The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1041 Damn it, let her fight Nezha? 【2 more】

People inside, please listen to me, prepare good wine and meat, I will be here soon!

Although it is said to be a thundering roar, it actually has no power at all. Instead, it is fierce and ferocious, with a small milky sound.

Jun Muxian: ...

what's the situation?

Are there children attacking the Three Emperors Academy?

Or a real person?

Yan Ting was horrified: Isn't it right? How can this happen so easily?

He stood up suddenly and pushed Jun Muzhen and Rong Qing: Hurry, hurry up, hide quickly, this guy is coming, be careful and force you to take the pill, sooner or later it will be over.

Huh? Jun Muqian was a little confused and was pushed into the bushes behind the stone table.

There is a formation deployed by the three emperors here, which cannot be discovered or broken by Daluo Jinxian.

Who is here? Jun Muzhen poked his head out, Senior Yan Ting is so panicked?

Rong Qing calmly pressed her head, avoiding her waist: It should be Master Taiyi who is here.

Oh? Jun Muqian was stunned and even more confused, Wait a minute, isn't Master Taiyi an old man? It sounds like a child's voice to me.

Even though she has never seen it, she knows it.

The Twelve Golden Immortals are a relatively weak group among the innate demon gods, but they have also lived for a long time, and they are all a group of old men with immortal demeanor.

Hmm... Rong Qing thought for a second, Maybe he took some rejuvenating elixir.

Then the effect of this elixir is too great. Jun Muxian choked, This is more than just rejuvenation, it is clearly returning to the mother's body.

Let's take a look. Rong Qing stared, I have only checked the Chi Jing Great Immortal, not a few other people. I know a little bit about Ran Deng Taoist because of the coffin lamp.

Coffin lantern? Jun Muqian then remembered, Is the coffin lantern also a spiritual treasure that wandered in the illusory universe?

The coffin lantern is an innate spiritual treasure of Taoist Ran Deng. It is also called a glazed lantern. It is one of the four spiritual lanterns. It contains ghost fire and can penetrate directly into the underworld. It has the ability to show the life scenes of the deceased.

When they were in Huaxu Continent, she and Su Qingli were involved in the coffin lamp, but there was no deceased person, so what they imagined was what Su Qingli had experienced.

Yes. Rong Qing responded, It's just that when I found it, there was no wick in the coffin lamp.

Because the coffin lamp has the function of suppressing the backlash of heavenly secrets, I used the law of creation to create some ghost fires for me to light in the lower plane.

No wonder. Jun Muqian frowned, If we hadn't come to the prehistoric era, we wouldn't have known that the wick of the coffin lamp brought the ghostly fire to the mortal world during the Battle of the Gods, disrupting order, and was finally destroyed. Taoist Ran Deng will conquer you.

Presumably later, Taoist Ran Deng completely separated the wick and the coffin lamp in order to prevent the wick from causing trouble in the world.

The coffin lamp has no offensive capabilities and has not been used for a long time.

Well, that should be the case. Rong Qing said, This time when I came to the ancient world, my mother also asked me to bring over all the innate spiritual treasures that were left in the illusory universe.

It is necessary to bring it here. Jun Muqian agreed, The loss of the innate spiritual treasure will also have an impact on the stability of the ancient world.

While the two were talking, someone had already entered the large garden of the Three Emperors Academy.

This bush can completely block the outside view, but the people inside can see clearly.

While Jun Muqian was still looking for where Taiyi Zhenren was, Rong Qing's voice fell on her ears: Mumu, look down to the left.

She looked over and saw a fat baby only three feet tall.

Jun Muxian: ???

Is she peeking in the wrong way?

Then, she saw the fat baby sitting down on the stone bench. His short legs tried to lift up on the stone table, but they were too short and hung in the air.

And because I’m too fat, I can’t let it go.

Apprentice, apprentice. The fat baby suppressed his blush and said with difficulty, Hurry and help me turn over, my master is going to be out of breath.

He will never take pills indiscriminately again in the future, and he will have to let others test the pills.

