The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1042 Hun Tian Ling! The Lord Made of Rainbow Fart【1 update】

Master Taiyi's expression changed and he roared.

At the same time, he flicked the whisk in his hand, and his small body suddenly jumped up and flew into the air.

The white whisk suddenly grew bigger, like white clouds rolling in from the sky, covering half of the sea.

The next second, there was another bang!

It was like thunder bursting from the sea, and the roar resounded throughout the world.

Almost instantly, the enlarged whisk shattered, and white threads fell down one after another.

After this explosion, the East China Sea returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

Master Taiyi took back the whisk with only one handle left, and felt a pain in his heart: Ouch, ouch, I have to repair it again. For this repair, I have to go to Kunlunxu to find materials. This material is not easy to find.

Moreover, part of his whisk was made of his beard. He didn't know how long it would take for him to return to his original appearance. This was a terrible situation.

And Nezha had already blocked the other three people when the explosion sounded.

Although he didn't have any weapons in his hands, spiritual power gathered in his palms, and the red silk wrapped around his body flew in the wind.

With a sudden lift, the rolling waves were suppressed.

Jun Muqian's eyes were focused on the red damask and she murmured softly: Huntian Ling...

The Huntian Ling is seven feet long when not in combat. It is a body-binding treasure that can automatically bind enemies and can also change its length freely.

Even if it is broken during battle, it can be repaired quickly.

Its color is red, its shape is long, the wind is gentle, and it can wrap around the enemy.

Although it is not an innate spiritual treasure, its power is no weaker than that of an innate spiritual treasure. It can also cut through rivers, lakes, seas, and the chaotic world.

Even the Crystal Palace could not bear the upheaval.

All things are mixed together, and everything changes with a wave of your hand.

Jun Muqian's eyes moved down and landed on Nezha's right wrist. There was a golden ring there, which was firmly placed on the hand.

She naturally knew what the golden ring was.

The circle of heaven and earth.

Like Hun Tianling, it is Nezha's natal magic weapon.

Being able to get the word Qian Kun shows how powerful this treasure is.

The universe circle and even the treasures of gold and steel are extremely hard and indestructible.

When thrown, mountains and rivers can be blasted away.

It can also change the size according to the user's wishes, possesses huge divine power, and can hit the target with perfect accuracy.

Shaking the universe, the sun collapsed and the moon penetrated.

Its color is pure gold and its shape is perfect round.

Even if it reaches the level of bone refining, it cannot withstand the blow of the Qiankun Circle.

Jun Muqian knew that this was not all the treasures Nezha had.

Sure enough, Lingzhu's equipment was top-notch.

Regardless of reincarnation, Nezha can be regarded as one of the innate demon gods.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed. The mortal world and the lower planes of the prehistoric world may not know Yuanshi Tianzun, or they may not know Amitabha, but they will definitely not know the name of Nezha.

In ancient times, the more famous a demon god became, the more power of faith he could get.

Jun Muxian suddenly remembered——

During the Battle of the Gods, the Yin Yang Mirror also appeared.

At that time, the only person who could overcome the yin and yang mirror was Nezha.

Because the yin and yang mirror can only deal with the flesh and blood body, it is completely useless against Nezha, who is incarnated as a lotus flower.

The Yin-Yang Mirror is too destructive. Fortunately, it is in Rong Qing's hands now, otherwise the Witch Clan might use the Yin-Yang Mirror to cause trouble in the world.

Master, you are impulsive. Nezha frowned slightly, You are not very good at defense and attack. This kind of thing is enough for me.

Taiyi Zhenren is better at controlling.

What if some powerful enemy appears?

I...aren't I used to this? Master Taiyi scratched his head and said confidently, My apprentice is by my side. Even if I die, I still have to protect him.

Nezha's body trembled, his lips moved, and finally he just sighed without saying a word.

This silly dragon Ao Guang must be doing something to blow up the Dragon Palace again. Master Taiyi rolled up his sleeves, I'm so brave, what should I do if I scare my apprentice and two little babies?

As he spoke, he cut out of the water angrily and swam toward the Crystal Palace in a menacing manner.

You guys get off first. Nezha turned around and said, I'm at the back.

Jun Muqian nodded and smiled: Thank you so much, Third Prince.

She was going to hold Rong Qing's hand, but suddenly remembered that she was now a man, and retracted her hand decisively.

But as soon as she retracted an inch, she was held by Rong Qing, unable to move away.

He said calmly: Let's go.

Jun Muxian: ...


Master Taiyi opened the way, and the three of them also went into the sea.

Different from the first time when he passed through the teleportation array, this time Jun Muzhen clearly saw the entire scene of the East China Sea.

From shallow sea to deep sea, fish and shrimp also grow from small to large, surrounded by aquatic plants and corals, with countless fish and insects passing through.

Colorful and flowing.

