The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1004 Lord: Let’s see if we dare! 【2 more】

Another voice answered with the same disdainful tone: Two mortals also want to compete with us?

Oh, don't say that. Maybe they really think so? The voice from before said again, After all, staying in this mortal world is like a frog at the bottom of a well. How can you know how high the sky is?

Hahahaha, this makes sense, makes sense.

The owners of those voices pointed at the couple with a scornful smile on their faces.

The West, Heaven... Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he communicated with Rong Qing using his soul, Sure enough, they are here for important things.

The immortals from heaven and the Buddha from the West that she had seen outside the tomb were all here now, and there was no shortage of them.

With the Jade Emperor and Tathagata on their backs, they naturally have powerful magic weapons.

It seems that before Bai Wuchang discovered this place, these Xuanxian and Buddha had already found the tomb here with the help of magic weapons.

Yes. Rong Qing's eyes were light, It seems that it's not that the third key can't be found, but that it was taken away before we checked.

It is self-evident who took it away.

How ignorant! Seeing two mortals who were like ants in front of him, he ignored them at all. The face of the Xuanxian who spoke first darkened, Mortals nowadays are really no better than in the past. They can't even kneel down and worship.

Isn't that true? Another Xuanxian asked, Tens of thousands of years ago, I went to the mortal world. When those mortals saw me, they were so scared that they treated me as their ancestors and kowtowed there. Hahahaha, too Funny.

The Buddhas did not speak, but sat on the lotus thrones and watched quietly.

Jun Muqian looked slightly cold.

Heaven has raised some trash, each with worse character than the last.

But it's no wonder, the ones who really get people's worship are those highly respected gods. Although these immortals hold positions in heaven, they are probably not ranked among them, and no one will know about them in the mortal world.

Rong Qing had a cold temperament, so he ignored her. His slender fingers quietly stroked the dark hair of the person in his arms.

From time to time, a piece of silvery white floated in front of his eyes, which made his eyes hurt.

He didn't know what she had done for him, but she didn't say it, and he didn't say it either, so he understood.

The Xuanxian mocked a few times, but received no reply, feeling bored.

After looking at each other, the leading Xuanxian stepped forward and cast a cold glance: It seems that you have also discovered the tomb here. I don't care how you discovered it, but now, hand over the key in your hands. Come out, kowtow a few times, and get out immediately.

They were ordered to come here to obtain the treasures in the tomb and present them to His Majesty and His Majesty, so as to make meritorious deeds.

It's barely bearable for the West to get involved, but it's definitely not allowed for two mere mortals to get a share of the pie.

A few Xuanxian had no idea that when they said these words, someone... no, a ghost was looking at them as if they were fools.

Tsk, tsk, tsk... Bai Wuchang sighed and clapped his hands, You have courage, you have courage. You dare to speak like this to my grandma and grandpa. Your life is at stake.

But those immortals didn't have the strength to discover Bai Wuchang, so they stood up proudly and tried hard to show their majesty as heavenly gods.

And almost as soon as they said those words, Rong Qing had already taken action, but was blocked one step ahead.

Beautiful Qing, I'll just take care of it. Jun Muqian held him down and shook his head slightly, We still don't know the true details of this spiritual tomb, so we can't expose our strength.

Moreover, if they want to enter the tomb, they need to get two other keys from their hands.

Hearing this, Rong Qing's expression paused for a moment before she said hmm.

What? Jun Muqian let go of her hand and looked at the Xuanxian calmly, Is this the way you ask for help?

The smile on the Xuanxian's face that spoke froze, and his expression suddenly changed: What did you say?!

Several Buddhas who were watching with cold eyes also looked at the woman in purple in surprise.

After all, they are immortals and Buddhas, and they no longer have much desire for things in the mortal world. They are just a little surprised that they still have such appearance in the mortal world.

Jun Muqian took out the jade talisman, tossed it and curled her lips: This key is in my hand.

The Xuanxian's face was still extremely ugly: Why don't you bring it over quickly?

Jun Muqian said calmly, But I won't give it.