Nezha sighed and stretched out his hand to help the fat baby stand up.

There is no other way. The master you choose has to walk this road even on your knees.

Hearing Fat Baby's disciple call, Jun Muxian's eyes changed: The third prince is here?

That's all for Master Taiyi. Once Yuanshi Tianzun retired, Chanjiao no longer managed the Three Realms. But the Three Emperors Academy was a mortal force, so why did someone from Heaven suddenly come?

Yan Ting's mouth twitched at the sight: Taiyi, you, this...

Where's the wine and meat? Master Taiyi loosened his belt, Without wine and meat, I won't chat with you.

Yan Ting: ...

I felt helpless, but I did it anyway.

He took out a few jars of wine from the spirit ring and threw them down on the stone table angrily: That's it, it's gone.

Smelling the aroma of wine, Taiyi's eyes lit up: This is Shennong Brewing's bar? You actually still have one?

After saying this, he struggled to pick up a jar of wine and started drinking.

After drinking, Master Taiyi patted his belly: It feels good, it feels so good.

Nezha silently turned his head to the side, expressing that he really didn't want to recognize this master anymore.

He glanced aimlessly, and when he landed on the bushes, he suddenly became certain and his eyes narrowed.

Get out. Seeing this, Jun Muxian took a step forward, I've been discovered.

Yan Ting didn't expect that Nezha would also come, and he felt a little sad when he saw Jun Maqian and Rong Qing who had been hidden by him come out.

It's over, he will definitely be tortured by Taiyi.

Huh? Master Taiyi burped and asked curiously, Is this the disciple you accepted from the Three Emperors Academy?

Yan Ting's face was expressionless: It's just these two, Taiyi, don't even think about bullying them.

Am I that kind of person? Taiyi Zhenren snorted angrily, and then felt a little lonely, Oh, you are in trouble too, the atmosphere in Penglai is not as good as yours, and the disciples are not good either, not even a single one is talented.

You really don't know how to bully others? Yan Ting didn't believe it. If you promise, I can give you these two disciples from my Three Emperors Academy, as long as you teach them well and let them become gods.

What the hell? Master Taiyi was stunned and looked at Jun Muzhen and Rong Qing, Give these two disciples to me?

Yes. Yan Ting said in a deep voice, But it also depends on their wishes.

Hearing these words, Nezha, who had been silent until now, suddenly said: Think twice, you may lose your life.

Jun Muxian: ...

Rong Qing: ...

Master Taiyi: ...

How could his apprentice do this? !

Nonsense, I have obviously trained a Da Luo Jinxian. Taiyi slapped the table, I can train many more in the future.

Yan Ting made up his mind: Taiyi, you did not train the Third Prince. He was originally a spiritual bead descended from the earth, a genius from heaven.

Taiyi Zhenren was so angry that he put his hands on his hips and shouted fiercely: Shut up!

Yan Ting shrugged.

Let me take a look... Master Taiyi looked at the couple, started counting with his fingers, and frowned, Well, it's a bit troublesome.

Yan Ting was a little nervous: What?

Because I don't dare to be the master of these two little kids. Master Taiyi pinched his fat fingers, If I do, it will be bad luck.

He smiled and said, Really?

One, he couldn't count.

One, he couldn't count.

But what he was sure of was that the power of luck in these two young men was terrifyingly strong, unless someone with stronger luck could suppress them.

Otherwise, you will only lose yourself.

Jun Muxian also smiled without revealing any flaws: Dare I ask the real person what the reason is?

If you say this, it's not a secret. Taiyi Zhenren waved his hand, But if you are willing, I can introduce you to the master's sect, but the master has not been out of seclusion for a long time, you may have to wait for a long time.

The real person is joking. Jun Muqian smiled slightly, I am just a mortal. My wish is to become a saint in my body and worship Tianzun as my teacher. That is something I never dare to think about.

It was impossible for her to go in front of Yuanshi Tianzun before she was prepared.

Hey, you are belittling yourself, that's all, I won't force you. Taiyi Zhenren waved his hand, Anyway, Master is not really good at all, but it's terrible. Every time I see Master, I am always struck by this. I was so scared that my heart was shaking.”