Except for Taiyi Zhenren who swam over with a whoosh, Jun Muzhen and the other three swam very slowly.

There was silence for a long time, but suddenly, Nezha spoke: When I was very young, my hometown was on the East China Sea.

Jun Muqian was slightly startled: I've read about it in books.

Although the legends about the prehistoric times in the illusory universe were actually distress signals sent from the prehistoric times, and eventually disappeared from people's memories, who didn't grow up listening to the stories of these demon gods during that period?

After she was picked up by Jing Lian and brought back to Jing Yue Palace, ever since she could remember, Jing Lian would tell her the story of the ancient times before going to bed every night.

The Three Pure Ones and the Two Buddhas of the West are too far apart. Only people like Nezha, who have become saints by virtue of their own abilities, can cause greater shock in people's hearts.

Oh? Nezha smiled lightly, I have read it too, a lot of it, all versions. Some are good, but some are a bit unreasonable.

He thought for a while: Some people also say that I was reincarnated by the order of the empress because I fell in love with a mortal woman.

Cough cough cough... Jun Muxian choked.

She suddenly remembered that after she became famous, Dongyu also started selling books about her, and they called it The Biography of the Lord. In fact, the person who wrote the book had never even met her, and it was all nonsense.

When she saw this Biography of Lord Jun, her mood was extremely indescribable.

Beautiful Qing, I remember that there are many books about you in the Upper Five Realms. Jun Muqian quietly transmitted her voice through her soul and raised her eyebrows, Have you read them?

Hearing this, Rong Qing tilted his head: Listen to Mu Mu, has Mu Mu read it?

I didn't. Jun Muqian denied decisively, You are right in front of me. I just want to see you. How can you be as good as the real person written in the book?

After saying that, she applauded herself mentally.

Very good, her ability to praise others has improved again.

Rong Qing was half helpless and half resigned.

At this time, Nezha spoke again, and his voice was not as cold as before: If you have time, I can talk to you.

Hearing these words, Jun Muqian's eyes lit up: That's really great.

She had to admit that she had always admired Nezha because she had heard so many stories.

Being able to listen to these legendary figures talk about their own experiences is something that is really rare.

When she was about to say something else, her head was forcibly pulled back by a hand.

Rong Qing said calmly: Momu, look at the road.

Jun Muxian: ...

He is indeed the jealous king of the universe.


They arrived at the Crystal Palace very quickly, and because Master Taiyi and Nezha were there, they were welcomed in as guests.

Before entering the palace, Jun Muzhen heard Master Taiyi shouting: Ao Guang, what are you doing?

Zhenren, Zhenren, you came just in time. Ao Guang was bald and overjoyed to see Zhenren Taiyi, I was worried about not having the manpower.

What the hell? Master Taiyi was stunned for a moment and hugged his chest suddenly, What do you want to do to me?

No, no, no, Master, you have misunderstood. Ao Guang waved his hand hurriedly, There are just some things that I need your help with, Master. I don't have many Taiyi Golden Immortals in the Dragon Palace, and it's too late to call the other Dragon Kings.

Oh, help... Taiyi Zhenren burped, That's good, I have wine, but I can't wrong my apprentice. After you help me, you let my apprentice go into your treasure house to pick something.

That's that, that's... Ao Guang nodded repeatedly, suddenly realized something, and shouted, Master, your apprentice is here too?!

Yes. Master Taiyi waved his little chubby hand, It's right behind, do you see it?

Ao Guang raised his head almost tremblingly, and sure enough he saw the handsome young man walking towards him. Suddenly, a look of fear that even he didn't know appeared on his face.

The next second, with a bang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea knelt down.

Nezha: ...

There is no need to kneel down.

Lord: I met my idol qwq

Light beauty: Turn around and look at me (voiceover os: If you dare to climb over the wall, your legs will be broken)


Reminds me of a passage I read a long time ago.

There are only two characters in Chinese mythology that can be called legends:

One is the monkey,

One is Nezha.

Hundreds of generations of Yunling have bred a stone monkey, causing havoc in the heavenly palace, soaring in the clouds and mist,

After three years of pregnancy, she gave birth to Nezha, who slayed the dragon in the East China Sea and turned the world upside down.

It can be said that except for these two people, no one can be worthy of the word deviant and indulgent.

But these two are the only ones that can be called tragedies.

A Five Elements Mountain has been pressed down for five hundred years, the seal has been removed, and a golden hoop has been put on to worship Buddha and call Sun Wukong to the west.

One carves flesh to return to his mother, removes his bones to return to his father, molds a lotus body, stands on the wheel of fire, and becomes the third prince of the South Gate of the Gods without any regrets.

The best thing in this world is probably to wipe out the arrogance of the arrogant, flatten the pride of the arrogant, and kill the loneliness of the traitor.


It's so well written.

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