The moment he finished speaking, the giant ax with a cold light had already struck down!

The ground shattered in response!

The sound of wind filled my ears, making hunting noises, which stung my eardrums.

After rolling to the ground, Jun Muqian suddenly opened his eyes and suddenly discovered that the front of him was no longer an ancient battlefield, but a bounded but vast yellow sand plain.

There were no other fighting armies and warriors from the Wu clan, but only figures standing ten feet tall in front of them.

Chi You, the leader of the army!

Jun Muqian didn't know whether Chi You really looked like this, or whether it was an illusion based on her knowledge and thoughts.

In the blink of an eye, the long sword in Chi You's hand also turned down.


This wave made the space shake.

Be careful! Rong Qing quickly hugged Jun Muxian and rolled over again.

He unfolded his clothes calmly, but in an instant, he was already a hundred meters away.

And just as he left the spot, the long knife struck the ground, creating another deep crack.

The cold murderous intention and the majestic spiritual power that rushed toward her face made Jun Muzhen's internal organs tumble. Her face turned slightly pale for a moment, and she stood up with force: A mechanism?

This kind of power was simply beyond her imagination.

Could it be that they accidentally touched the mechanism in Emperor Yan's tomb, which caused such a scene?

No, it's not an agency. Rong Qing stood in front of her, This is Chi You.

Jun Muqian's expression suddenly changed: Could it be...

Rong Qing's next words confirmed her thoughts. His eyes were slightly cold: It's really Chi You.

But he was obviously killed by the Three Emperors hundreds of thousands of years ago! Jun Muzhen suppressed the discomfort in her body, He is just a great witch, not a twelve ancestral witch, so he will not be resurrected at all.

Moreover, even if he was resurrected, why would he do it at this time?

He is not resurrected. Rong Qing said calmly, Mumu, he has no consciousness at all now, he is just a killing puppet.

Hearing these words, Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed and he looked away suddenly.

The ten-foot-tall warrior leader Chi You moved extremely slowly, his eyes were unfocused, and his face seemed to be frozen, without any emotion.

Her heart sank, and she instantly guessed the whole story: Does anyone know that Chi You's body is here and use secret methods to forcibly revive him?

This is indeed not resurrection, but it is more terrifying than resurrection.

The great witch Chiyou could become the opponent of the Three Emperors, so how could his strength be inferior to Taiyi Golden Immortal?

The resurrection is still conscious and can still be negotiated.

But now Chi You has no consciousness at all and can only kill people.

Someone... wants them dead!

We just hid it from the universe and prevented countless calamities from knowing it. Rong Qing smiled coldly, Since I'm here, it's impossible for people in the ancient world not to know my identity.

Young Master Tianyu!

The eldest son of the controller of the illusory universe!

This kind of status is basically on the same level as Dao Zu Hongjun, or even above him!

Anyone who can understand the great witch so well... must also be a member of the witch clan. Jun Muxian's thoughts were racing at high speed, and his expression became more and more solemn. This time, there are also people from the witch clan on this trip to the spiritual tomb!


The Witch Clan is so cunning, it is impossible not to know that they are destroying the things of the Witch Clan.

Her identity will not be known, only Rong Qing...

If we can kill him, why should the Wu clan worry?

But, who could summon the dead Chi You?

But there was no time for them to think about it.

After the deceased Chi You's two attacks failed to hurt anyone, his eyes were red and he was obviously furious. After shouting to the sky, his slow movements suddenly became faster!

Dong, dong——

The deceased Chi You suddenly jumped up, turned around, and rushed towards their direction.

Thunderous footsteps shook the sky and the earth, and yellow sand rolled in from all over the sky.

Every blow seemed to hit the heart, which was extremely dull.

Mumu, step back. Rong Qing's eyes became more solemn, and his voice was slow, I can't deal with you without your cultivation.

But I'm afraid it's him...

When he came to the ancient world, his cultivation was sealed by his mother in the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian. Now as Mu Mu's strength grows, he has also returned to the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

And the deceased Chi You in front of him, for some reason, had at least the peak strength of Daluo Jinxian!

Not to mention the difference between Daluo Jinxian and Da Luo Jinxian is just a small step. Even if they belong to the same lower stage of Da Luo Jinxian, their strength will be very different.

When I arrived at Daluo Jinxian, I saw not only the cultivation of spiritual power and spiritual power, but also the great avenue!

The avenue determines everything!

What is the great road that Chi You built?

Although it is not ranked in the top 100, it is still extremely dangerous.

This is the way to kill!

