The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1074 The Identity of the Lord [Updates with monthly tickets]


Whether it was Rong Qing, Jun Muqian, or Donghuang Taiyi, they were all ready to take action.

But as soon as these words came out, the three people couldn't help but pause.

Jun Muqian's pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes were sharp in an instant, like the wind of a knife, and he swept towards the ancient Buddha who was still smiling and nodding.

Who is the Lord?

Donghuang Taiyi felt that as soon as he woke up, everything had changed, and he could no longer keep up with the trend of the prehistoric times.

Although he gave Mu Ying's eyes to Lingyin, he could still see the outside scene with his soul.

He admitted that he did not like the monks in the West, but this did not mean that he really underestimated the strength of the Western Paradise.

Perhaps the strength of Patriarch Bodhi and Amitabha is the lowest among the Six Saints of the Ancient World, but this does not mean that they are inferior to several other Heavenly Saints. There are too many variables in the battle.

Moreover, Patriarch Bodhi is extremely mysterious, and basically no one has ever seen him take action.

During the Battle of the Gods, he only used the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree to subdue Kong Xuan.

Therefore, the overall strength of the Western Paradise is not just as simple as it seems on the surface, but any Buddha who can ride on the Nine-Rank Lotus Platform has a very high status in the Western Paradise.

How could you say this to a mortal?

Donghuang Taiyi first glanced at the ancient Buddha of Burning Deng, and then looked at the woman in purple. The light in his eyes suddenly became sharp: Little girl, can't it be you?

He had never heard of the name Lord in his early days.

Jun Muqian didn't say anything, just stared at the ancient burning lamp Buddha.

But at this time, Rong Qing's fingers reached out as fast as lightning and directly captured the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng.

However, he did not attack its vital points, but only sealed its cultivation.

During this process, the Ancient Buddha of Deng Deng showed no resistance and still had a faint smile on his face.

Rong tilted his head slightly and nodded: Mumu, come here.

They had always had a good rapport, and he had always known what she wanted to do.

Jun Muqian did not refuse, she stepped forward, her eyes narrowed, but murderous intent slowly emerged: Ancient Buddha, do you know me?

Could it be because she used the coffin lamp when she was in Huaxu Continent, and the Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng had already sensed it at that time?

But this shouldn't be the case. When she was in the Lingxuan world, no one knew that she was once respected as a lord by the cultivators in the Eastern Region.

Why did the Randen Ancient Buddha call her this?

The ancient Buddha of Ran Deng still smiled and shook his head slowly: I don't know the Lord.

But the next second, he added: Master Dao said that the Lord liked this title, so he asked me to call the Lord like this.

Jun Muqian's expression changed: Who is Daojun?

She has heard the title Daojun more than once, but she has never seen this Daojun before.

But she always had a hunch that if she could find this Taoist master, all her confusions would be solved, including her life experience.

Ran Deng Ancient Buddha said: Master Dao said that the Lord knows who he is and has seen him.

Fart! Jun Muxian swore angrily, I've never seen a bald donkey like him whose brains were eaten by pigs!

The corner of Randen Ancient Buddha's mouth twitched: ...

Donghuang Taiyi: ...

He suddenly realized that this little girl must be merciful to him, otherwise his brain might be eaten by something.

Jun Muqian was so angry that she calmed down and said, You can always tell me the gender, right?

Donghuang Taiyi interjected: Why are you asking about gender? Is it possible that gender is still useful?

Of course it works. Jun Muqian sneered, If a woman doesn't say anything, if a man sees me, I won't beat him to death.

Donghuang Taiyi was choked: Why didn't the woman say anything?

Hearing these words, Jun Muqian gave him a strange look and said of course, Of course it's because I care about her.

Donghuang Taiyi: ...

He really believed in this little girl's evil deeds.

The corners of Ran Deng Ancient Buddha's mouth twitched again and again, but millions of years of practice still made him calm: The Tao Lord is a man.

Very good. Jun Muqian flexed his knuckles, You can beat him now.

Amitabha. The ancient Buddha Ran Deng couldn't bear to listen. He clasped his hands and said, The Tao Lord also said that now is not the time to meet, but please rest assured, no one in the three realms can offend the Lord. , whatever the Lord wants to do, you can do it freely, Tao Lord will be there for everything.

These words stunned Jun Muzhen.

Rong Qing said calmly: Let him mind his own business.

He will protect his people.

Hearing this, Randen Ancient Buddha secretly wiped his sweat, but had to finish what he said next: Daojun said again, His Highness Shaojun must be good to the Lord, otherwise, he will be in the Three Realms. A husband selection banquet is held for the Lord, and all men of suitable age are invited for the Lord to choose.

Jun Muqian choked successfully: Pfft...

Rong Qing's eyes narrowed slightly, and her aura suddenly rose: Really?

Is this a declaration of war on him?

Do you really think that he can't find the hiding place of this Dao Lord?

Jun Muxian was completely shocked: Who am I, this damn bald donkey?

Isn't it really her father?

Are you still so worried about her lifelong affairs?

Ran Deng Ancient Buddha smiled: How can I know about Tao Lord's affairs?

