The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1012 Seven Star Moon Whip, come on! 【2 more】

How dare you hurt him!

The irresistible voice fell, with inherent pressure and chill, making people tremble with fear and shudder.

All of a sudden——


Red-gold flames appeared out of thin air, spread from the feet of the purple-clothed woman, and instantly swept across the entire yellow sand plain.

The deceased Chi You stopped moving completely, his face showed a bit of fear, and his huge body began to tremble.

But it's not because he has consciousness or thoughts, it's just the instinct in his body. This instinct only appears when facing an enemy that is infinitely stronger than him.

At the same time, the witch tribesman who was watching the battle by the magma pool also felt something was wrong.

He used a dozen other Wu clan members to resurrect Chi You, and he also knew how powerful the deceased Chi You would be, so he had stayed away from him for a long time.

He is here and will not be affected.

But now he actually feels threatened by his life!

what happened?

Moreover, why didn’t Chi You even dare to move now?

Chi You, the leader of the army, was bold in killing while he was still alive.

The young man from the Wu clan frowned and moved closer to the mirror, wanting to take a closer look.

At this moment, on the yellow sand plain, the third force that surged up suddenly exploded when it reached its peak.


The majestic energy soared into the sky in an instant, causing a shock wave thousands of feet high. It also rolled up the spiritual energy, rushing straight through the air and sweeping over!

Crack, click, click.

The young man from the Wu tribe watched in horror as the magma mirror he made cracked open inch by inch. He panicked and didn't want to know what the probability was, so he turned around and ran away.

But the overwhelming pressure pushed him to the ground, and he didn't even have a chance to escape.

Impossible! The young man from the Wu tribe was shocked.

At such a long distance, it was impossible for Chi You to hurt him.

Moreover, he did not hear the screams of other cultivators from elsewhere, which proved that the other people in Emperor Yan's tomb were still safe and unharmed and had not been attacked.

Only for him?

This was specially arranged by the Wu Clan to isolate Young Master Tianyu from other people.

Because if you want to kill Young Master Tianyu, you must isolate other eyes and ears, and you must do it quickly.

It is impossible for the Wu Clan to take action against the creatures in heaven, the west, and the mortal world, otherwise it will attract the attention of the saints of heaven.

But now...

The young man from the Wu tribe widened his eyes and looked at the purple-clothed woman wrapped in red-gold flames, his whole body feeling cold.

Who is this human woman?

Isn't it just a vase protected by Tianyu Young Master? !

Under this turbulent pressure, the deceased Chi You, who was the first to bear the brunt, was directly blasted out.


He let out a scream and hit the boundary of the formation heavily.

With such a smash at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, a corner of the formation that had already been destroyed by Rong Qing was shattered almost instantly.

In an instant, all the yellow sand disappeared, revealing the real heaven and earth.

It was originally a stone palace. Due to the battle, the stone walls were full of cracks, but they had not collapsed yet.

Jun Muqian slowly raised his head, with murderous intent in his peach blossom eyes.

She remembered, finally remembered everything

How could she forget the person she loved most in her life?

The memories of the past and the current scene came together, causing her mind to suffer a serious blow.

For Jun Muzhen, there was nothing more unbearable in her life than the battle in Wanling Continent.

She watched helplessly as he dispersed all his cultivation, and directly used his weak body to block for her the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation jointly launched by the three great ancestral witches.

Rong Qing should have been able to escape unscathed, but Di Jiang, Qiang Liang and Zhu Rong were just three ancestral witches. They were unable to cast a complete formation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons. Even Pangu's true body could not be summoned, so how could it be possible? Did it hurt him at all?

But he decisively chose another path, even though he clearly knew what the consequences of taking this path would be.

He exchanged his life for his life to help her survive the calamity of death.

How could this happen again? !

She doesn't allow it!

The Witch Clan...what a Witch Clan, they came to bully her over and over again, they really thought she was dead!

Jun Muqian walked in step by step, and the golden light in his hands hanging on both sides of his body was constantly flowing, converging into streams of electric current, constantly intertwining between his ten fingers.


The deceased Chi You seemed to wake up from his confusion. After realizing that his opponent seemed to have become a stronger one, he picked up the giant ax and ran wildly again.

