The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1007: Despising beauty? kill--! 【1 update】

Those two words made everyone stop in their tracks.

Those cultivators from the mortal world who couldn't wait to enter turned back somewhat sullenly, with very unkind eyes.

Yulin Xuanxian was also very dissatisfied. He was about to curse, but when he saw the speaker, he stopped all his words and forced an ugly smile on his face.

It’s this difficult mortal again!

If he hadn't sworn an oath to heaven, he would have cut this mortal into pieces!

But he can't, what a shame!

But even if Yulin Xuanxian doesn't say anything, there are other immortals who will speak.

The Earthly Immortal who had previously accused Yulin Xuanxian was stunned for a moment when he saw the face of the purple-clothed woman, and then said scornfully: What? When will a small combined body be able to point fingers at us? Looking like this, isn't it? Should I stay at home and take care of my husband and children?”

Or is it that your husband can't satisfy you?

As he said this, there was a hint of jealousy in his eyes, and he didn't know which man was so lucky to have such a beautiful woman.

If such a beautiful woman could be possessed by him, he would definitely let her...

This idea just emerged, suddenly!


The Earth Immortal only felt a strong wind coming towards him, cutting straight through his eyes. The heart-piercing pain made him let out a shrill scream.

Eyes! My eyes! His vision fell into darkness, he could not see anything, and he panicked, Where are my eyes?!

The people around him all stepped back, watching in horror as the blood flowed down the cut eye and splashed on the ground.


Someone gasped, their bodies shaking with fear.

what happened?

Could it be that His Majesty the Earth Emperor appeared and knew that they were going to forcefully enter his tomb, so he suddenly took action?

The people present, including Yulin Xuanxian and the Formless Buddha, did not see clearly how the fierce wind appeared.

Only Jun Muqian felt Qingming. She poked the scarlet-clothed man's waist and asked slightly: Young beauty?

Rong Qing tilted her head and lowered her eyes, her voice was light but filled with murderous intent: He covets you.

... Jun Muqian was stunned for a moment, and for the first time she couldn't laugh or cry, Qingmei, you are also...

She has no memory now. In the past... the little beauty's father didn't often do this kind of thing, right?

You also said it was coveting, I'm fine. Jun Muzhen held his hand and smiled slightly, Don't add sin to unnecessary people.

Rong gently stroked her hair: It's a small matter, it doesn't matter.

Jun Muqian nodded: However, that Earth Immortal has no merit in his body. Instead, he is riddled with sins. He must have oppressed many people outside. He underestimated the beauty, so he has done a good job.

Because the Earth Immortal lost a pair of eyes, he was rolling on the ground in pain. No one else dared to speak for fear of disturbing the Earth Emperor.

Jiang Qingxue noticed something was wrong, but she couldn't tell. She looked at the woman in purple coldly: You just said wait a minute. Did you already know there would be a trap here?

Mingyue Qian is not only evil in mind, but also so deep that if she doesn't use her spiritual power, she may not be her opponent at all.

It's no wonder that Sha'er was defeated by Ming Yueqian. Sha'er has a simple temper, how can she defeat a veteran like Ming Yueqian?

Jun Mu glanced at Jiang Qingxue lightly, ignored it, and raised his voice: This is the tomb of His Majesty the Earth Emperor. His Majesty the Earth Emperor is devoted to the human race, so there is something natural about leaving the tomb here. Stay to enhance the strength of the human race.

Hearing this sentence, all the cultivators looked at each other.

You... Zhong Xingchun's face suddenly turned red, and he coughed lightly, What do you want to say?

Seeing his blushing face, Li Qing's eyes were a little strange: Aren't you, Zhong Xingchun, you...

What I want to say is - Jun Mu said calmly, There are so many of us, and the number of treasures in the tomb is limited, but there are many dangers. Who should be in front and who should be behind? How to distribute the treasures?

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.


There are hundreds of people here. No matter how rich His Majesty the Earth Emperor is, it is impossible for everyone to get the treasure. So aren't they here in vain?

Moreover, in terms of strength, they are absolutely incomparable to these gods in heaven and the Buddha in the West.

When the treasure appears, how will they fight for it?

It must be allocated in advance!

With a swish sound, the cultivators all looked at Yulin Xuanxian.

