The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1008 The leader of the army, Chi You! Lord: Male lust misleads people [2 updates]

That thing is contagious, no one can be left behind!

The sound of fighting soared into the sky, roaring in the ears, almost shattering the eardrums.

Before Jun Muqian could clearly see the scene in front of her, the instinctive reaction she had honed over a long period of chasing and killing had already caused her to quickly pull Rong Qing and rush to the right.

call out!

The next second, there was a sharp sound piercing the air and passing by her hair, and in an instant it turned into a puff sound that was immersed in the flesh and blood.

Jun Muqian breathed a sigh of relief.


Even if she couldn't see where the attack came from, she could still tell.

Otherwise, as soon as he stepped into Emperor Yan's tomb, he would probably be dead.

Rong Qing was startled by this sudden move. He leaned his back on the ground and protected Jun Muzhen's head with his hands in time. His expression tightened: Is it hurt anywhere? Huh?

It's a trivial matter. Jun Muqian rubbed her head, sat up, and narrowed her peach blossom eyes, Were you trying to seduce me on purpose just now?

Rong Qing was startled again, and her voice rose slightly: Huh?

This sound was an inch softer than the previous one, as if a torrent suddenly rushed through the heart that had been sleeping for a long time.

Yes, yes, that's what you are. Jun Muqian covered her heart and took a step back, steadying her breath and said, Don't make such a sound, don't make it again, please listen to me...

She didn't say the next words, and made an understanding expression towards Rong Qing.

Oh? Rong Qing also sat up. He seemed to know nothing and raised his eyebrows slightly, How do you like it?

Okay, it's good for you to know. Jun Muxian didn't want to say it. She thought about it and suddenly said, By the way, do you know that there are five words to describe a man, called - Pan Lu Deng Xiao Xian? I think you quite meet the other four criteria.

Rong Qing frowned when he heard the words: Wei Zeng, what's the meaning of this?

It's about the five advantages of a man attracting women. Jun Muqian clapped his fingers and started counting, This Pan, he looks like Pan An. He said he wants to be as beautiful as Pan An, eh, but this Who is Pan An? Why did I forget...

Rong Qing pinched his eyebrows and fell silent.

It seems that Mumu learned these five words from his mother again. He heard from his father that his mother used to live in a technological world that had no aura at all, resulting in a very rich knowledge. Although it was all talk on paper, there was no Do it yourself.

His father had followed his mother to that world, but he had never been there and didn't understand it.

The only thing he knew was that whenever his mother said something he didn't understand, it must be his mother's hometown dialect and stories.

Forget it, whoever he is. Jun Muqian started to count his fingers again, This Deng is Qian Ru Deng Tong... Oops, I forgot who Deng Tong is, anyway, it means very rich.

Rong Qing lowered her eyes with a calm expression.

Well, he does have a lot of money.

Jun Muxian continued: This kid is tolerant and careful, and he will make the girl happy.

This doesn't fit. Rong Qing frowned, I only coaxed you.

Cough cough cough... Jun Muxian choked and muttered, Look, aren't you right now?

After a pause, she continued: The last word leisure means having free time and time to accompany the girl, and...

Rong Qing interrupted again: I only have time to spend with you.

I know, I know. Jun Muqian was elated upon hearing this, If you do this to another girl, I will take the little beauty to find the new father immediately.

... Rong Qing paused and nodded slightly, There is one more thing you didn't tell me.

Is this a donkey... Jun Muqian lowered his eyes and coughed lightly, I'm sorry, you can figure it out for yourself.

She didn't feel anything last time. She woke up with soreness in her back and legs. How could she know?

But her gaze was too direct, and it kept falling on one place. Even though Rong Qing had never heard these five words, she understood them.

His expression darkened instantly.

very good.

He must separate his mother and Mumu in the future. These two people must not be together, otherwise things will be really messed up.

His heart was filled with light gray, but his face showed no signs of it, and he said calmly: What Mumu means is that the second one doesn't suit me?

