The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1011 I let you hurt him! ! ! 【1 update】

She didn't expect Rong Qing to do such a thing at all.

Because even if he didn't, they could definitely go out together.

But by the time Jun Muzhen reacted, she was already standing dozens of feet away, coming out of the formation through a cracked gap. The distance was just right, not even an inch missing.

very good.

He has always been thoughtful and thoughtful.

This distance is nothing to Jun Muzhen, but now she doesn't even have time to use the Earth Escape Technique.

She watched helplessly as the giant ax in the hands of the deceased Chi You intertwined with Rong Qing's back, and she instantly heard the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart.

Blood gushed out and soaked his clothes almost instantly.

But she couldn't see any blood, because the blood was the same color as his clothes, both red.

Like clothes soaked in water.

Not visible at all.

Jun Muxian couldn't even tell how serious his injuries were from the amount of blood.

Others can still look at his face, but how can he take it lightly?

No matter how painful he was, he would never show any expression on his face.

He has always been calm and indifferent to the world.

For the first time, Jun Maqian was a little resistant to such Rong Qing.

Could he... could he not make her feel so distressed?

She didn't hesitate at all and was about to rush back, but a sudden pain stopped her in her tracks.

Jun Muqian's expression was blank for a moment, and suddenly another picture spun past in front of his eyes.

It was also red, and it hurt her eyes.


After a moment, the scene disappeared, but the pain remained.

Jun Muqian endured the severe pain and continued to move forward.

Mumu, let's go! Seeing this, Rong slightly coughed a few times and said in a stern tone, After you leave, I can feel at ease against the enemy.

Perhaps because of the injury, there was a light layer of frost between his picturesque eyebrows, which made his already fair skin even whiter.

Across the sky of yellow sand, she could only see the deep love and endless tenderness in his eyes.

In the distance, it looks like the mist floating on the moon, hazy, as if it reflects the stars, and is the only light in the darkness.

Jun Muqian was stunned to the spot, and the emotion brought about majestic pain, which almost crushed her heart.

The pain in her head also deepened. At the same time, something in her body seemed to want to break out, but it seemed to be forbidden. The violent impulses of the two energies stopped her in place.

Be obedient, okay? Seeing that she was still, Rong Qing's voice became an inch softer, as coaxing as before, I don't want you to get hurt.

Jun Muqian gritted his teeth and his voice trembled: No--

At this time, the deceased Chi You arrived again.

The giant ax struck again!

Seeing this scene, a smile finally appeared on the cold face of the young man from the Wu tribe who was sitting next to the magma pool.

Although he didn't know how powerful Chi You was, he had grown up listening to the stories of the twelve ancestral witches and other great witches.

The reason why the great witch Chiyou was able to become the opponent of the Three Emperors was because of his method of killing.

With every attack of the killing method, the wound will not only fail to heal, but will also become more and more serious.

Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect that this young master of Tianyu is still a passionate person. The young man from the Wu clan sneered, with a look of contempt, This hero has always been saddened by beauty. He is indeed right.

He stretched out his hand and tapped the screen, and then taunted: However, you have no chance to enjoy the beauty. It is better to wait for you to die and I will take over for you. Your death will not be in vain, leaving nothing behind.

While the young man from the Wu tribe was having unrealistic fantasies, he suddenly felt a shaking on the ground, which almost knocked him into the magma pool.

Fortunately, he immediately stabilized his body, opened his eyes and took a look, only to find that something had appeared on the yellow sand plain reflected in the magma mirror.

Huh -?! The expression of the young man from the Wu clan changed. Before he could get up, the earth shook again.


Buzz buzz!

The space was trembling violently, and fragments of power surged out from nowhere, tearing the space into cracks one after another.

Rong Qing's body trembled, and her eyes were dark.

The giant ax that was about to fall in the hands of the deceased Chi You was also blocked by these space cracks. He roared angrily, and his bell-like eyes became even scarlet.

With a wave of his hand, Daluo Jinxian's peak strength forcibly closed these space cracks.

