The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1083 Jun Muqian VS Jiang Qingxue [1 update]


The bright light filled everyone's eyes, and for a moment, there was silence.

Invariably, everyone has the same idea——

Is this the Mahayana period?

You fucking call this the Mahayana period? !

Can the Mahayana period make the spiritual beads of heaven light up?

Gonggong sat upright suddenly, with a look of surprise on his face. He couldn't help blurting out: The treasure of the Three Emperors, is it really so strong?

This human's cultivation was covered up, and even he didn't notice it.

Of course he has also heard of the name of the Three Emperors. The era of the Three Emperors can be said to be the most prosperous era for the human race.

After his resurrection, he also learned that before the Battle of the Gods, the human race and the Wu race also experienced a war.

No matter in terms of talent or bloodline, the human race cannot compare with the witch race, but it doesn't matter!

Under the leadership of the Three Emperors, the human race defeated the Wu race.

Even though the Three Emperors have been dead for hundreds of thousands of years, their prestige is still intact.

Hou Tu's brows furrowed deeply, and he looked at the boy in white for the first time, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Fake! After Jiang Qingxue was shocked, she laughed sarcastically, Rong Mu, you cheated!

It had only been half a year, how could Rong Mu become an immortal?

She has the help from the space opened by the Queen Mother, what does Rong Mu have?

On its own?

She won't believe it.

This time, before Jun Muxian could speak, Emperor Changsheng interrupted with a sullen face: Miss Jiang, be careful, this is His Majesty's will.

Is this questioning the unfairness of their affairs in heaven?

But beheading is a capital crime!

Impossible! I... Jiang Qingxue wanted to retort, but suddenly realized something and trembled all over.

She looked up tremblingly and met the Jade Emperor's gloomy face.

Jiang Qingxue secretly said something bad.

Oops... She wanted to trample Rong Mu under her feet so much that she almost forgot what the occasion was.

Jiang Qingxue quickly knelt down and kowtowed to the Jade Emperor: Your Majesty, please forgive me.

The Jade Emperor did not let her stand up, but said in a cold voice: This matter does not need to be discussed further.

The anger in his heart was almost uncontrollable. If this Jiang Qingxue wasn't Yaochi's niece, he would have told her to get out.

He kept saying that this human being was in the Mahayana stage, but it turned out that he was clearly an immortal!

Even his old face was beaten!

What a Three Emperors Academy, but they actually let their disciples pretend to be pigs and eat tigers.

But even if it was not the Mahayana period, but an immortal, the Jade Emperor didn't take it to heart.

After becoming an immortal, the gap at each level is huge. In the next stage of a true immortal, you can easily crush dozens of heavenly immortals to death.

No matter what, people from the Three Emperors Academy cannot be allowed to enter the Heavenly Court.

A farce ended like this, and others found it a bit boring.

Those Penglai disciples who had mocked Jun Muxian before felt burning pain on their faces. The sun above their heads shone on them, as if they were mocking them in turn.

And those few Penglai disciples who had not spoken suddenly suddenly realized at this moment.

I asked why this scene is so familiar. Wasn't it like this during the Immortal Sect Examination?

Tsk, tsk, didn't Jiang Qingxue learn her lesson? Why did she show her face to Rong Mu again and again? It hurts me to see her.

Shh, keep your voice down, don't ask, asking is a backstage warning.

Even the Jade Emperor came to support Jiang Qingxue, what else could ordinary mortals like them say?

Who knows, the Jade Emperor also scolded Jiang Qingxue half to death in his heart, and just wanted this farce to pass quickly.

But at this moment, a slow voice sounded.

Wait a minute.

The two words Piao Piao shocked everyone.

They looked around to see who was so bold as to dare to dismantle the Jade Emperor.

Seeing this, I was stunned.

Under the gaze of thousands of people, Jun Muqian looked openly at the Jade Emperor, whose face turned even darker: Did your Majesty forget something?

The Jade Emperor didn't want to care, but he had to. He suppressed his anger and said, What did I forget?

There is someone here who just made a bet with me. Jun Muqian tilted his head and glanced at Jiang Qingxue, half smiling, He said that if I was wronged, he would give me his life, so please give me your life. A few minutes, let me take this bet.”

Jiang Qingxue's face turned pale and her voice trembled: Rong Mu, don't be too presumptuous!

After all, she was still a girl, so it was enough to slap her in the face. Is Rong Mu really so cruel and without mercy at all?

Jun Muqian looked at the Jade Emperor intently: Your Majesty will not fail to satisfy this little wish of mine, right?

Rarely, the Jade Emperor fell silent: ...

The other cultivators looked at each other and started whispering.

Yes, the queen mother's niece just now swore that Rong Mu must be in the Mahayana period, and asked Rong Mu to work as a cow or horse for her. Now she has wronged her, and she still wants to default on her debt?

