The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1006 The Emperor’s Pressure! Rong Qing: I’m afraid [2 updates]

However, before she could take a closer look, her eyes were instantly covered with a touch of coldness.

It feels soft and soft, like the first cloud exposed after the moonlight is brushed away.

At the same time, Rong Wei's low voice sounded in his ears, with a rare solemnity: Mumu, don't look.

Jun Muqian was startled for a moment, but she didn't ask, because the next second, she already knew what happened.

Only several loud bang bang bang sounds were heard, as well as a few screams that were identical to those of Yulin Xuanxian.

One of them even came from the Formless Buddha.

Ten seconds later, Rong Qing moved his hand away from her eyes, her voice still low: You can watch now.

Jun Muqian's vision returned to clarity. The first thing she saw was that the heavenly immortals and the Western Buddha all fell to the ground, with painful expressions on their faces. They were obviously seriously injured.

It’s just a moment!

Another soul attack? Jun Muzhen looked slightly stern, Attack so many people at once?

Xuanxian has not yet condensed his soul, but his soul is already very strong.

Rong slightly nodded and said calmly: The soul impact is at the Daluo Jinxian level. Although it can't hurt you, I... am afraid.

When he said the last three words, he turned his head, his eyes were deep and distant, as if they were filled with a thousand galaxies, and the stars were scattered.

Even though they had looked at each other many times, Jun Muzhen's heartbeat suddenly stopped under this gaze.

She rubbed her head and sighed softly: You can't mess around when you're pregnant.

She was not alone now, she had a baby with her, and she had to be on guard against all possible dangers.

The Daluo Jinxian-level soul impact cannot hurt her. What if it directly attacks the little beauty she is nourishing in the sea of ​​soul?

Moreover, when she and Rong Qing chatted about some past events, Rong Qing said that he was in poor health when he was a child because his mother went through a war when she was pregnant with him, leaving behind the root cause of the disease.

This kind of thing must never happen again.

Qingmei, please help me take a look first. Jun Muzhen exhaled slowly, a little worried, Is the little beauty okay?

Hearing this, Rong leaned down slightly, his eyes were aligned with hers, and the power of his soul penetrated in. After a few seconds, his tight eyebrows relaxed, just like the spring breeze stirring up a wisp of lake water: It's okay, I'm very lively. .”

I am so incompetent as a mother. Jun Muxian sighed again, I am used to fighting and killing. If you want me to take care of everything, it will take some time to get used to it.

It's nothing. Rong Qing said lightly, I'll be fine as long as I take care of everything. At any time -

He paused, and the last word came out: Reminding you.

After speaking, he pointed to the two words that appeared on the bronze door and continued: Not only is there soul impact, there is also imperial pressure.

Imperial pressure is a special kind of pressure that can only be possessed by an emperor.

But not every emperor can cultivate Imperial Pressure, only those who have the faith of hundreds of millions of beings can possess it.

There are not many such people in the human world, only three.

Jun Muqian raised his head, stared at the word Yan Emperor on the bronze door, and sighed quietly: It is indeed the tomb of the Earth Emperor Shennong...

Shennong, the Emperor of Earth, was also known as Emperor Yan.

Grandma Ancestor, I, I can't do it anymore... At this time, Bai Wuchang, who was still very solid, suddenly started to tremble, and his spirit became a little bit weak, This... the power of this merit is too strong. I'm going to die if I stay here any longer.

Jun Muqian's eyes changed: Go find Qingdai, don't stay here anymore.

At the same time, she felt a little chilled in her heart. How powerful is the Earth Emperor's merits, that even Bai Wuchang, who is the Taiyi True Immortal, can't stand it?

The Earth Emperor is already like this. If it were Nuwa... I am afraid that the power of merit would be able to directly kill King Qin Guang without even having to come in his true form.

But, but Grandma Zu, you won't... Bai Wuchang wanted to slap himself before he finished speaking.

People can even take care of him easily, so what are you afraid of?

Then I'm leaving. Bai Wuchang was a little reluctant and waved the chain in his hand, Grandma, you must not miss me.

Get out of here. The veins on Jun Muqian's forehead jumped, and she knew that Bai Wuchang's normal time would not last more than one second.

Bai Wuchang rolled away quickly.

On the other side, Yulin Xuanxian finally came back to his senses. He was a little angry: Wuxiang, don't you know about this?

How did the poor monk know? Although the Buddha was embarrassed, he still looked indifferent, If we had known that this was the tomb of Emperor Yan, we wouldn't have been the ones sent here.

Hearing this, Yulin Xuanxian fell silent.

That's right, if Heavenly Court knew from the beginning that there was Emperor Yan's tomb in the spiritual tomb, the ones sent down would definitely be Taiyi Golden Immortal-level gods. How could it be their turn?

After all, even the Jade Emperor knew that the Three Emperors must have many magic weapons inherited from Emperor Wa, which were enviable.

Thinking of this, Yulin Xuanxian's eyes suddenly became hot.

Emperor Wa’s baby!

Although I don’t know where I heard that Emperor Wa’s treasure house was destroyed, the treasure is still beyond the imagination of ordinary gods like them.

