The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1010 Lord: I will protect you! 【2 more】

His clan’s great cause will no longer be blocked by anyone!

The Illusory Great Thousand is really too nosy. It is coming even though it is a universe away. Even if the Great Desolation is destroyed, it has nothing to do with the Illusory Great Thousand. No wonder the Ancestral Witches are furious.

Three ancestral witch masters were originally killed in the Illusive Universe. I heard that it was the Emperor of Tianyu who did it. How could the Young Lord of Tianyu continue to destroy them?

No matter how strong the young master of Tianyu is, this is the ancient wilderness, not an illusory universe, but a dragon, so he still has to be entangled!

Young Master Tianyu is really an idiot. He wants to reach the prehistoric level even though he claims to be a cultivator. But there is really a way to heaven that cannot be taken, and there is no way to go to hell.

If the young master of Tianyu dies here, the controller of the illusory universe will never be able to find it, and it will not cause a battle in the universe.

Hmph... The man sneered again, As long as I kill Young Lord Tianyu, my status in the clan will definitely rise, and I may even be able to practice the method of eternal life.

After saying this, he waved his hand, and the magma rolled up.

With a swish, it spun into the air and actually gathered into a group of mirrors that could reflect the picture.

What was shown in the mirror was the yellow sand plain where Jun Muzhen and Rong Qing were trapped.

The man looked at the tall figure of the deceased Chi You and murmured to himself: Now, it's just a matter of time.

He sat down and began to wait.


It was also at this time, outside the spiritual tomb, in the virtual direction of Kunlun.

Above the sky, there is a bird flying rapidly.

In an instant, it was hundreds of miles away!

The whole body is green, but if you look closely, you can see light golden feathers, which contrast with the red crown, like gold reflecting fire.

The long tail feathers cut a brilliant line of color in the air, shining thousands of feet.

From a distance, it is dazzling, sacred and inviolable.

This peacock was heading towards Kunlunxu, but it suddenly stopped when it was about to enter Kunlunxu.

The next second, there was a swish sound, and when he looked again, the figure of the huge peacock was gone under the sky.

On the ground, a tall and straight young man appeared.

It was the Peacock Ming King who had just parted ways with Patriarch Bodhi.

After landing, he didn't know what he felt. Kong Xuan's expression changed slightly: What a powerful energy wave...

He has never come to the mortal world very often. The last time he came to the mortal world was during the Battle of the Gods, and hundreds of thousands of years have passed.

After that, he never went to the mortal world again.

Naturally, he would not admit that it was because he was afraid of his master's Seven Treasures Tree. What if he was punished again?

Most of the time, he stayed in the Western Paradise. Occasionally, he would go back to Xianyue Sanxing Cave to teach his later disciples.

For a peacock, this kind of life is very happy. Kong Xuan especially likes to see the wretched looks of his junior brothers, which can make him feel better.

But the bad thing is that more than two thousand years after the Battle of the Gods, Patriarch Bodhi accepted another disciple, and he had a new junior brother.

The little junior brother is not a human being like him, but it is worse than him. He is still born in an egg after all, but the little junior brother jumped out from the cracks in the rocks, which made him happy for a long time.

But it happened that he suffered defeat every time, always at the hands of his junior brother.

Kong Xuanwei really couldn't understand that a monkey could have so many tricks and be so smart that it put people to shame.

Therefore, from then on, whenever Kong Xuan wanted to return to Xie Yue Sanxing Cave, he would definitely avoid this monkey demon.

But later, for some unknown reason, Patriarch Bodhi announced to the public that he had expelled his junior brother from the house, and did not allow him to say that he was his master's disciple. ” and the word “Bodhi”.

Kong Xuan regretted it for a long time and could not understand his master's decision. However, he also knew that his master's temperament seemed indifferent and indifferent, but in fact he was extremely stubborn. No one could change what he had decided, so he gave up the idea of ​​persuasion. .

But from time to time, he would still secretly take a look at his junior brother.