Jun Muqian's eyes moved.

Rumor has it that among the Three Pure Ones, Yuanshi Tianzun has the most violent personality, but compared to the stubborn Tongtian Cult Master, he at least listens to the words of the Taoist Patriarch.

This... Yan Ting frowned, Taiyi, what are you doing here at the Three Emperors Academy?

Huh? Oh, I'm not here to accompany my apprentice... Wuwu! Before Master Taiyi could finish his words, his disciple covered his mouth.

There was still no expression on Nezha's face. He said calmly: Master, come with me to relax.

After saying that, he let go of his hand.

Master Taiyi almost choked to death and nodded repeatedly: Yes, yes, he has been guarding Nantianmen for hundreds of thousands of years, and his temper is boring, so I brought him here to have a look. You also know that there are other things in the East China Sea. His brother is also on the way.

You have a dull temper? Yan heard something was wrong and retorted, Nonsense, didn't you still make trouble in the sea when you were a child, and fight monkeys when you grow up?

Nezha: ...

Jun Muxian: ...

You know nothing! Master Taiyi glared at Yan Ting, You've grown up again, do you understand?

Jun Muqian's peripheral vision fell on the handsome young man in red, and he looked a little more thoughtful.

Although we can't be the same disciples, meeting each other is fate. Taiyi Zhenren was very enthusiastic, Let's go, let's take you to the East China Sea. I heard that Ao Guang recovered some treasures a few days ago. Let's go and see them together. look.

Jun Muqian was really choked.

She was really afraid that if she went to the East China Sea again, Ao Guang's entire treasure house would be lost.

When Hunyuan Ling heard this, she rang excitedly.

Jun Muqian pressed the bell on her waist tightly, thinking coldly in her heart, dreaming.

I won't go. Yan Ting was not interested. You can take your two children to see the world. Just bring them back intact. They will participate in the Battle of the Gods in half a year.

The Battle of the Gods? Master Taiyi was confused for a moment, then suddenly realized, The one caused by the Jade Emperor? Yes, yes, young people should fight more.

In today's peaceful and prosperous age, there are no wars, unlike the ancient demon gods who were trained through killing.

Jun Muxian agrees very much with this.

Only desperate situations can allow people to break through their limits.

I promise to send you back well. Master Taiyi clapped his hands, Hey, then I can ask my apprentice to give you tricks. If you fight with my apprentice, you will know that the Jade Emperor organized this Conferring God Ceremony. War is just child’s play.”

Jun Muxian: ???

Wait, Master Taiyi actually wants her to fight Nezha?

She is only in the Mahayana stage now, which is too much.

Nezha didn't object, he nodded and said: I will suppress the strength of the Earth Immortal.

After a pause, he said: Half a year, with your talent, is enough to reach heaven.

This sentence was said to Jun Maqian alone.

Jun Muqian looked slightly stern.

She knew that Nezha must have seen something, even if she couldn't be sure.

Nezha's predecessor was a spiritual bead. He was not as clever as a stone monkey, and his senses were astonishingly sensitive.

It's just a matter of time, Nezha will be promoted to Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian sooner or later.

Hey, apprentice, when will you know how to calculate? Master Taiyi blinked, Eighteen-year-old immortal, are you serious?

Nezha gave him a cold and heartless look and left.

Master Taiyi covered his chest and felt pain in his heart.

As soon as you leave the Three Emperors Academy, you will see the East China Sea.

The East China Sea is extremely vast, and the Three Emperors Academy is at the very edge.

You haven't become saints in the flesh, so you can't swim in this sea. Taiyi Zhenren took out two beads from his trouser pocket, The evolved water-proof beads don't need to be held in your mouth, just carry them with you.

Jun Muqian did not refuse and took it. Even she and Rong Qing were able to get into the water smoothly.

Master Taiyi waved the dust in his hand, and when he was about to say let's go, there was a sudden explosion on the surface of the East China Sea.

Oops, flash!

Good night~

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