The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1086 The Death of Jiang Qingxue [1 update]

These five words rang directly from Jiang Qingxue's mind, reaching into the depths of his soul, like a thunder falling and exploding violently.

Even though her body was suffering from extremely severe pain, she listened clearly and carefully.


Jiang Qingxue's brain exploded and went blank for an instant. Her ears were buzzing and she couldn't even hear the sound.

What did she hear?

What on earth did she hear?

Jiang Qingxue's eyes widened in disbelief, and she raised her head tremblingly.

There was no sarcasm on the pretty face of the young man in white, only indifference and indifference, but these two expressions were like a knife inserted into her heart, stabbing her hard!

Just when Jiang Qingxue was about to shout fake, another extremely beautiful face suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. The attack power of that one was too strong and it captured the soul.

The transformation took less than half a second, and only Jiang Qingxue could see it.

The bright moon is shallow!

Jiang Qingxue stayed for a while, almost crying in despair. The strong shame and pain made her burst into tears. She shook her head desperately, not wanting to believe it.

But the facts told her that she had to believe it.

Why don't you show mercy to you? Jun Muqian tilted his head and chuckled in a slightly suppressed voice, Because you are too ugly to be in my eyes.

Also, I am a woman and I have no feelings for you. Why should I show mercy to someone who wants to kill me?


Jiang Qingxue was trembling with humiliation. She wanted to say, Shut up, shut up, shut up. However, the fire from the banana fan had already spread to all parts of her body, and her vocal cords had long been destroyed. .

She could only whimper and was forced to look at the boy in white in front of her, crying constantly, her eyes so red that they seemed to be tempered from blood.

How could this be possible...

Why humiliate her like this?

What did she do wrong to deserve being teased and insulted by someone using two identities in exchange for her?

And why at this time?

It happened that she had some subtle feelings for Rong Mu, although it was very abnormal.

Don't think too much. With the Dao of the Heart, Jun Muqian could easily tell what Jiang Qingxue was thinking. She curled her lips, and what she said sounded even more heartbreaking to Jiang Qingxue, There was no time when you didn't do it yourself. ?”

In the end, she lazily concluded: You can't even shake off the plaster.

Hearing these words, Jiang Qingxue screamed and started to struggle.

But her actual combat experience was like that of a newborn baby in front of Jun Muzhen.

Jun Mu turned slightly to avoid it, and then kicked Jiang Qingxue into the envelope of dark wind and fierce fire.


Jiang Qingxue finally couldn't bear the dual pain, both mental and physical. Once her vision went dark, there was no possibility of recovery.

Jun Muqian raised his hand and stopped his attack.

With a loud bang, Jiang Qingxue's body fell to the ground.

Under the attack of the Zhiyin and Zhiyang banana fans, no part of the entire battle platform was spared. It was up to Jun Muzhen to withdraw his strength, otherwise the battle platform would directly collapse.

There was another click sound, and the Xuanbing Ruler left by Jiang Qingxue on the ground suddenly broke.


There was silence, no sound from heaven and earth.

The practitioners were stunned, with their mouths wide open.

Gonggong Huo stood up, the killing intent that had been extinguished in his eyes rekindled at this moment.

He glanced at Jun Muzhen with extremely sharp eyes, and the pressure suddenly rose!



But Gonggong's pressure didn't even have time to be released before it was rebounded back.

Ao Yue on the side was drinking tea lightly without raising her eyes.

Gonggong's face froze and he sat down unwillingly.

He was originally proud of his status as an ancestral witch. In the Pangu sect, apart from the Sanqing saints, they were the twelve ancestral witches.

But they never expected that because they had no Yuan Shen and inherent deficiencies, they would stop being Da Luo Jinxian and would never be able to become Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Damn it!

Unexpectedly, after returning to the prehistoric era, he would be outdone by Ao Yue, who used to be just Taiyi Golden Immortal. How shameful!

Gonggong was extremely aggrieved, but at this moment, he received a look from Hou Tu.

Gonggong was stunned for a moment, then understood immediately. The gloom on his face swept away, replaced by a proud look of joy.

How could he forget this?

As a result, we don’t know who wins.

