and he responded expressionlessly: Then I dare to ask His Majesty Donghuang, do you have any treasures for me now?

Donghuang Taiyi: ...

Misstep, he is now a pauper, without even a body.

Donghuang Taiyi pondered for a moment: Little girl, although this Xuanbing Ruler is rubbish in my eyes, it was born from Wuji Xuanbing after all. Do you have any way to deal with it?

This little girl is a mystery, and he can't see through it at all.

It's just the water spirit. Jun Muqian raised an eyebrow, Not to mention the water spirit, even the fire spirit that has swallowed the other four great spirits, I can do something about it.

Donghuang Taiyi: ...

He felt he had been offended.

Jiang Qingxue looked at the Xuanbing Ruler that fell in front of her, and was stunned by this unexpected joy. She couldn't help but stay there and didn't move for a long time.

The ancestor of water, Wu Gonggong, actually helped her?

Could she be dreaming?

At this time, Gonggong turned his head and stared at Ao Yue with a sinister look: Master Protector... you don't mind, right? Of course, Master Protector can also reward this kid with weapons, but -

Master Protector seems to have only one Dragon God War Heavenly Halberd, and he has already staked it. It seems that there is no way to help.

He would help whomever Ao Yue helped, but he refused to make Ao Yue feel comfortable.

No need. Ao Yue said calmly and said two more words, Start.

Gonggong was stunned for a moment, then laughed ferociously: Master Protector is really confident, I don't know if he will be able to laugh again soon.

Hearing this, Ao Yue glanced at him: I don't know how to laugh.


Damn it, he forgot that this dragon Ao Yue has facial paralysis.

Donghuang Taiyi's eyes twitched slightly. To be honest, he had never seen his protector smile a few times.

But having said that, what would happen if the Dragon God and Heavenly Halberd were suppressed?

Jun Muqian understood.

Ao Yue had helped her before, and she might have recognized Donghuang Taiyi beside her, but in this situation, it was impossible to have any more connections.

Since the Lord Protector has no objection, why don't you take it quickly? Gonggong glanced at Jiang Qingxue, who was standing there blankly, with an unhappy look on his face, I lent this to you, and I will return it later.

Jiang Qingxue woke up from a dream and hurriedly knelt down and thanked: Thank you, Mr. Gonggong.

Gonggong snorted coldly and warned again: Don't embarrass me.

We must not disappoint Mr. Gonggong! Jiang Qingxue held the Xuanbing Ruler in her hand and shivered from the cold.

She looked at the young man in white standing opposite her with cold eyes, fighting spirit high.

She really didn't believe it anymore. Even with the Xuanbing Ruler in hand, she couldn't kill this Rong Mu.

The Lord of the Three Realms, the Jade Emperor, is here. Even if Rong Mu has any backing, it is absolutely useless.

Jun Muqian could tell what Jiang Qingxue was thinking at a glance. She crossed her arms and said calmly: The misfortune was successful, can we start now?

Jiang Qingxue's face darkened, and her voice came out from between her teeth: Rong Mu, don't be arrogant!

Before she finished speaking, the Xuanbing Ruler in her heart suddenly rose!


Suddenly, the spiritual energy around the battle platform surged.

This spiritual energy rolled up from the ground, shot straight into the sky, and suddenly tore a hole in the sky above the battle platform.

And in this space crack, there are faint ocean waves floating, and its momentum is so vast that even if only the tip of the iceberg is exposed, it still has the pressure to split mountains and cover the earth.


Many cultivators took a breath, and one of them collapsed on the ground without support.

What kind of trick is this?

Can he actually turn spiritual energy into the sea out of thin air?

Even the Jade Emperor couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Hou Tu raised his head and frowned: Gonggong, you passed.

Gonggong is not good at refining weapons, so the Xuan Bing Ruler is really just an ordinary weapon, not even a Xuan Tong.

But now it is obvious that Gonggong sealed his Xuan Tong to summon the water element in this Xuan Ice Ruler for Jiang Qingxue to use.

Empress, you don't know something. Hearing this, Gonggong's face twitched, It would be best to get rid of the disciples of the Three Emperors Academy. You have forgotten that in the hands of the Three Emperors, our Wu Clan How much loss did you suffer?

This kid used the magic weapon of the Three Emperors to hide his cultivation. He even hid it from us. We must not keep him!

There was a hint of cruelty in his eyes, and he raised his hand to make a beheading gesture.

There was some fluctuation in Hou Tu's eyes, and he said calmly: Not bad.

As long as they are a threat to their Wu Clan, they cannot stay.

It's best to let both Heavenly Court and Three Emperors Academy suffer, so that they can reap the benefits.

But when she thought that she couldn't find the person she had been looking for for so long, Houtu couldn't help but frowned again. If she couldn't find this person, she couldn't feel at ease.

Mother, don't worry. Gonggong knew the reason, We have increased manpower to investigate.

Hou Tu suddenly remembered something, and his face became a little colder: I remember it was this boy who destroyed several of my powers in the world.

Although it was nothing to her, it was still a lot of hard work on her part.

In this case, you really can't stay.

At this moment, on the stage——

The vast ocean has already reached the top of Jun Muqian's head. Faintly, terrifying waves are rising, and they may cover the top and come down at any time, swallowing up the world.

I said it before, Rong Mu, my luck is very strong, you will not be my opponent. Jiang Qingxue raised her chin proudly, I will not kill you, I only need to defeat you, let Kneel at my feet.

She suddenly shouted coldly: Let me go!

Suddenly, the wolf from the vast sea of ​​​​oceans rose up and turned into water pillars. With the light, they were like planets one after another in the chaotic galaxy, smashing straight down from the cracks.


Jiang Qingxue: I don’t believe you have a stronger backing than the Lord of the Three Realms.

Ancestor Bodhi: Oh

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