The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1076 The sea of ​​blood never dries up, and the River Styx never dies! 【2 more】

But she just finished saying this——


With a bang, the woman fell directly to the ground, stunned by stars in her eyes.

... Seeing this scene, Donghuang Taiyi, who was waiting to give advice to the younger generation, had a complicated expression. After a pause, he asked, Didn't you say that you cherish the beauty and cherish the jade?

Is this also called Lianxiangxiyu?

Who cares about others when they see others throwing themselves into someone's arms and not accepting them, but letting them fall to the ground instead?

Jun Muxian took another step back, and after completely avoiding it, she looked at His Majesty Donghuang with contempt: I want to see his face too, okay?

Donghuang Taiyi: ...

He couldn't refute what he said.

It was also because of these words that Donghuang Taiyi took another look at the woman who was lying on the ground in a state of confusion, and clicked her tongue. She indeed looked ordinary.

This appearance is not as good-looking as the body of his protector.

As for Jun Muzhen's move, not only the woman who threw herself into his arms was confused, but also the group of people who were chasing her behind.

There were more than fifty cultivators, and they all stopped at this moment. They were a little confused and had no idea what was going on.

Jun Muqian glanced at the clothes of these practitioners and quickly retrieved all the information he wanted, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

They are all cultivators from the Witch Clan camp. The highest cultivation level is that of Heavenly Immortal, while the lowest one is at the ninth level of Xiantian.

Obviously, this group of people either formed allies or were members of the same family, and they quickly reunited after entering this ancient battlefield.

After the leader of the cultivators was stunned, he became wary because he couldn't figure out what Jun Muqian's attitude was.

He thought about it for a while before taking a step forward, clasping his fists at the boy in white and saying, Brother, we are resolving a personal grudge. We hope that brother will not interfere.

You're lying! The stunned woman came to her senses at this time. She shrank and said, There is no personal grudge. It's clear that you are bullying the weak and bullying the weak!

As she said this, she couldn't help crying, I'm just a little girl, and you not only want to steal my magic weapon, but you also want to take over my body.

The woman turned her head suddenly and stretched out her hand to Jun Muqian pleadingly, with tears streaming down her face: Master, please save me, even if you don't like me, as long as you save my life, I, Wu Ying, can work as a cow and a horse for you for the rest of my life!

When he heard the woman's words, a cultivator stepped forward and laughed ferociously: Little bitch, look what you have become? Are you still expecting others to save you? Come here quickly and make me happy. It can also allow you to enjoy happiness.”

Young Master! Wu Ying seemed to be frightened and kept hiding back.

When the leading cultivator saw this scene, his face darkened: Brother, if you insist on interfering, don't blame us for being rude.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian nodded: Oh.

She decisively took a few steps back, completely leaving Wu Ying in the middle.

Wu Ying: ...

All the practitioners: ...

Wu Ying raised her head in disbelief, her lips trembling: M-Sir, how could you be so helpless?

Isn't she miserable enough?

Look what I'm doing? Jun Muzhen ignored Wu Ying and said calmly, Didn't you give way?

The practitioners looked at each other for a while, completely confused. For a moment, they all stood there without moving, for fear of some trap waiting for them.

At this time, Donghuang Taiyi looked Wuying up and down, suddenly frowned, and the soul sent a message: Little girl, this is a member of the Asura clan.

Jun Muqian was stunned: Asura clan?

Of course she knew about the Asura clan. After all, Mount Sumeru was once the residence of the Asura clan, and she also helped Su Qingli find the two divine swords Yuan Tu and A Bi there.

The last time she went to the underworld, Cangyue told her that Su Qingli disappeared before the destruction of Wanling Continent.

Fusu said that Su Qingli was forcibly taken away by Shura.

She now has some doubts about whether Su Qingli is really related to the Asura clan.

After all, Su Qingli's spiritual vein is the Asura spiritual vein, and the god of inheritance is the Ancestor Styx.

But Su Qingli is a real person from Huaxu Continent. Her mother is Su Yu, Queen of Shengyuan, and her father is Feng Yimo of the Feng family. How did she get related to the Asura clan?

You may not understand the Asura clan anymore. It's been too long. Donghuang Taiyi said lightly, When the Asura clan was strong, the Dragon, Phoenix, and Qilin clans would also give in. I have no fear of other clans. Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but Ancestor Minghe, I find it very difficult to deal with.