Kong Xuan thought that they were no longer the same disciple and he would no longer suffer. But what he never expected was that not long after, his junior disciple became a Buddha.

Although this Buddha's rank is lower than his, the name of a fighting and victorious Buddha can already explain a lot.

Bad fate.

Cut off the endless bad luck.

His talent is incomparable, and the only thing that can comfort him is that he was born in a fetus.

His thoughts turned around, Kong Xuan felt it for a moment, and saw the size of the energy fluctuations. He frowned: The peak of Da Luo Jinxian...

When did such a strong master appear in the mortal world?

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are only at this level, but they are both sitting in the heavenly court.

He could count the other people with this strength on one hand, and he knew them all.

These people with names and surnames will not come to the mortal world easily. Even if they come, they will not reveal the slightest bit of their power.

A little bit of energy from the Taiyi Golden Immortal is enough to collapse the mountains and rivers in the world, let alone the Daluo Golden Immortal, which can move mountains and seas, and can pick up the sun, moon and stars with its hands.

Moreover, the Three Realms have long stipulated that no one above Taiyi True Immortal can do anything in the mortal world.

No... Kong Xuan frowned even more tightly, This is not the normal peak of Daluo Jinxian...

Such a powerful cultivation level seems to have been forcibly improved.

He could feel that the energy was slowly increasing and still leaking out, and could not last for an hour.

Kong Xuan finally became a little curious, but still lacked interest.

Even so, what does it have to do with him?

He was going to see his junior sister.

Kong Xuan's expression calmed down and he was about to start again, but a sudden thought stopped him in his tracks.


What if this Daluo Jinxian at his peak is bumped into by his junior sister?

Judging from his master's tone, it seems that his junior sister has not formally become a disciple, so her cultivation level must be lower than that of a true immortal, and she will definitely die if she meets the peak of Da Luo Jinxian.

Kong Xuan's expression changed, and his eyebrows became more serious.


The power of the soul exploded instantly, impacting the surroundings and sweeping away violently.

it's here!

Before even taking half a breath, Kong Xuan caught the origin of the energy fluctuation, his arms turned into wings again, and with a swish, he suddenly dived down.

Or is it an independent space?

I can’t control that much anymore!

Kong Xuan frowned, and without looking at the surrounding situation, he used his sharp claws to directly tear the space apart and forcefully entered the spiritual tomb.

White clouds rippled, and the world returned to silence, except for the snow-capped peaks of Kunlun Mountain.


On the yellow sand plain, the battle continues.

In less than a stick of incense, Rong Qing had already fought hundreds of rounds with the deceased Chi You.

If he were at the peak of his cultivation, he could take the life of the deceased Chi You with one move.

But not now.

The man in scarlet clothes had sweat on his smooth and jade-like forehead, but his eyebrows were still cold.

He still didn't have any weapons in his hands. Facing the deceased Chi You who had all the swords and axes in his hands, he looked too weak.

But his body is still upright, like a green pine standing alone on the mountain top in the cold snow, with a pure and graceful appearance.

However, after being unable to save Rong Qing's life for such a long time, the leader of the army, Chi You, was furious.

He stepped on the ground and ran over again, with two soldiers at his feet!

Jun Muqian was anxious: Young beauty!

She also knew that Rong Qing was almost unable to hold on under the tireless attack of the deceased Chi You.

At this moment, Rong Qing turned around, shook her head slightly and said comfortingly: Don't worry, I'm fine.

He took a few breaths, his eyes were as calm as before, and he showed off his clothes and faced off again.

Bang bang!

Two extremely powerful spiritual powers collided together, erupting into a powerful shock wave that spread out.

Jun Muqian was horrified to see it.

Every attack from the deceased Chi You was like a knife in her heart.

Even though Rong Qing was not hurt yet, it still made it difficult for her to calm down.

But what can she do?

With her current level of cultivation, she couldn't even hurt the deceased Chi You.

But... she could at least buy him time!

If you can't fight, can't you run?