Jun Muqian felt a rare guilty conscience, and she said sternly: How could I know such a thing? Anyway, just think that I am praising you for your prowess. Hey, Qingmei, we have to get down to business quickly.

I almost made a mistake because of my beauty.

If she really becomes a monarch, she will probably bring disaster to the country.

Hearing this, Rong Qing raised his eyes and glanced at her. He stood up slowly and said, Let's not count this time.

Jun Muqian knew that she was in the wrong and thought, there would be no next time anyway.

She then raised her head and began to observe the surrounding scene, her expression shuddering.

No wonder the fighting was so loud earlier, they were on the battlefield where two armies were facing each other.

Only because she and Rong Qing had been behind a boulder just now, she was not injured by the chaotic arrows.

Although they are phantoms... Jun Muqian's eyes changed, but these attacks are real.

If she hadn't pulled Rong Qing aside just now, they would definitely be seriously injured now.

Keeping ancient things until now is the art of empty flowers. Rong Qing leaned down and tried to pick up the arrow on the ground, but her hand went straight through it.

He stood up and said lightly: They are not ordinary arrows. There are some medicinal materials attached to them. They are just phantoms. It is impossible to tell what medicinal materials they are. We will not have any impact if we are contaminated by these medicinal materials. But the wizards whose cultivation is below the Earth Immortal The clan will die instantly.”

As soon as he said these words, thousands more arrows shot through the air from the east direction, making several swish sounds, and shot towards the west, followed by another series of explosions of flesh and blood.

Jun Muqian turned her head, her eyes gradually becoming serious: Is that the Witch Clan?

Just like the east, there is also an army in the west, with thousands of troops and horses, the horses are stepping on the dust, and the smoke is billowing.

Except for the very strange weapons, the creatures holding weapons are no different from the human army in the east.

What this phantom showed turned out to be... the war between the human race and the witch race in the past!

After going to the Three Emperors Academy, Jun Muxian learned about that period of history again from the ancient books in the library.

The humans won, but miserably.

Although the Three Emperors beheaded the great witch Chiyou and the great witch Xingtian, their vitality was also severely damaged.

Soon after, they died one after another.

After the death of the Three Emperors, the human race declined. It was not until the Battle of the Gods that things improved.

However, it was this battle that made the Wu Clan completely withdraw from the sight of hundreds of millions of creatures in the Three Realms.

In today's Three Realms, most of the new generation of creatures have only heard of the Witch Clan from legends.

But Jun Muqian knew that the Wu Clan had not withdrawn from the Three Realms at all. They were still dormant somewhere no one knew, waiting for a new comeback.

The first time was the ancient heaven and the demon clan, the second time was the human race, who knew the third time wouldn’t be the entire prehistoric world?

But if even Yuanshi Tianzun is on the side of the Wu Clan, the next time the Wu Clan appears, it will be a huge catastrophe.

At this time, Rong Qing said lightly: Inner demon.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian suddenly looked towards the place where the human race and the witch race were fighting, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink a few times.


She saw a faint black mist emerging from many humans killed by the Witch Clan, which was exactly the same as what she had seen before, but much weaker.

Jun Muqian's heart sank: These inner demons really come from the Witch Clan, and they are using their inner demons to deal with humans.

Human beings are the race with the most potential. Once activated, their potential is unimaginably huge.

But humans are also the most vulnerable race, especially the heart. Once invaded by inner demons, there is almost no possibility of reversal.

Using the inner demons to make the human race kill each other. Rong Qing's eyes were as cold as winter snow, After the Lich War, all the ancient great witches died. At this time, the twelve ancestral witches have not been resurrected. The top combat power of the witch clan is only With Xing Tian and Chi You, they will not be the opponents of the Three Emperors.

Jun Muqian's expression turned cold: What a trick!

In this way, I am afraid that the entire human race can be captured without spending a single soldier.