He paused and asked, Have you ever heard of 'the sea of ​​blood never dries up, the river Styx never dies'?

Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed and he nodded slowly.

After Pangu opened the sky, a ball of filthy blood fell from his body and became the Netherworld Blood Sea. The Styx Ancestor was born from the Netherworld Blood Sea.

Yuantu and Abi are the companion magic weapons of Ancestor Styx, just like Donghuang Taiyi's Chaos Bell.

That's it. Donghuang snorted, Although his strength is indeed not as good as the emperor, he is too resistant to him, and heaven can't kill him, but-

He changed the topic: Little girl, do you know who this old guy Styx is most afraid of?

Jun Muqian asked: Who?

He is most afraid of Demon Ancestor Luo Hu. Donghuang Taiyi raised his eyebrows, Although I don't want to admit it, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu's attack power is indeed stronger than me. Neither Zhunti nor Jieyin is Luo Hu's opponent.

Jun Mu's eyes darkened slightly.

To be able to make Donghuang say such words, Demon Ancestor Luohu is really terrifyingly powerful.

The Asura clan was created by the ancestor Minghe. Taiyi Donghuang looked at Wuying and curled his lips, Minghe once studied Taoism with Hongjun. He saw Nuwa becoming a saint after creating a spirit. I also wanted to become a saint of heaven, so I imitated Nuwa and created the Asura clan.

It's a pity, it's a pity, the Heavenly Saint doesn't have that opportunity, how can he succeed?

Jun Muzhen was surprised. She had not thought that Ancestor Minghe's attainments in the Law of Creation could barely compare with Emperor Wa's.

Creating mountains, rivers, lakes and seas is not as difficult as creating living beings.

The most difficult thing is to create a universe.

But this is only at the legendary level, and no one can do it yet.

And - Donghuang Taiyi continued, Styx has another sworn enemy, Ksitigarbha.

As he said that, he smiled: These two are really interesting. One keeps creating the Asura clan, and the other keeps reciting sutras to save the Asura clan by the sea of ​​blood. This emperor is bored to see them.

Jun Muxian thought for a moment: But I heard that the ancestor of Minghe has passed away. After his death, the Asura clan declined and has not emerged for hundreds of thousands of years.

When she was in the underworld, she met a princess from the Asura tribe.

He's gone? Donghuang Taiyi's expression changed, This is impossible!

With the Netherworld Blood Sea around, the Styx Ancestor’s ability to survive is higher than anyone else.

It's not clear yet. Jun Muqian looked at Wuying and raised her lips slightly, Then let's capture an Asura tribesman.

Just now, this Wuying used a charm technique on her. She thought it would be related to the Fox clan, but she didn't expect it to be from the Asura clan.

Wuying, who was still crying silently, had no idea that her identity had been discovered.

The Asura clan is not in combat mode and is no different from ordinary mortals. There have been no rumors of the Asura clan in the Three Realms for a long time. The demon gods from earlier have not appeared, and others have gradually forgotten about them.

When Wuying was thinking hard about how to carry out her plan, a voice suddenly sounded in her mind.

your Highness.

Wu Ying lowered her head, her expression changed, and she was a little impatient: What's the matter?

Is the princess okay? During your absence, there have been many rumors within the clan.

Wu Ying's face darkened: What rumors?

The voice paused for a moment, then timidly said: You said you were afraid of Princess Li, so you went to the Three Realms to participate in some kind of battle to confer gods.

Su Qingli? Hearing this, Wu Ying disdained, What a joke, who is she? Do you really think she is your father's daughter? I don't know where the illegitimate daughter came from. If it weren't for Indra That idiot protected her, did she think she could survive until now?

Of course I don't believe it, but there are too many people who say it. If Princess, you don't come back soon, I'm afraid that Princess Li will take away my heart.

Let her take it back. Wu Ying sneered, She is so weak. Even if she takes it, she still won't be able to control the Asura clan, let alone...

She rolled her eyes, and her peripheral vision fell on the young man in white beside her: I have found an absolute helper, Su Qingli, she will not have another chance. the ending, everyone's vests are falling off, let's see how many of you can guess~

Good night!

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