It can be regarded as a small path under the path of killing.

Although the power is far from comparable to the method of killing that ranks thirteenth among the Three Thousand Avenues, the method of killing also inherits the aura of killing between heaven and earth, which will increase the attack power of those who understand the Tao.

And now the deceased Chi You's cultivation level is at least at the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, so once he starts the killing method, he will be invincible in a short time!

Jun Muqian naturally understood that the situation was very bad when she heard Rong Qing speak in such a cautious tone for the first time.

And now is not the time to forcefully go to help. If she goes, it will only hinder Rong Qing. Not only will he not be able to concentrate on fighting the enemy, but it will also divert his attention to protect her.

Jun Muqian frowned tightly, clasped his fingers, and could only step aside and warned: Take care of yourself first.

I don't know if Rong Qing heard this sentence. When she said it, he had already lightly unfolded his clothes, jumped up, and faced the deceased Chi You who was running towards him.

Roar! Seeing someone blocking him, the deceased Chi You became even more furious, and his feet accelerated again.

After a few dong dong sounds, he suddenly jumped up, holding an ax in one hand and a knife in the other, and struck down wildly!

In an instant, thousands of ripples arose, shaking violently in all directions!

However, there was no fear on Rong Qing's face, and he looked calm while advancing and retreating, and his movements were as smooth as water, which actually added a bit of elegance and made people fascinated.

In just a few moments, they had already fought for several rounds.

Jun Muqian raised his eyes slightly and stared at the crimson figure in the sky.

Seeing that he was able to attack and defend with ease, he breathed a sigh of relief.

And as if he saw something after thousands of years, his head was suddenly pricked by a needle, and the pain penetrated into his heart and lungs.

And at this moment, it seemed as if something that had been covered in dust for a long time suddenly broke open.

Between the whirling light and shadow, fragmented images flashed continuously.

But it flashed so fast that she couldn't catch it at all.

Jun Muqian shook her head to get rid of the waves of pain, but there was still residual pain eroding her nerves.

what happened……

She rubbed her temples and had no time to care about the strangeness of her body. She held her breath and concentrated on watching the battle in mid-air.


And just when there was a chaos of swords and swords here, there was another place in Emperor Yan's tomb.

This is a lava pool. The red-gold molten lava in the pool is constantly rolling and bubbling. The temperature is so high that ordinary practitioners cannot bear it.

Including the two leaders, Yulin Xuanxian and Wuxiang Buddha, no one knew that someone had already taken a step ahead of them and secretly sneaked into the tomb from another entrance.

No one knows that the reason why the Earth Emperor Shen Nong built the tomb here was to seal the great witch Chiyou.

At that time, after the death of the twelve ancestral witches, the great witch Houyi, and the great witch Kuafu, only the great witch Chiyou and the great witch Xingtian were the strongest in the witch clan.

Although the members of the Wu Clan are fewer than other major races in the prehistoric times, their talent for infinite reincarnation makes them almost immortal.

Without eradicating their consciousness, they cannot be completely eradicated.

However, none of the avenues built by the three emperors have the mysterious power to attack them. They can only be sealed but not destroyed.

But no matter how powerful the great witch Chiyou is, he is still not the twelve ancestral witches transformed by Pangu Yuanshen. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and time has worn away his consciousness.

And this hot magma pool is where his body is stored.

Because he is made of copper skin and iron bones, he is immortal.

But the iron pillar that originally locked Chi You's body was now broken and scattered on the surface of the magma, gradually being swallowed by the magma.

There was a man standing next to the magma pool. He was the same figure who had gathered many men in black at the cliff.

What is shocking is that there are more than a dozen corpses lying at his feet, corresponding to the previous men in black, but each one has no breath, and blood is flowing all over the ground.

The blood has long since dried up, but judging from its traces, it is obvious that it flowed into the magma pool and merged with the red lava. However, several strange ancient ancient symbols can be vaguely seen shining with black light.

The dead Chi You plus my witch clan's secret method... The man kicked the corpse at his feet and smiled coldly, his face full of sarcasm, Even if the three emperors are alive, they can't defeat him.

There is a secret method in the witch clan called Summoning Spirits, which can refine the dead witches into puppets and enhance their combat effectiveness hundreds of times.

The former great witch Chiyou was only at the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

But after using this secret method, the deceased Chi You is now at the peak of Daluo Golden Immortal!

Although it can only last for an hour, it is enough to kill people.

Even if so many compatriots are sacrificed, it is still worth it.

As long as Tianyu Young Master... will die!

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