The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1075 Lord: Don’t love me, there will be no result [2 updates]

That fall was a genuine fall.

Jun Muqian's kick was so fast that Jiang Qingxue fell from a high altitude in front of the Pangu Hall, the headquarters of the Wu clan, without any precautions.

By coincidence, some members of the Wu clan were fighting each other on the plain in front of the Pangu Hall, testing each other, and creating many traps.

After Jiang Qingxue fell from the cloud, she fell straight into a trap filled with iron blades.

The Wu people who were recreated here couldn't see her, and they also threw a lot of new iron blades into the trap.

If not for Jiang Qingxue's cultivation at the True Immortal level, the maximum attack power of this replica world would be limited to the Mysterious Immortal Peak, which would be enough to kill her.

But even if he didn't lose his life, he was seriously injured.

Fortunately, the Queen Mother secretly gave Jiang Qingxue a jade bottle of elixirs, only ten of them, before she participated in the Battle of the Gods.

This elixir is refined by the exclusive alchemist of Heaven. Its medicinal power is completely unmatched by elixirs in the mortal world. A single elixir can penetrate the meridians of a cultivator who has stopped at the ninth level of acquired heaven and break through the Nascent Soul stage. !

Jiang Qingxue regarded each one as a treasure, but this time she refined three elixirs to recover the injuries in her body. The wounds on her body had not healed yet, causing her great pain.

Damn it! Jiang Qingxue punched the ground, with a trace of resentment in her brows and eyes, What a Ming Yue Qian, and I actually fell into her trap!

No matter how stupid she is, she can now realize that she was deceived by Mingyue Qian.

Where is the second purple-gold-red gourd? It was clearly Mingyue Qian who used a random trick to deceive her. He not only took away her purple-gold-red gourd, but also seriously injured her while she was not paying attention. It was really despicable!

She must avenge this revenge, she will not swallow this breath.

Jiang Qingxue pinched her palms with her nails and glanced at the sky with a gloomy expression, looking at the cracks in the sky that were completely covered by the Chaos Source Fire.

Outside, there are three figures who are supporting them to prevent the Chaos Source Fire from landing and threatening the prehistoric continent.

It is the three brothers Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Leader!

With Jiang Qingxue's status, she was naturally not qualified to meet the Sanqing Saint, but before she left, the Queen Mother also told her all the details of the Lich War to prevent some accidents from happening.

Nuwa will mend the sky next... Jiang Qingxue said to herself, her eyes flashed slightly, and she already had a plan in her heart.

She originally planned to kill Ming Yue Qian in advance to eliminate her serious worries, but unexpectedly, she was defeated by Ming Yue Qian's vicious schemes.

Now it seems that we can only wait until the final battle.

Ming Yue Qian, let me spare your life for the time being. Jiang Qingxue sneered, I want to see how you, a woman in the Mahayana period, can survive in this chaos.

This was an inherently unfair battle. Jiang Qingxue knew that the Jade Emperor assigned the most advanced among the millions of cultivators to the side of the Witch Clan.

And she only needs to wait to follow the trend of history and wait for the Lich War to end.

At that time, even if Mingyue Qian had great ability, she would not be able to turn over.


the other side--

Jun Muqian discovered that after she transformed into a man, more cultivators blocked her path, and most of them were from Penglai.

Lord Jun always forgets things a lot, and he has completely forgotten where Penglai is.

But she was very annoyed by these Penglai disciples, who came one after another, like Calabash Baby saving grandpa, without any strength, but they still came out to block the way.

She could do it alone, and she could finish the job with a wave of spiritual power, just beating a few more gophers. However, next to her was an emperor of a certain Wanzu clan who occupied Mu Ying's body without concealing it.

If he hadn't met the real Donghuang Taiyi, Jun Maqian really wouldn't have known that he still had the attribute of talkative.

When she hits someone——

Donghuang Taiyi stood aside and watched, and while watching, he said: Little girl, you have been exposed to the rain and dew. Why did you only slap the left cheek? Hit the right cheek as well. It is so asymmetrical that it makes me feel a little uncomfortable.

When she kicks someone——

Donghuang Taiyi changed his posture and stood, and then said: Little girl, don't be so violent, don't kick in the middle.

As many Penglai disciples as she had dealt with, the old man Donghuang had watched as many scenes as he could.

After eliminating another Penglai disciple, Jun Muxian finally couldn't bear it anymore: Shut up!

He has the nerve to dislike the Buddhist practitioners in the Western Paradise, but she thinks he himself is not much better.

Little girl, please bear with me. Donghuang Taiyi looked lazy. Although he had changed into an ordinary face, he still couldn't hide his imperial majesty. It's been a long time since I talked to anyone. I feel a little uncomfortable. .”