But the Earth Emperor Shennong cultivates the way of protection. Rong Qing said lightly, The way of protection, the three thousand avenues are ranked eighteenth. The mysterious power brought to the enlightened person is neither attack nor defense, because it is not for Own.

Jun Mu sighed lightly: For the human race.

Among the three thousand avenues, there is no avenue that is as protective as the path of guardianship.

The way of protection is that all laws cannot be broken and all evil cannot invade.

It protects not only the body, but also the soul and spirit.

As long as the Earth Emperor does not die and the way of protection remains, the Wu Clan will never be able to attack the human race with the help of their inner demons.

However, the range that the guardian avenue can protect is limited, and it cannot cover the entire human race. Outside the range of protection, inner demons will still be invaded.

Rong Qing added: Emperor Suiren cultivates the way of prayer, while Human Emperor Fuxi cultivates the way of heaven and earth.

The Way of Prayer, the Three Thousand Avenues ranks seventeenth, praying for the blessing of all living beings.

The Way of the Universe, the Three Thousand Avenues, is ranked twentieth and benefits the common people.

These three avenues rank very high, but none of them are attacks, and they cannot bring any benefits to themselves.

This is the Three Emperors.

Jun Muqian had never experienced that period of history, but at this moment, he felt a sense of admiration.

No wonder the Three Emperors are so respected by the human race. This level cannot be reached by ordinary people.

Just because except for those innate demons who were born to control a certain avenue, other cultivators or acquired demons could choose an avenue when they started to practice, but the Three Emperors chose this avenue.

Therefore, there are very few records about these three avenues in books, only a few words.

After all, few people would completely sacrifice themselves for others.

Jun Muqian frowned: This phantom is not only screening the cultivators who come in, but also wants to show us the original war process.

But the ending has been decided, so what happens after seeing it?

Yeah. Rong Qing responded, Let's go to the west and have a look.

Jun Muqian nodded and followed.

The couple passed through a pile of corpses before arriving at the Witch Clan's camp.

There is no difference between the Wu clan and humans, except that they all have a disgusting aura lingering around them.

Jun Muqian moved her fingers, and suddenly she felt the Seven-Star Moon Whip sealed in her soul. She reacted slightly at this moment, but she still couldn't be summoned.

The Seven-Star Moon Whip is a weapon specially used to deal with the Witch Clan. The Twelve Ancestral Witches can also restrain it, so they are naturally very familiar with the Witch Clan.

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes slightly and saw a Wu Clan running into a battalion commander in a panic, and an anxious voice came: General, the situation is very bad. Those groups of brothers sent out, Now they are all dead in the battle, and if this continues, I am afraid we will be defeated.

Hearing this, she and Rong Qing looked at each other, then stepped forward and opened the curtain.

The general sitting inside was a little anxious when he heard this report: How many clansmen are left?

The Wu Clan soldier hurriedly reported: There are still less than ten thousand people, but the human race has an army of one million, which is no match for them!

The general seemed to be hesitating, but finally gritted his teeth and said, Let's ask Lord Chi You to take action.

Chi You, the leader of the army!

The Lord of War is the God of War.

Chi You was brave and good at fighting. Legend has it that he had eight legs, three heads and six arms, a bronze head and an iron forehead, and was invulnerable. He was the enemy of the Three Emperors.

Just when this idea came to mind, suddenly!


The scene in front of her shook for a moment, and immediately, Jun Muzhen saw the character she had just thought of suddenly appearing in front of her.

Eight legs, three heads and six arms...exactly!

In addition, he also held a giant ax in his right hand and a long knife in his left hand.

The cold is biting and the silver light turns thousands of times.

Being so close, Jun Muzhen could smell the smell of blood permeating the blade, stimulating the pores on his body.

No, this is no longer a fantasy...

Jun Muqian's pupils shrank and she said sternly: Qingmei, get out of the way!


Ahem, if you’re underage, don’t check the donkey. What does that mean?

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