The Jade Emperor's face was equally ugly, because he did not expect such a result at all.

According to his assumptions, even if Jiang Qingxue did not kill Rong Mu, he would be seriously injured, leaving him unable to fight again.

The Jade Emperor's eyes were a little fierce, and he glanced at the young man in white standing on the battlefield with his hands behind his back, and his murderous intent surged.

He could clearly see that this human boy was not yet twenty years old.

Although the demon gods can stay young forever and change their faces at will, there is one thing that cannot be changed, and that is bone age.

Bone age is the age of a living being. Like the growth rings of trees, it will change with time. This change is irreversible.

Even if Master Taiyi ate his own elixir and became a child again, his bone age would still be over a million years.

Therefore, not only did this human boy reach the peak of immortality before the age of twenty, but he also possessed an innate spiritual treasure and could kill a true immortal.

This kind of talent is truly terrifying!

Can you still stay? !

Can't stay!

If he stays, who knows if he will be the second Buddha to fight and conquer?

The demon gods present had different thoughts, and many of them had murderous intentions.

Donghuang Taiyi saw the expressions of the Jade Emperor and other demon gods, frowned slightly, and sent a message from his soul: Little girl, you are too pushy.

Even if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.

many people

Is this also called being in the limelight? Jun Muqian couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard this, You mean two banana fans? I haven't used the others yet.

Although the Banana Fan is an innate spiritual treasure, it is actually not that strong among the innate spiritual treasures.

Attacking doesn't work, defense doesn't work either.

Donghuang Taiyi: ...

Damn it, who is this little girl?

Why does Xiantian Lingbao sound like cabbage in her mouth?

As long as you know what's going on. His Majesty Dong Huang felt very tired, I am also a clay Buddha crossing the river now, so I can't protect you.

He could foresee——

Today's battle will surely shake up the entire Three Realms!

It's not that he is exaggerating. After all, all major events are caused by a small incident, coupled with the fueling of some dark forces, and finally explode completely.

The first tribulation of dragons and phoenixes was like this, the battle between lich and witches was like this, and the battle between gods was like this.

I know. Jun Muqian raised her eyes, was silent for a moment, and said calmly, As early as when I decided to come, there was no turning back.

Anyone can retreat, but she can't.

If she retreats, they will all die.

Although Donghuang Taiyi didn't understand this sentence, he felt quite uncomfortable in his heart. He pondered for a moment and decided: If it doesn't work, you can hug my thigh in a while.

Jun Muqian raised her eyebrows.

Although this protector only listens to my words, it should be possible to save someone casually. The thigh that Donghuang Taiyi pointed to was the Great Sun Sky Dragon Ao Yue, He should be Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian now, hug. Hold on tight, it'll be fine.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian glanced at His Majesty Dong Huang with disgust, and her tone was innately frivolous: I am my own thigh, why should I hug you?

Donghuang Taiyi: ...

He felt it was so difficult for him.

The air was still silent, and it seemed that even the heartbeat had stopped. Only the wind and residual clouds were blowing down from the sky.

The battle ended so quickly that no one could react in time, and the result was too unexpected.

Chi Jing was stunned for a long time, then stood up tremblingly: Qingxue? Qingxue!

Jiang Qingxue lay motionless on the battlefield, making no sound, and was obviously dead.

He could feel that even the breath of his soul was gone.

Great Immortal Chi-Ji simply couldn't believe it. This was the disciple he only accepted after hundreds of thousands of years. How could he die like this?

Master Taiyi glanced at it and found that he was not surprised at all. He yawned and said comfortingly: Brother Chi Jing, do you remember that the master gave you a fortune telling and said that you were destined to defeat your disciple?

You didn't believe it before, but do you believe it now? Your two apprentices are gone.

This is no comfort, this is clearly a stabbing.

Chi-Ji Immortal was simply furious: Taiyi, you are seeking death!

Hey, I can't fight. Taiyi Zhenren shook his little fat waist, I said, while you are here to grieve, why not go see if your apprentice can be saved, maybe...

Before he finished speaking, his eyes widened: My dear, did you really cheat?

The corpse on the battlefield suddenly... stood up.


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