But this time was different from before, he didn't even have a chance to strike.

Jun Muqian clenched his right hand without using any moves. The power of his soul and spiritual power were intertwined, and he punched out.


The deceased Chi You flew out again, and all the weapons in his hands were released.

He fell down in a corner of the stone hall, dizzy from the fall.

Seeing this scene, Rong Qing wanted to stand up, but the previous ax had really taken away a lot of energy from him, and now he couldn't even stand up.

Mumu. He frowned and clasped his fingers slightly, but he didn't feel any sign of the cultivation seal being unsealed.

This proves that Mu Mu has not made a breakthrough.

That's right, even if it is a breakthrough, it is impossible to directly break through to Daluo Jinxian.

No matter how talented you are, you still have to follow the steps.

But if there is no breakthrough, how can one punch Chi You who is at the level of Daluo Jinxian?

Rong Qian slightly coughed, his blood-stained fingertips tightened, his eyebrows widened, and he murmured softly: The power of the universe...

With just one look, he could tell that Mu Mu had recovered his memory.

It was force, but it was obvious that the power of the universe could not trap her.

And it is obvious that she is now squeezing the power of this part of the universe in turn, raising her own cultivation to a terrifying extreme in a short period of time, and only then can she perfectly suppress Chi You, who is at the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

Jun Muxian was indeed using the power of the universe that had not yet dissipated from her body, and she even forcibly imprisoned the part of the power that wanted to return to the universe.

She shook hands again and punched Chi You who had just gotten up.




Shockingly, one punch after another, the deceased Chi You was continuously knocked to the ground.

It's just that his body is very strong, and he can't feel pain either.

But such an attack made the deceased Chi You angry.

Like a wild beast, he roared at the purple-clothed woman: Ho-ho--

He had never been beaten like this.

Even when he was alive, he never led the Wu Clan army in a decisive battle with the Three Emperors.

Even if he dies, his dignity cannot be violated.

The anger caused the deceased Chi You's fighting power to also increase

But he can't fight against the power of the universe, let alone fight against

I'll let you hurt him! Jun Muqian took a deep breath and punched with a sneer, I myself——

Another punch.

I can't bear to leave--

Another punch.

Bully him.


The last punch hit the deceased Chi You's heart.

He was knocked to the ground, and no matter how tired he was, he didn't have the strength to get up.

But it's not over yet.

The woman in purple jumped up and stepped on the ten-foot-tall witch.

What followed was an even more violent attack.

Jun Muqian's eyes were all scarlet, and she asked sternly: How dare you hurt him?!

Ouch, ouch——

Fierce energy blasted out, and the deceased Chi You screamed in agony. Even the copper skin and iron bones could not withstand these furious attacks.

The ten-foot-tall body was gradually getting smaller, and the limbs were scarred and dented bit by bit, all from being beaten.

This is not a fight, this is a one-sided assault.

The young man from the Wu tribe next to the magma pool was sweating and shivering, and even his blood ran cold.

He had never seen anything like this.

It's not bloody, but it's terrifying.

This... what kind of vase is this? This is clearly a madman!

Still a psycho!

Even Rong Qing was startled. His eyes were slightly opened, and for the first time there was a hint of surprise.

It also……


When his body shrunk to the size of a normal Wu clan member, the deceased Chi You suddenly jumped up, roared, and ran outside.

If he didn't run, he would definitely be beaten to death here.

The young man from the witch tribe was even more shocked. He was obviously just a great witch who had been forcibly resurrected by a secret method. He only knew how to fight, but now he was trying to escape.

If the deceased Chi You really ran away, wouldn't the Three Realms be in chaos?

This is still a small matter, but a big event will expose their Wu clan to the Three Realms!

The young man from the Wu tribe turned pale and did not dare to think about it.


Run? Where to run!

Looking at the deceased Chi You who was running away, Jun Muqian smiled coldly and slowly raised his right hand.

In the palm of the palm, among the golden light, there were dark purple stars surging crazily, making a sizzling sound, like clusters of sparks colliding fiercely, exploding to the ground.

Her eyes were cold and she said word by word: Seven Stars and Moon Whip, come!


Qing Meiren: If I hurt myself more in the future, Mumu will become even more powerful. Got new skills

Lord:? ? ?

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