The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1043 The East China Sea splits! why you? 【2】


There was silence for two seconds, and suddenly a burst of laughter came.

Ha ha ha ha--

Hahahahahahaha! Master Taiyi laughed crazily, Hahahahaha, Ao Guang, you hahahaha!

He laughed and hammered his thighs, laughing so hard that he couldn't help himself.

Ao Guang's face turned green.

Why don't his legs work as they should? !

No, it was definitely not that he was scared, it was just that he didn't control his legs. Can you blame him?

Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows and lowered his voice and said: Qingmei, it seems that even if there are some compiled parts in the book, I guess the story of the third prince making trouble in the East China Sea is true.

After all, Ao Guang is also the leader of the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas and the Great Luo Jinxian. If he doesn't really have a psychological shadow, how could he be so unscared?

Yes. Rong Qing lowered her eyes and said, It is true that there is a cause for riot in the East China Sea, but the reason should not be that simple.

Qingmei, you're okay. Jun Muzhen sighed, What I feel now is that all the characters in the myth have appeared alive. It's been a big shock.

When she saw the spiritual thoughts of Emperor Wa and Taishang Laojun, she accepted them very quickly.

Knowing that the prehistoric era was not an era but a universe, she accepted it.

As a result, she met Nezha so early, who had made a big fuss in the East China Sea, and now she also met the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Jun Muqian glanced at Ao Guang, who was still kneeling on the ground, and frowned more and more.

Rong Qing looked over, looking slightly confused: Mumu, what are you looking at?

I'm looking at the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Jun Muqian touched his chin, How can he look like a human? Why doesn't he have a dragon head? It's so wrong.

Lord Jun didn't notice that she forgot to silence her voice when she said this.

Rong Qing: ...

Nezha: ...

Ao Guang: ...

Can you please just keep quiet when you say bad things about him?

What age is it? Even if you still have the body of a dragon, you have to start with the whole process of transformation!

After being stabbed with several knives, the Dragon King of the East China Sea felt that his life was shortened.

Ao Guang stood up tremblingly and finally took a breath. He looked at Jun Muzhen and Rong Qing with doubts: Master, these two are...

Oh! Master Taiyi suddenly realized, Brother, I forgot to introduce you. These are two little kids from the Three Emperors Academy. Even though they are only in the Mahayana stage now, their talents are not weaker than those of my disciples.

Three Emperors Academy? Ao Guang was shocked, To be able to enter the Three Emperors Academy... these two little friends are truly heroes.

After saying that, he quickly turned around and hugged Nezha: I have met the Third Prince.

Uncle, you're welcome. Nezha stepped forward and gave him some help, feeling a little helpless, You are an elder.

Alas... Ao Guang sweated a lot, unable to express the pain in his heart.

If it had been hundreds of thousands of years ago, he certainly wouldn't have had to do this.

During the Battle of the Gods, Nezha was not even a true immortal.

But now in the blink of an eye, he has become Daluo Jinxian.

In addition, there are countless magic weapons to protect him, so he can't defeat him.

It's no joke to be a genius.

What are you sighing for? Stop talking nonsense. Master Taiyi glared, I'm originally here to be a guest. Tell me, what can I do for you?

Don't be anxious, real man. Ao Guang stroked his beard and laughed, I originally thought there would be trouble, but now that His Highness the Third Prince is here, it will be much easier.

Upon hearing these words, Master Taiyi's expression became serious: What? Why do you need two Da Luo Jinxian?

Although the Great Luo Golden Immortal is not as rare as the Hunyuan Great Luo Golden Immortal, it is still the top force in the prehistoric times.

Countless Taiyi Golden Immortals stopped here, unable to take even half a step into Daluo Golden Immortal.

Among the Twelve Golden Immortals, only Taoist Ran Deng has the strength of Daluo Golden Immortal.

If you want to be promoted to become a Daluo Jinxian, you must understand a complete avenue and have a strong bloodline power.

Oh, it's a long story. Ao Guang sighed, Isn't there a sea-fixing needle in the East China Sea?

Master Taiyi nodded his double chin: I know that your Dinghai Divine Needle is already the Ruyi Golden Cudgel that conquers the Buddha.

Ao Guang: ...


Nezha frowned: Dinghai Shenzhen didn't just have one name?