Jun Muqian gritted his teeth, turned his palms, gathered his spiritual power, and struck out at the deceased Chi You who was about to strike down with his axe.

Rong Qing's expression changed, as if he didn't expect her to suddenly take action, and blurted out: Mumu!

Jun Muxian did not respond, but sneered at the deceased Chi You: Did you forget that there is someone else here?

As expected, the deceased Chi You was attracted by this move. He gave up attacking the man in scarlet clothes, turned around, and locked the woman in purple clothes with the giant ax in his hand.


With a long roar, the deceased Chi You strode over, his eyes flashing with cold murderous intent.

Dong dong.

Although the attack relied on brute force, the fundamental cultivation level of the Daluo Jinxian peak made it difficult for Jun Muzhen to dodge.

Mumu! Rong Qing condensed her energy, clapped her hands on the ground, and was about to come.

But the next second, the figure of the woman in purple suddenly disappeared.

Earth escape technique!

Rong Qing's eyebrows stretched, but her heart did not let go.

The deceased Chi You's ax failed again, and for the first time there was a hint of confusion on his ferocious face.

Where are people?

Jun Muqian wiped the blood that overflowed from his lips and said calmly, I'm here.

She quickly tilted her head: I'll hold you, Qingmei, and find the exit.

Rong Qing understood immediately.

Jun Muxian stared at the deceased Chi You closely, with a solemn expression.


This place is sealed by some formation, or it may have become an independent space, and her Heavenly Escape Technique is ineffective here.

Otherwise, she could take Rong Qing out directly.


The deceased Chi You's anger reached another level. After roaring angrily, he increased the intensity of his attack.

The familiar power came towards him, and Jun Muqian looked slightly stern.

The power of the avenue!

What secret method did this witch clan use to be so weird?

But Jun Muqian didn't want to think so much. She calmed down and concentrated on fighting the enemy.

The Earth Escape Technique comes out!

Come out again!

Out again!

Swish, swish, swish!

A series of explosions shook the ground, and the yellow sand plain was riddled with holes and crisscrossed ravines.

It is unimaginable what would happen if this huge ax struck a person.

After performing the Earth Escape Technique for the eighteenth time, Jun Muzhen finally exhausted all her spiritual energy, her legs weakened, and she collapsed on the ground.

Her body was really too weak, and she didn't even dare to resist with her physical body.

But she was exhausted, but the deceased Chi You's fighting power remained undiminished. He raised his weapon and came fiercely.


Jun Muqian bit the tip of his tongue, gathering the last strength in his dantian, and was about to face the enemy again.

At this moment, a crisp click sound came from my ears.

The sky in the east suddenly collapsed, revealing a white light.

Jun Muqian raised his head suddenly.

The formation is broken!

She took a breath and shouted: Qingmei, let's go.

As long as she goes out, she can use the sky escape technique.

She didn't want to know what treasures there were in the tomb. She just wanted to take Rong Qing away from here.

Rong Qing looked even thinner just now, sweat was dripping down his chin, but he didn't look embarrassed, but had a different kind of charm.

He raised his head and smiled slightly: Okay, let's...


The roar was right behind him, followed by the sound of a cold blade cutting through the air, almost piercing his eardrums.

This blow was earth-shattering!

Rong Qing stepped forward suddenly, hugged Jun Muxian, rolled on the ground, and managed to avoid the attack of the deceased Chi You.

But stronger attacks are coming one after another, and with the addition of the killing method, there is no way to avoid them!

Rong Qing's eyes changed, and her voice suddenly became cold: Mumu, get out of here!

He suddenly raised his hand and slapped her with a sharp slap.

But this palm fell on her body, but it had no weight at all, and she was not injured in any way. The spiritual power exerted by this palm enveloped her, and pushed her away from the yellow with irresistible force. Sandy plain.

But on the contrary, this palm pushed him under the giant axe.

The location was quickly changed!

Jun Muqian's pupils shrank suddenly, and she said sternly: Rong Qing!

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