I guess if Rong Mu hadn't lost, she would have stepped on her a lot more.

There's nothing I can do about it, who will let me have a backstage?

Although the practitioners' voices were low, it was impossible for the Jade Emperor, as a Daluo Jinxian, not to hear them. The more he listened, the darker his face became.

Asking Rong Mu to kill Jiang Qingxue, Yaochi couldn't explain it, and he had nowhere to lose his face.

If you don’t kill, Heaven will be discredited.

What's more, he didn't like the people from the Three Emperors Academy.

After thinking for a long time, the Jade Emperor said: This matter is all a misunderstanding. There is no need to go to life or death. We are all colleagues.

Hearing these words, Jiang Qingxue breathed a sigh of relief and cast a provocative look at the boy in white.

I understand. Jun Muqian looked calm and smiled slightly, Your Majesty can't possibly misunderstand me. He just trusted the villain. My legs have just been very sorry for Your Majesty. Your Majesty is kind and generous, and there is no punishment.

Now, it's time for me to atone for my leg. His Majesty will definitely not refuse me to help him kill this treacherous villain, Qing Junzi.

Everyone: ...

Jade Emperor: ???

What is this human talking about? Does he know what he is talking about? !

Donghuang Taiyi looked at the Jade Emperor's face that was livid with anger, and felt very happy.

Deserve it!

He was able to become the Lord of the Three Realms without any brains at all. Daozu must have lost his mind at that time.

It's amazing. Fortunately, this little girl belongs to his family.

No, bah.

Donghuang Taiyi's face darkened. His brother belonged to him alone and could not be separated.

Jiang Qingxue was even more furious: Rong Mu, if you want to save face, how can you confuse right and wrong?

Are you still apologizing for your legs?

After hearing these words, Master Taiyi became angry. When he was about to roll up his sleeves and go up to help Jun Muzhen, suddenly——

You don't even have the guts to challenge, why not get out early. Ao Yue raised her eyes coldly, and the pressure of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian quickly came towards Jiang Qingxue, This place is not suitable for you.

How could Jiang Qingxue, a true immortal, be able to withstand the pressure of Zulong's legitimate son?

Her face turned pale and she suddenly knelt on the ground, her body shaking uncontrollably.

Jiang Qingxue looked at Ao Yue's overly handsome face, her heart felt even colder, and her lips were bleeding.

Master Taiyi was shocked.

He's such a good boy, who is this little girl?

Even Ao Yue, the protector of Donghuang who has not left the Three Realms for a million years, spoke for her. Isn't this too protective?

Donghuang Taiyi glanced at his protector thoughtfully, then at Jun Muxian who had no expression, his eyes fixed, he turned his head and sighed softly.

As soon as Ao Yue said these words, all the words that the Jade Emperor wanted to refute were swallowed back in his stomach.


If Jiang Qingxue wanted to die, Rong Mu also had to have this ability.

If you fight a peak immortal against a true immortal, you will definitely lose.

Moreover, even if he is the Lord of the Three Realms, in the face of absolute strength, it is impossible for him to really confront the Sun Dragon.

Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor didn't stop him anymore. He waved his sleeves with a headache and ordered to the Immortal Emperor: Start the battle stage.

The Immortal Emperor clasped his fists respectfully: Yes, Your Majesty.

He turned his head and shouted: Let's start the battle!

The words just fell!


Then a roaring sound was heard, and with a swish, a huge battle platform appeared out of thin air in mid-air, in the shape of Yin and Yang Bagua, with clear black and white.

The battle flags planted outside the battle platform were rustling in the wind, as if they were dancing with the sound of a golden sword and iron horses. The thunder suddenly aroused the fighting spirit in the hearts of the cultivators.

This battle stage has been prepared long ago for the next game.

Jun Muqian curled her lips and said, Thank you, Your Majesty, for giving me the opportunity to help Your Majesty eradicate Xiaoxiao.

Jade Emperor: ...

Stop talking, his liver hurts.

Jiang Qingxue's legs were still weak. After she stood up with great effort, she flew onto the fighting platform with a pale face, her body still shaking.

She kept cheering herself up, and finally her mood stabilized.

Yes, she is a true immortal, there is no way she could lose to Rong Mu.

The awareness between immortals is not as simple as the integration period and the distraction period.

Jun Mu said lightly: Let's get started.

Wait a minute——

It seems like I can finish writing the scumbag in one go, so there will be three updates today! ! ! ! It's a Valentine's Day gift

Valentine's Day Confession to my readers, Happy Valentine's Day, darlings (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

The Lord and the light beauty accompany you to celebrate Valentine's Day!

By the way, please give me a free evaluation ticket~

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