They, the demon gods, all know that this Dinghai Divine Needle is actually the divine iron smelted by the Moral Heavenly Lord Taishang Laojun. Because it was once sent to the mortal world to control floods, it was finally placed in the East China Sea and named Dinghai Divine Needle.

I thought it was like this. Ao Guang said, But the Dinghai Divine Needle has stood in the East China Sea for thousands of years, and it is inseparable from the luck of the East China Sea. After the Great Sage took it away, the East China Sea only shook a little. I left and right It’s just a new construction of the Crystal Palace. In fact, this shock is not as shocking as the Third Prince...

At this point, he suddenly stopped talking.

Jun Muqian answered: No one is as ferocious as the Third Prince's use of Hun Tian Ling to overwhelm rivers and seas.

Ao Guang: ???

He doesn't want to lose face?

Ao Guang was exhausted both physically and mentally, and said feebly: Originally, I thought nothing happened. Although there has been movement in the past hundreds of thousands of years, it was nothing serious. But it has been different recently. From time to time, there will be explosions in the East China Sea. I These shrimp soldiers and crab generals have become construction workers, and they are too busy to work.

So miserable? Master Taiyi was stunned, Why didn't this matter be reported to heaven?

It's not a big deal. Ao Guang waved his hand, What are you doing to trouble Heavenly Court?

Jun Muqian's eyebrows tightened: Is it because when the Dinghai Shenzhen left the East China Sea, it took away part of the luck of the East China Sea, making the East China Sea so unstable?

Probably not. Ao Guang responded, The Great Sage brought the Dinghai Divine Needle to kill demons and eliminate demons. The Dinghai Divine Needle comes from the East China Sea and brings a lot of luck.

After a pause, he continued: But early this morning, I observed that a crack appeared where the Poseidon Needle was. It seemed that there was a sign of space rupture. My strength alone was not enough to seal the crack. Fortunately, the real person and the Third Prince came.

Crack... Jun Muqian's heart sank.

She remembered that when she was in the Wanling Continent, after Mount Sumeru merged with the Wanling Continent, the sky in the Lingxuan World was shattered.

What followed was a catastrophe.

The East China Sea is the source of all water, just like Kunlun is the vein of thousands of mountains. It is an important place for stabilizing the prehistoric times.

If problems arise in these two places, the collapse of the prehistoric world will not be far away.

Could it be that at this time, the prehistoric era was on the road to destruction and could not be reversed?

Jun Muqian was in a complicated mood.

Turning back time actually changes nothing at all.

This situation must have happened before.

But in the end, the ancient world was destroyed, and all living things were wiped out.

Nezha clearly knew the importance of the East China Sea: Please lead the way, uncle, and go back quickly.

Okay, okay. Ao Guang nodded repeatedly, then hesitated, Then these two little friends, why not just sit down in the palace, and I will let my son entertain you.

No, senior brother and I also want to go and have a look. Jun Muqian refused, she smiled slightly, Dragon King, don't worry, if we don't even have the ability to protect ourselves, we really don't deserve to enter the Three Emperors Academy. .”

Oh, that's good. Ao Guang was stunned for a moment, Everyone, please come with me.

Before the Crystal Palace was warm, the group hurried towards the east again.

The Dinghai Shenzhen was some distance away from the Crystal Palace. Ao Guang was afraid that Jun Muzhen and Rong Qing, the two Mahayana stages, would not be able to keep up, so he did not speed up.

After arriving at normal speed, it took three hours.

Jun Muqian stood still.

There was nothing in front of her, only a huge pit showing what once stood here.

There are no fish or shrimps around this deep pit, and there is not much life left, almost ready to be swallowed up.


Jun Mu's eyes darkened.

This situation is not quite right.

It's right there. Ao Guang pointed to the middle of the deep hole and suddenly exclaimed, Why is this crack still widening?!

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes: How old were you at first?

At first it was the size of a hair. Ao Guang said solemnly, Now it is as thick as a needle.

Time, not even a day has passed.

Quick, Master, Third Prince. Ao Guang was a little anxious, We have to act quickly, otherwise the East China Sea will really split.

Master Taiyi did not stab him again this time and nodded: Old Long, don't worry, the matter will definitely be taken care of for you.

Wait a minute. Nezha looked sharply and suddenly said, There are still people.

Before he finished speaking, his fingers had already reached out as fast as lightning.


Jun Muzhao watched helplessly as Nezha pulled someone out from behind a nearby stone, then threw him down on the ground and stepped on him.


A howl.

why you?

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