Yulin Xuanxian couldn't hold his breath. He only regretted that he didn't directly kill the purple-clothed woman under his palm. He took a heavy breath and forced a generous smile: You can rest assured that we will never do anything for the sake of treasures. I will kill you all, as for how to distribute this treasure...

He looked at the purple-clothed woman tentatively: Why don't you let this little friend make the decision?


Li Qing was startled: Zhong Xingchun, do you know who she is? Even this bullying Xuanxian asked her opinion?

How do I know? Zhong Xingchun was a little impatient, but his eyes kept resting on the woman in purple, absentmindedly, Maybe he is the same as me.

You really have a crush on her. Li Qing clicked his tongue in surprise, Don't you like your Qingxue?

Zhong Xingchun frowned: Don't talk nonsense.

Li Qing shrugged: Okay, I know. Anyway, you just like beauties. When you meet a more beautiful one, you will naturally abandon the previous one, but... this girl is indeed much better than Jiang Qingxue.

Jiang Qingxue is beautiful, but she is only skin deep.

Beauty is in the bones, not the skin.

My distribution method is - whoever gets it belongs to whoever gets it. Jun Muxian remained indifferent, Everyone depends on their ability.

No! As soon as the words fell, someone immediately retorted, We are only in the Tribulation Period and the Mahayana Period. They are all immortals. How can we use our abilities?

Yulin Xuanxian is very satisfied with this distribution method. With his ability, don't all the treasures in the tomb belong to him?

He pretended to cough: Don't worry, I will only take one treasure, and the others will not be touched.

As long as there is such a treasure, what do other treasures mean?

After hearing these words, the faces of the cultivators became much better.

Jiang Qingxue smiled coldly: Ming Yue Qian, you are only in the integration stage. It seems that you are very self-aware and know that you can't get the treasure at all.

Jun Muxian still ignored him, she said lazily: Then go in.

Only then did everyone take steps forward again. The giant bronze door looked majestic and very hard, but in fact it was not an entity, but an illusory shadow.

Just when the first person was hesitating to go in, there was a sudden buzz sound, and a strong and dazzling light erupted from the bronze door. It erupted instantly and spun up. Before anyone could react, , sucking them all in directly.


After these figures disappeared, the bronze door dispersed like smoke and disappeared completely.


The white fog is vast and the haze is lingering.

This is a pure white world, nothing can be seen except white.

After Jun Muqian opened her eyes, her first action was to hold the hand of the person next to her. After touching the familiar cold temperature, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they did not separate this time.

The tomb of the Emperor of the Earth must have been made by the skilled craftsmen of the human race at that time. The mechanical skills must have been superb, and it was protected by an immortal formation, so it was full of dangers.

As long as they are together, they will take care of each other.

As if sensing her thoughts, Rong Qing's fingers tightened a little, and a calm and cool voice came from above her head: Don't worry, I'm always here.

Jun Muqian nodded, and found that the surrounding visibility was not even one meter, and the spiritual consciousness could not penetrate. Her eyes changed: Is this the tomb?

It should be. Rong Qing looked around and frowned slightly, There is no other person's breath.

There should be a formation here. Jun Muqian leaned down slightly and put his hands on the ground, It must be to prevent people with evil intentions from entering here. The Emperor of the Earth left the treasures in the tomb and did not want these People get it.”

Rong Qing understood her thoughts, and his eyes moved slightly: The Wu Clan should have Heavenly Court.

Heaven has brought many disasters to the mortal world. Floods and sky fires have caused countless deaths and injuries to mortals.

The Emperor of Earth cares about mankind, how can he tolerate this?

Yeah. Jun Muqian curled her lips, It seems that some people are going to be in trouble.

Rong Qing nodded: Go to the front and have a look.

He walked half a step ahead of her, walking in a protective posture, with his long and powerful right arm still protecting her behind.

In this way, no matter where danger occurs, she will not be hurt.

And just when the two of them had taken a few steps, the ground suddenly shook.

With a buzz, the white mist in front of Jun Muqian's eyes dissipated, as if it was forcibly brushed away by a big hand.

But before the scene in front of him could fully appear, there was an earth-shattering roar that resounded throughout the mountains and rivers.

Protect Your Majesty!


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