While Yulin Xuanxian was anxiously thinking about how to enter the bronze door, a sharp and urgent voice exploded: Yulin!

Yulin Xuanxian was startled and turned around suddenly to find Jiang Qingxue lying on the ground with a bruised nose and swollen face. He was dumbfounded.

He hurriedly walked over: Lord Qingxue, what are you...

Jiang Qingxue's cheeks were shaking with pain. She had no energy left to explain, so she just said coldly: Why don't you heal my wounds quickly?

This... Yulin Xuanxian's expression froze, and after gritting his teeth, he reluctantly took out a pill from the spirit ring, Lord Qingxue, this is what the little immortal guessed a few days ago. The Immortal Essence Pill I got.”

After watching Jiang Qingxue take it, he felt a lot of pain in his body. This was the only elixir in his hand, and he also felt a little dissatisfied with Jiang Qingxue.

After getting the Xianyuan Pill, Jiang Qingxue's injuries healed in an instant. She regained some strength and stood up, her face looking very ugly.

She won't lower herself to talk to that man anymore, she doesn't believe it anymore, and she can't find other helpers to help her gain a foothold in heaven.

Jun Muqian naturally had no time to pay attention to Jiang Qingxue. After the soul shock and imperial pressure brought by the two words Yan Emperor dissipated, she and Rong Qing stepped forward and walked to the bronze door.

She wasn't very interested in Shennong's treasures, she just wanted to help Yan Ting see what else was in the tomb.

Hey! Seeing this scene, Yulin Xuanxian became anxious, Don't go in yet, we'll go in together later.

There must be countless treasures in Emperor Yan's tomb, and two mortals must not be allowed to get there first.

Hearing this, Jun Muxian raised his eyebrows and really stopped: Okay.

Quite sensible. Yulin Xuanxian snorted coldly, straightened his clothes, and was about to step forward to be the first person to enter the Yan Emperor's tomb.

But at this moment, a noisy sound of surprise suddenly came from the distance.

Yan...Yan Emperor?!!

Oh my His Majesty the Earth Emperor actually here?

Hurry, hurry, let's go there quickly. I know there must be a good place in the tomb, and we definitely can't miss it.

As these sounds fell, a lot of people suddenly appeared around, all of them were mortal cultivators, and their cultivation levels ranged from the distraction stage to the earthly immortal.

Jun Muqian glanced around and found that Bai Que, Zhong Xingchun and Li Qing, whom he had met in Penglai a month ago, were also among them.

But none of the three of them recognized her. Only Bai Que seemed to smell the breath of the nine-tailed white fox again, and his doubtful eyes stayed on her for a moment.

It's really His Majesty the Earth Emperor! One of the cultivators at the Earth Immortal level stepped forward and looked at the bronze door with admiration. It's true, His Majesty the Earth Emperor once fought here.

He was so excited that he had already taken steps forward.

This move completely angered Yulin Xuanxian. With a wave of his sleeve, he pushed the Earth Immortal to the ground: This little Earth Immortal also wants to enter this tomb, so he overestimates his own abilities!

Then he said coldly: No one can enter without my order.

He was already extremely angry after being teased by two mortals. Taking two mortals into the tomb was his bottom line.

Don’t even think about this group of people coming out of nowhere!

But Yulin Xuanxian didn't expect that he would also arouse public anger.

Immediately, another Earth Immortal spoke angrily: What's wrong with the Earth Immortal? Why can't the Earth Immortal go in? Just because you are gods in heaven, can you bully us mortals?

That's right! It is said that Heaven is merciful and helpful to the world. It should protect us mortals. Now it actually takes action against us. It is simply despicable!

Bullying others with power, don't be afraid of him. I also know gods in heaven. If he bullies us, I will sue him to heaven to see if heaven really wants to drive us mortals away.

As soon as the words were spoken, everyone was indignant.

Yulin Xuanxian was panicked now. He didn't hold an important position in the heaven, and he was no different from the sweeping fairy.

Compared to him, heaven definitely values ​​mortals more.

Without mortals, there would be no one to offer sacrifices to, so how could the gods survive?

Yulin Xuanxian was cold and could only say reluctantly: I was a little uncomfortable earlier and said the wrong thing. Emperor Yan is the emperor of the mortal world, so you are naturally qualified to enter.

That's pretty much it. The Earth Immortal who spoke earlier snorted, Then let's go in first.

The other mortals were very excited. As cultivators, they naturally would not revere the gods like ordinary people. Instead, they wanted to trample the gods under their feet. This feeling of trampling made them very comfortable.

Looking at the mortals walking towards the bronze door, the Formless Buddha frowned and said calmly: Yulin, you are really good at doing bad things.

Yulin Xuanxian said angrily: Who would have known that so many people would show up at this time? This place is obviously very remote.

He was furious and stepped forward quickly, but at this moment——

Wait a minute.

Sorry, I’ve been too stuck recently. I’m a bit mentally weak and can’t sleep well_(:」∠)_

Let me take a look at the plot behind it o(╯□╰)oThe closer it gets to the end, the harder it will be to wrap up.

ps: The list of winners for property grabbing will be announced next Wednesday~~~

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