Jun Muqian glanced at him: Then do you need me to find a female bird for you, old man, to relieve your boredom?

That's not necessary. Dong Huangtai narrowed his eyes and smiled, I think you are very good and interesting. When I restore my soul, I can give you an official title.

Jun Muqian looked at him for three seconds and said in a cold voice: Don't love me, it won't work.

Donghuang Taiyi: ...

Obviously, the flow of time in the replica world is faster than that in the real Lich War. In less than a day, it has already progressed to the point where Nuwa is mending the sky.

Rumor has it that Nuwa spent ninety-nine and eighty-one days to completely complete the sky.

Kuafu Zhuri is also a year after Nuwa mended the sky.

Later, the great witch Kuafu was killed by Di Jun's tenth son, one of the three-legged golden crows.

After the great witch Kuafu was killed, the great witch Hou Yi was furious. He gathered the power of the witch clan and took out the sun-shooting bow from the Pangu Temple. He shot for nine consecutive days. If the East Emperor Taiyi hadn't arrived in time, he would have saved the last three-legged golden crow. Next, the dead are ten suns.

The three-legged Golden Crow was the son of the Emperor of Heaven, who was also honored as the Demon Emperor. When the demon gods saw the nine princes being killed, they were furious and immediately stepped forward to kill Hou Yi as well.

The conflict between the witch clan and the demon clan directly intensified, and the lich war broke out.

Jun Muqian suddenly thought of a question: Why did Kuafu come to you every day in the first place?

Hearing this, Donghuang Taiyi raised his eyebrows and said lazily: You didn't read the record? Because Xiao Shi violated the rules of heaven at that time. This boy was naughty and ran out in anger. As a result, the other nine followed him.

Kuafu felt that my brother and I were punished too lightly and was very dissatisfied, so he went to Zhuri to teach Xiao Shi a lesson himself.

He thought thoughtfully: These ten little guys came out of the hibiscus tree together, which is indeed a disaster for the human world.

The heat of one sun would be unbearable for mortals, let alone ten.

Fortunately, the ten suns only hung in the sky for one day, otherwise all living creatures in the world would have been burned to death.

I've seen it and want to confirm it again. Jun Muqian nodded, What other laws did Xiao Shi break?

Donghuang Taiyi shrugged: It seems that he fell in love with a mortal. I forgot about it, but I still remember that mortal and plucked his hair.

I really don't understand things about children.

Jun Muqian felt a pot of dog blood being poured on her and choked twice: Is Xiao Shi still here?

Yes. Donghuang Taiyi suddenly fell silent, After the sun disappears, only Xiao Shi is left who can take on the responsibility of lighting. Liangjie will not allow him to die, and no one will dare to kill him.

There must be one three-legged golden crow left, otherwise, the world will be plunged into darkness.

Jun Muqian knew that the sun in Donghuangtai's mouth actually refers to the sun candle.

Zhuzhao is the earliest sun, and it was also transformed into Pangu's organ.

Later, after the three-legged Golden Crow was born, it was responsible for lighting up the prehistoric world, and was also called the sun.

No one can take over the work of the Three-Legged Golden Crow. Even if the Wu Clan still wants to take action, Hongjun and Tiandao will not allow it.

After a pause, Jun Muqian asked softly: So there is really no possibility of the other nine being resurrected?

No. Donghuang Taiyi shook his head, The Sun-shooting Divine Bow was made from Pangu's muscles and bones, and it also has the secret method of the Wu clan. My brother and I can resist it, but they can't, and there is no soul left.

Jun Muqian sighed and said no more.

She walked forward, and the whole person was silent for a long time.

Not long after walking, there was another rush of footsteps from the front, mixed with the friction of weapons and the roar of weapons.

here we go again.

Jun Muqian pressed her forehead and glanced at Donghuang Taiyi: Shut your mouth tightly.

Donghuang Taiyi found a tree and sat down against it, leaning on his elbows and smiling: I'll try my best.

Jun Muxian: ...

She flexed her fingers, ready to hit someone again.

But the next scene was beyond Jun Muzhen's expectation.

There was indeed a group of cultivators coming in her direction, but the target was not her.

Directly in front of him, there was a woman running away, half-clothed, with many scars on her snow-white skin, which was quite shocking.

The woman panicked and looked back while running.

And when he found a young man in white standing in front of him, he seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, and his tearful eyes lit up.

The woman gritted her teeth and used her last bit of strength to run towards the boy in white.

After her strength was exhausted, her legs softened and she fell down, falling into Jun Muzhen's arms without any bias: Master, Master, please help me!

Young master, save me, and I will pledge my life to you!

Hey~ Some babies have already guessed who Daojun is, applauding.

I found that I accidentally marked it wrongly. This is an update_(:з」∠)_

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