The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1005 Domineering wife protector! Two words【1 update】

After Jiang Qingxue finished speaking, she turned back with a cold face, raised her chin, and said aggressively: Yulin, listen carefully, this is the person I want to protect, and no one can touch the person I want to protect.

Yulin Xuanxian: ???

The Formless Buddhas: ...

Bai Wuchang glanced at Jiang Qingxue secretly, and whispered to Jun Muqian: Grandma, in fact, she is just a fool, right?

Jun Muqian nodded and said calmly: Obviously.

Now she has discovered that Jiang Qingxue was protected so well. When she was a child in Dayin Capital, as a young lady of the Jiang family, naturally no one dared to bully her.

After that, I went to Penglai. My master was Chi Jing, one of the twelve golden immortals. Secretly, he was also the daughter of the Queen Mother. With such a status, who would dare to compare with her?

Over time, Jiang Qingxue naturally developed a proud temperament and did not allow anyone to disobey.

But similarly, Jiang Qingxue is also a blank piece of paper in other aspects. She has always been complimented by others. Jiang Qingxue probably doesn't even understand the world and relies entirely on her own imagination.

After thinking about this, Jun Muqian sent a message to Rong Qing, quite gloating: Beauty Qing, I really care about you, why don't you consider covering your whole body in a robe next time?

However, Rong Qing's attention was on the previous sentence.

He bent slightly, his eyes were level with hers, his lips were raised slightly, and his breath was shallow: How can Mumu cherish me?

Jun Muxian thought carefully for a moment, then raised an eyebrow and smiled: I'll knit you a robe.

After hearing this, Rong Qian was silent for a moment and reminded: Mumu, you said it yourself, you have a handicap.

Jun Muxian: ...

Bai Wuchang couldn't help but burp because he laughed so loudly.

Jun Muqian glanced at a certain young gentleman coolly: I take back your words.

However, Yulin Xuanxian, who was facing Jiang Qingxue's cold gaze, was a mute and couldn't bear to speak.

Of course he couldn't tell the truth, saying that he had just been fooled by a little mortal, and because of this he made a heavenly oath to never hurt them. Even if he wanted to, it was impossible for him to go back on his words.

If he goes back on his word, it will be against the law of heaven, and a thunder from heaven can kill him.

What's more, if he tells the truth, where will his face go?

Therefore, True Immortal Yulin could only say with a bitter face: Lord Qingxue, please rest assured that what you said will never happen. We really have no intention of harming these two mortals.

Several other Xuanxian also nodded hurriedly.

The Formless Buddha and the others in the West didn't interrupt. After all, the people in heaven had nothing to do with them.

If you let me see it, I won't be able to spare you. Jiang Qingxue's expression softened a little, and she frowned again, Then what were you doing just now?

This... Yulin Xuanxian was a little dumbfounded.

Is it possible that even the Great Immortal Chi-Ji wants to have a hand in this tomb in the spiritual tomb?

Immortal Chi Jing is a disciple of Tianzun, how can they compare?

Jiang Qingxue's eyebrows furrowed even more tightly: Say it quickly!

Yes, yes. Yulin Xuanxian had no choice but to tell everything about the tomb, That's it, Master Qingxue.

Tomb? Jiang Qingxue was a little confused, Then whose tomb is here?

Yulin Xuanxian turned his sleeves and bowed again: Master Qingxue, I don't know about this matter. We have to wait until we get in to check.

After listening, Jiang Qingxue thought for a moment and reasoned according to her own ideas.

It seems that the person her master particularly admires also wants to enter the tomb, so if she helps him enter, wouldn't it be mutually beneficial and win-win?

Why don't you open it quickly? Jiang Qingxue ordered in a cold voice, Don't bully any mortals again in the future.

Yulin Xuanxian's face became even more bitter: Yes, yes, it is what Lord Qingxue taught me.

After doing all this, Jiang Qingxue was somewhat satisfied.

She quickly stepped forward and walked to the man in scarlet clothes, and then she began to reminisce about the past: I saw you again. Last time we said goodbye in a hurry at Yunxiao Cave, we were really destined to meet each other thousands of miles away, but we were in a hurry last time. I never had time to tell you my name.

Jiang Qingxue smiled faintly and stretched out her hand: My name is Jiang Qingxue. Nice to meet you.

Jun Muqian raised her eyebrows slightly. If she hadn't known that Rong Qing only went to Yunxiao Cave where Chi Jing lived, and had never met Jiang Qingxue, she would have been moved by Jiang Qingxue's true expression.