But after it was reconciled, more cracks burst out.

Ho, ho—

Such anomalies made even the deceased Chi You a little confused. He held up a giant ax and a long knife, like an uncivilized beast. He just kept yelling in confusion and stopped in place. .

Mumu? Rong Qing's eyelashes trembled slightly. He looked at the woman in purple who was also motionless, with a slightly startled expression.


The young man from the Wu clan, who was looking at this place from a distance through a magma mirror, was a little irritable: The hour has not come yet, why did Chi You stop attacking?

He was puzzled: And what's going on with this human woman? The young master of Tianyu let her escape, why doesn't she get out?

The face of the young man from the Wu clan was a bit cold. Unfortunately, his cultivation level was too low. Even if he resurrected Chi You, he would not be able to control Chi You's actions.

Otherwise, he must let Chi You kill this human woman first.

Move quickly! Seeing the deceased Chi You still running around in circles in confusion, the young man from the Wu clan jumped to his feet in anger and couldn't help but yell, Both of them are lower in cultivation than you, what are you doing standing there stupidly?

But no matter how much he scolded him, the deceased Chi You still didn't move.

It was also at this time——

Huh--? Kong Xuan, who had just entered the tomb, couldn't help but paused and frowned, Why is there still power...

No, it should be three shares.

Just now, he noticed not only a peak Daluo Jinxian, but also a middle stage Daluo Jinxian.

But now, there is obviously a new force.

The fluctuation of this new power could not really penetrate his eyes, but it clearly made him feel chilled from the bottom of his heart, and he felt a kind of fear.

What kind of power would make King Peacock Ming, the son of Yuan Feng, afraid?

No...that's not right! Kong Xuan suddenly remembered that he had felt a similar power.

It was with his junior brother.

When that monkey broke through Da Luo Jinxian, there was also such energy fluctuation!

His master was there at that time, and he naturally asked his master what this energy was, but Bodhi just smiled and said nothing.

No way... Kong Xuan murmured to himself, Master has accepted another pervert?

Almost instantly, he was sure that this power must come from his junior sister whom he had not yet met.

If it was as he thought, the peak of Daluo Jinxian he felt was touched by his junior sister.


Kong Xuan became anxious now. He accelerated his search, but his expression became more and more serious: This place is so weird, how can it block my spiritual consciousness...


Jun Muzhen didn't know anything about the outside world. She squeezed her eyes so tightly that her head almost exploded.

There are broken images everywhere.

There are chaotic figures everywhere.

There was a lot of noise everywhere.

Her whole figure seemed to have fallen into the whirlpool of time, and her body was bumping up and down in the sea, uncontrollably.

In the midst of the vast ocean, she seemed to see a familiar figure.

The figure was tall and tall, with crimson clothes and a glowing glow.

In the blur, the pictures flew by quickly.

Seeing that he was under the thunder and calamity, he blocked the calamity cloud with his hand for her.

Seeing that he was covered in blood again, he hugged her tightly.

Countless words also poured into his mind at this moment, swirling in his ears.

The cold and gentle voice shook away all the fog and fell.

Mumu, I love you.

Mumu is the best Mumu in the world. I am lucky to have such a Mumu.

Heaven and earth are the betrothed, thunder and lightning are the matchmakers, Mu Mu, just marry me.

Congratulations Mumu, from now on, there will be no more disasters.

Do you know... for me, what is more terrifying than death? Is knowing that I have to leave you alone in this world... but I am powerless...

Mumu? Mumu!

The reality and the past overlapped, and Jun Muqian heard someone calling her. The voice was full of panic and anxiety, but he kept calling her persistently and uncertainly.

The pain gradually subsided, and the voice gradually became clearer.

But suddenly, the vibrations in the space intensified, more space cracks tore open, and space turbulence surged, even the bronze-skinned and iron-bone Chi You was injured.

Quietly...the third powerful force exploded out in an all-round way.

Jun Muqian suddenly opened his eyes, and the intense golden light in his pupils burst out, sweeping the entire world in an instant.

I let you hurt him!

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