The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1044 Ancestral Dragon! Yuanfeng! Qilin! 【3 updates】

When Jun Muqian saw the howler's face clearly, he was stunned for a moment.

This guy isn't...

Nezha was a little surprised, but he didn't stop exerting force on his feet: Do you know each other?

Jun Muxian wanted to say she didn't know him.

But Ao Lie had already begun to howl sincerely: Miss Mu, save me. You see, we are brothers who have shared weal and woe. You can't just die without saving me.

Girl?! Taiyi Zhenren's jaw almost dropped, and he stared at the boy in white dumbfounded, Are you a woman?

Ao Guang looked at one thing and another, feeling very confused.

Jun Muxian gritted his teeth in his heart, but his face was cold and ruthless: You can trample him to death.

Nezha didn't notice her seventy-two transformations, but was exposed by Ao Lie, a narcissistic and stupid dragon.

For the first time, Lord Jun was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

Nezha: ...

Ao Lie: ???

he did not do it on purpose!

I swear, I have absolutely no ill intentions. When his request for help failed, Ao Lie could only save himself, and said quickly, There is no one here. I have always lived here.

I am in the Mahayana stage, and you can crush me to death with just a move of your fingers.

That makes sense. Nezha nodded and put his feet down. It's true that I can crush you to death with my fingers. I don't dare to move even if I touch you.

Ao Lie: ...

He was so scared.

Who are you? Ao Guang felt that his dignity had been violated and asked coldly, How can you survive in the East China Sea during your Mahayana period?

With such little cultivation, humans and other creatures simply cannot withstand the pressure of the sea.

The monsters at the bottom of the East China Sea can only transform into immortals after they ascend to immortality, but this person looks like a human being.

Hearing this, Ao Lie's eyes lit up, he stepped forward and held Ao Guang's hand diligently: Are you His Majesty the Dragon King of the East China Sea?

Ao Guang was stunned for a moment, then slapped Ao Lie's hand away and glared angrily: There's no point in building relationships, tell me quickly, or I'll punish you with the crime of being divided into five fishes!

No, no, no, how can I have a relationship? Ao Lie looked solemn, You and I are from the same family.

His tone was earnest: Look, do I look similar to you? Because my surname is Ao, and I am also from the dragon clan. What do you think this is if it's not my family?

Jun Muqian pressed her forehead, wanting to kick Ao Lie out, but in the end she held back.

How could she know such a big idiot?

Is it also a dragon? Ao Guang was very suspicious, but he believed it in his heart, From that sea area?

Alas, my life is miserable. Ao Lie wiped away his tears and sighed deeply, I am just from a ravine. At first, I was regarded as a loach by the children on land, and then I was treated like a loach by them. I thought I was a snake, but in the end I realized that I was actually a dragon.”

Jun Muxian: ???

She is really good at editing, and she is so popular.

Ao Guang was stunned: You, you...

Ao Lie continued: After I understood my identity, I came to the East China Sea. With the blessing of His Majesty the Dragon King of the East China Sea, my life will definitely be happy.

He cleared his throat: But there is only one thing I want to ask you.

Oh... Ao Guang was still confused, Tell me.

What about that, His Majesty the Dragon King of the East China Sea, you... Ao Lie's eyes lit up even more and he said impatiently, Are you still missing a son?

Ao Guang: ???


I'm well fed. Ao Lie patted his chest and talked eloquently, I don't even need your Majesty, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, to give me food. I can survive by picking up trash by myself. I just want to experience what it's like to be a prince. Just give me some magic weapons and I will be satisfied.

I don't want to be like your third son, who has the Fang Tian Painting Halberd and the water-avoiding beast. It's just a small gesture.

Jun Muxian: ...

Ao Lie was even more attentive: What do you think?

After a full ten seconds, Ao Guang finally came to his senses. He was so angry that he said, Get out!

The smile on Ao Lie's face disappeared instantly and he took a step back: Oh, dragon life is difficult.

Ao Guang huffed and slapped him: You bastard, how dare you take advantage of me?

Ao Lie immediately wanted to hide.

Just kidding, Ao Guang is a Daluo Jinxian, he could be broken into pieces by this slap.

However, what was expected did not happen.

When Ao Guang's hand was halfway through the swing, it suddenly got stuck and could not move forward even half a minute.

Also at this moment, suddenly!


Intense golden light suddenly burst out from Ao Lie's pupils, and instantly condensed into a substantial attack in the sea water, heading straight towards Ao Guang's hand.