She finally discovered that Jiang Qingxue had another advantage - the ability to be sentimental and moved by herself.

Jiang Qingxue's hand froze in the air for a long time, and she didn't get a response. The smile on her face faded a little, and she became slightly angry: Can't you hear me?

At the beginning, her master said that this person was extraordinary and unparalleled in the world, but he did not mention his identity.

She didn't think his background was stronger than hers, otherwise there wouldn't be any rumors in the Three Realms.

And now she lowered her status to talk to him, but she didn't even respond?

Rong Qing still ignored him and didn't even look at him, looking into the distance lightly.

This kind of disregard made Jiang Qingxue very embarrassed.

However, at this time Jun Muqian lazily raised his eyes, but the light at the end of his eyes was sharp and cold: Then what you said may not be human.

Although she sometimes likes to bully Rong Qing, she doesn't allow others to say anything bad about him.

Hearing these words, Jiang Qingxue remembered that she had another purpose for her trip, which was to avenge her good sister Ming Yuesha.

Ming Yue Qian, don't think that I can't recognize you if you change your clothes. Jiang Qingxue said coldly, with a menacing look in her eyes, You've dug up Sha'er's golden elixir, you're so vicious in your heart!

Yeah. Jun Muzhen yawned and didn't care at all, Then what?

You... Jiang Qingxue choked, and her fingers suddenly trembled with anger.

This is the second person she hates after Rong Mu.

However, Sha'er said that Yue Qian had a deep mind and had been pretending to be a waste who couldn't practice for more than ten years, so she had to be careful in dealing with it.

Jiang Qingxue's eyes became even colder: Ming Yue Qian, I'm warning you, if you...

Before she could finish her words, a burst of spiritual power suddenly rose up, blasting her away, and landed heavily on the ground with a bang.

Rong Qing withdrew his hand calmly: Mumu, don't talk to a fool next time.

Cough cough cough... Jun Muxian choked, I understand.

So rude!

She thought that Rong Qing didn't want to pay attention to Jiang Qingxue and wouldn't take action, so she took action on her own. Now it seemed that he was ignoring her, but when it came to her, he was the first one who couldn't bear it.

Jiang Qingxue fell to the ground, still a little dazed. She finally managed to reach the ground with her hands. When she was about to get up slowly, another strong force hit her abdomen and knocked her to the ground.

Bai Wuchang showed a sinister smile. He used his hands and feet to punch and kick: Fool, fool, fool!

You dare to scold his grandma, you idiot!

Jiang Qingxue had no idea what was happening, but she felt a cold air approaching her.

Then, she was slapped in and out like a gopher, with stars in her eyes and unable to move.

Jun Muxian: ...

Bai Wuchang was worried that the power of merit here would hurt him, so after just a few dozen blows, he floated back, holding the spirit jade and continuing to chew on it.

Jiang Qingxue couldn't get up at all this time, and her mind was still very confused. She stretched out a hand with great effort, trying to find someone to help her: Yu, Yulin...

But Yulin Xuanxian had been focusing on the keyhole and didn't notice the movement here, let alone know that two mortals were so bold and dared to take action against Jiang Qingxue.

The Formless Buddha did see it, but he thought there was something wrong with Jiang Qingxue's brain. He was ups and downs and banged his head on the ground.

After all, with his cultivation level, he would not be able to discover Bai Wuchang.

Found it, found it! Yulin Xuanxian fumbled for a while and finally found the keyhole. He was overjoyed and hurriedly inserted all three keys into the keyhole.


The jade talisman instantly sank into the bronze keyhole. Suddenly, cyan light burst out from the keyhole, covering the ground within a hundred meters in an instant.

Jun Muqian's eyes were fixed, and he saw an ancient and majestic bronze door slowly emerging on the originally empty ground.

From lying down to gradually standing upright, the light shines brightly and is sacred and inviolable.

Seeing this, Yulin Xuanxian was very excited and immediately said: Quick, let's go in quickly.

However, just when he gathered his spiritual power and rushed towards the slowly appearing light door at extremely fast speed, suddenly——


Between heaven and earth, two dull sounds suddenly fell.


Two words appeared on that bronze door!

It was these two words that suddenly burst out with pure energy, directly blasting Yulin Xuanxian away.


Yulin Xuanxian's scream shocked Wuxiang Buddha and others.

Looking at the two extra words, Jun Muqian's eyes froze.

Come to think of it...Actually, Chi-Ji Daisen is a title. He has a name, but after reading this name and writing it in, it will definitely be blocked_(:з」∠)_Underage people should not go to Baidu

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