However, I did come here on Master's order this time. He suddenly sighed, If Tao Lord hadn't appeared, I would have followed Master's order.

Jun Muqian's eyes gleamed slightly.

The master mentioned by Randen Ancient Buddha would naturally be Yuanshi Tianzun.

It seems that the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother really asked Yuanshi Tianzun for help, and Yuanshi Tianzun sent the Lantern Ancient Buddha to kill them, but something happened in the process.

What a Taoist!

The lamp-burning ancient Buddha looked at the man in scarlet clothes and nodded: So, please, Your Highness, Shaojun, please beat me seriously.

Hearing this, Rong slightly raised his eyes and said two words: No need.

After a pause, he said calmly: I, I will go to Yuxu Palace with you.

Jun Muqian was startled: You are a beauty?

Since Yuanshi Tianzun retired from the Three Realms, Yuxu Palace has naturally been moved outside the void, and even the Twelve Golden Immortals have no right to set foot there.

The Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng was surprised for a moment, and then quickly returned to normal: Amitabha, it would be great if you can go there in person.

Jun Muqian frowned, and suddenly realized: Qingmei, Yuanshi Tianzun knows that you have come to the Great Desolate World?

Well, he knows. Rong Qing smiled faintly, People from the prehistoric era can go to the Illusory Great Thousand, so why can't the Illusory Great Thousand go to the prehistoric world?

He rubbed the purple-clothed woman's head: Don't worry, Mumu, he doesn't dare to do anything to me, and besides, he still owes me a favor.

Jun Muqian nodded.

Anyone who knows Rong Qing's identity will naturally not dare to take action against him. What threatens him here is the secret power and the universe.

If Yuanshi Tianzun really takes action when Rong Qing goes to Yuxu Palace, then her mother-in-law and father-in-law can easily block it from a universe away.

Yuanshi Tianzun wanted to kill Rong Qing, but he would do it secretly.

Beauty Qing, you must pay attention. Jun Muxian was still a little worried and warned, You and I are connected, so you must tell me if you have anything.

Rong Qing's eyes fixed and she smiled lightly: I will.

He leaned down slightly and placed a kiss on her lips: Mumu, take care of yourself and don't show off.

His eyes darkened, and Rong Qing said, If you can't beat me, then run away, okay?

I know. Jun Muzhen yawned and curled her lips, I don't think about myself, I have to think about the little beauty.

She is a twin, and her life is the most important thing.

Rong relaxed and opened his hand, then turned to face the Ancient Buddha of Burning Deng: Let's go.

Now, let him clear some troubles for her and pave a smooth path for her.

The Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng stood up and said, Amitabha, Your Highness Shaojun, go this way.

The cultivation level of the two of them was higher than that of Daluo Jinxian, and the cultivation level of Randen Ancient Buddha was also higher than that of Jade Emperor. Naturally, they left this replica world easily.

Donghuang Taiyi glanced thoughtfully at the direction they left, and said: Little girl, I didn't expect you to be quite popular. Choosing a husband among the three realms is something I have never experienced before.

Don't even think about it. Jun Muqian glanced at him, You are a single bird.

Donghuang Taiyi: ...

It’s not over, is it?

Jun Muxian thought for a while: May I ask His Majesty the East Emperor, have you ever heard of the title Daojun?

Daojun... Donghuang Taiyi frowned. He thought for a long time and said in deep thought, The title of Daojun is actually very common. I know a few of them, but they don't match up.

Jun Muqian rubbed his eyebrows: Yes.

How could the Dao Lord who could make the Ancient Buddha of Burning Deng disobey the order of Yuanshi Tianzun be an ordinary demon?

Whoever he is. Jun Muqian gritted his teeth and sneered, It doesn't matter if he avoids me now. One day when I see him, I will turn him into a eunuch and choose a husband for him.

Inexplicably, His Majesty Donghuang felt his body go cold and moved a little further away warily.

This little girl is so cruel.

Jun Muqian looked at Donghuang Tai for a long time and pointed his finger at him.

The next second, with a swish, Donghuang Taiyi changed his appearance. His face was very ordinary, the kind that would never be noticed in a crowd.

Oh? He looked at himself and raised his eyebrows, You are quite good at learning the transformation technique. Who do you study under?

I'm self-taught without a teacher. Jun Muxian also turned into a man and stroked his sleeves, Let's go, go to the battlefield first. When this battle of apotheosis is over, I will help you find the Chaos Clock. .

A smile appeared on Donghuang Taiyi's lips, and a faint murderous intent appeared in his eyes: Okay, maybe I haven't met these ancestral witches of the Wu clan for a long time.

If it weren't for the way of heaven getting in the way, the ancient heaven would never lose in the battle between the lich and the ancient heaven.

What he had lost, he now wanted to get back one by one.

None of the twelve ancestral witches can escape.


At the same time, the territory of the Wu clan——

Jiang Qingxue climbed up with difficulty. There were large and small wounds on her body, and blood was flowing out, which was shocking.

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Although school has not started yet, online classes have already begun o(╯□╰)o Alas, life is difficult

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