Nezha's expression changed: Back off!

As he spoke, he picked up Master Taiyi and quickly retreated.

Ao Guang was caught off guard and was blasted out.


At this time, a dragon roar suddenly sounded.

Ancient majesty, sacred elegance.

Jun Muqian's eyes gleamed slightly.

Ancestral dragon bloodline!

A sign of awakening!

This blast shocked Ao Guang's head. He shook his head and sat up with difficulty. Looking at Ao Lie who was shrouded in golden light, he was shocked: Ancestor?!


As if in response, another dragon roar sounded, even more serious.

Please forgive me, ancestor! Ao Guang was sweating profusely and hurriedly knelt on the ground and bowed his head. I didn't know it was our ancestor who came here. Ao Guang is guilty. Please punish him!

However, after these words were spoken, the golden light on Ao Lie's body slowly faded away.

He opened his eyes in confusion and was startled when he saw Ao Guang kneeling in front of him: Old Dragon King, it's just that you don't allow me to recognize you as my father. You can't recognize me either. Twenties.

Ao Guang was shocked and went crazy when he heard this.

But in an instant he realized what had just happened, and he stepped forward suddenly: Why did our ancestors happen to you just now?

He has never met his ancestors either.

After all, by his generation, the blood of the dragon clan was no longer pure.

The true Ancestral Dragon bloodline has long since disappeared.

But as long as you still have the blood of the Dragon Clan, you can feel the call in your heart.

Ancestor? Ao Lie scratched his head and suddenly said, It should be because I have the ancestor's dragon ball in my body.

The ancestor's dragon ball is actually on your body?! Ao Guang glared and stammered, Where did you get it from?

Yes, it can only be the Zulong Dragon Ball!

I... Ao Lie hesitated for a moment, then looked at Jun Muzhen out of the corner of his eye.

Jun Muqian shook his head slightly.

Ao Lie immediately understood: I don't know. When I was a child, I lived a hard life and ate everything. I ate a lot of stones. I might have accidentally eaten the dragon beads as well.

Ao Guang covered his chest and said heartbrokenly: Eat... you just eat like this!

If it were him, he would definitely offer it, burn incense every day, bow down every day, and wash it every day!

I don't want to eat. Ao Lie twitched the corner of his mouth, I just...

He also gave it a try at that time, but who would have known that the Ancestral Dragon Ball would enter his stomach in just one click without even having time to vomit.

No. Ao Guang made a decisive decision, I must immediately go to heaven to report to His Majesty the Jade Emperor about my ancestor's appearance.

Nezha glanced at Ao Lie and raised his hand to stop Ao Guang: I know this matter well and will naturally report it.

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes and keenly caught a blind spot.

Nezha seems to no longer believe in the Jade Emperor.

No matter what, I can rest assured that the third prince is here. Ao Guang wiped his sweat and looked at Ao Lie again, You said your surname is Ao, what is your name?

Ao Lie.

Okay, Ao Lie, you will come back to the Crystal Palace with me in a while. Since the ancestor was still protecting you before, then maybe the ancestor still has the spirit left behind. There are also many ancestors' relics in the Crystal Palace. Let's see what can be done by then. The ancestors cannot be summoned again.

Ao Lie glanced at Jun Muxian again.

Jun Muqian nodded lightly.

Okay! Ao Lie high-fived, With your words here, Old Dragon King, I won't have to worry.

Ao Guang weakly waved his hand towards him, then went down into the pit with Nezha and Taiyi Jinxian and began to repair the cracks.

The Phoenix Cry and the Dragon Cry have appeared. Jun Muqian stood at the edge with deep eyes, Will it be Shi Qilin's turn next?

Rong Qing tilted her head and said calmly: Sibuxiang is Shi Qilin's child, the only one.

I know this. Jun Muzhen said, And I have always suspected that the children Shi Qilin gave birth to at that time might be a brother and sister, but for some unknown reason, Xiao Yueyue ended up in the illusory universe.

Gu Yue's appearance is simply a mystery.

Because she had gone to pick up the sergeant to check the information about the ascended person, and there was no Gu Yue's name.

Well, what a coincidence. Rong Qing closed her eyes, When Yuan Feng died, Jiutian Kunpeng had already become the Taiyi Golden Immortal. Kong Xuan was protected by Nuwa, so the inheritance would not be broken.

Jun Muqian continued: When Zu Long died, his eldest son was Ao Yue, but Ao Yue was not favored. Zu Long would not leave his inheritance to Ao Yue.

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