Don't give it? The Xuanxian laughed angrily, If you don't give it to me, why can't I snatch it away? You are only in the integration stage, and the things here are not what you can imagine, so you should hand it over quickly.

That's right. Another Xuanxian said in a solemn voice, If we were to take it, you wouldn't even want your life.

These immortals have not left heaven for a long time, and they have always believed that mortals should kneel down and worship them when they see them. Now, not only did they not get the respect they wanted, but they were also contradicted, and their mood was extremely bad.

Then you just come and rob. Hearing this, Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows and smiled coldly, I can't compete with you, but if you want to rob, I will waste my life and destroy this place. The key.

You... The Xuanxian obviously didn't expect to get such an answer. He was irritated, What a yellow-haired girl, do you really dare?

He no longer maintains his identity, and as soon as his spiritual power gathers, he will violently attack the woman in purple.

However, Jun Muxian not only did not hide, but instead took a step forward.

Her eyebrows were cold and full of anger, and she held the jade talisman with her fingers: Then let's see whether you can grab it faster or I can blow myself up faster.


With one word, Xuanxian, who was about to take action, was stopped in place. His body stiffened and he couldn't believe it. He roared angrily: You, you dare?!

Jun Muqian raised her eyebrows, and her fingers were already exerting force. She said calmly, but her momentum was extremely compelling: Let's see if I dare.

Apparently there was spiritual power pouring into the jade talisman, and the jade talisman trembled, as if it might break at any time.

The Xuanxian immediately lost his arrogance and shouted in a cold sweat: Stop!

But Jun Muxian didn't stop, she chuckled: That's all?

Don't blow yourself up. The Xuanxian had to take a step back, almost going crazy. As long as you don't destroy the key, you can enter this tomb, and we will never do anything to you.

Jun Muqian said calmly: I swear, I don't believe it. You wanted our lives before.

Hearing this, the Xuanxian dared not be so arrogant. He wished he could slap himself in the mouth, as if he had eaten Coptis chinensis: Okay, okay, make an oath, I will make an oath.

After he made the oath to Heaven with a gloomy face, he looked at the woman in purple with an evil look: Is the head office ready now?

Okay. Jun Muqian then put away the jade talisman, turned around, raised her eyebrows at Rong Qing, opened and closed her lips, and said four words silently.

Rong slightly smiled.

A sword without bloodshed.

Not bad.

Those Xuanxian are all very regretful now. If they had known earlier, they should not have gone forward to persecute them. Otherwise, why would they end up like this?

Bai Wuchang's jaw dropped: Is this okay?

He also wanted to see his grandma punch and kick these gods who bullied others and gave them a beating.

As a result, his grandma said a few words and frightened these gods.

Of course. Jun Muqian said calmly, It's so easy without having to do anything.

It's really not worth it to expose your identity just for a few immortals.

Then let's open the tomb together. At this time, a Buddha who had been silent spoke. He glanced at the woman in purple emphatically and suddenly said, My dear friend, you have good spirit.

Jun Muqian recognized him as the Buddha who summoned the golden lotus before, and said calmly: You force me, I can't be afraid anymore.

Hearing this, the Xuanxian glared at her fiercely and took out a jade talisman angrily: Our key is here, Wuxiang, take out yours too.

The Formless Buddha withdrew his gaze, pinched his hand in the air, and the same jade talisman appeared between his fingers.

All three jade talismans appeared, but there was still no reaction here.

The Xuanxian was a little dumbfounded: What's going on?

The Formless Buddha also frowned, obviously not knowing.

Stupid. Jun Muzhen played with the jade talisman in her hand, The key is naturally going to be inserted into the keyhole. Why don't you just hold it up and stab it in the sky?

The Xuanxian was so angry that he couldn't understand: You...

But when he remembered his previous vow to leave, he had no choice but to start looking for the so-called keyhole.

It's just that the ground is flat and neat, with no traps at all.

Amitabha... Seeing this, the Formless Buddha sighed, Let the poor monk come.

He stood up, stepped off the lotus throne, and began to search with the Xuanxian.

When Jiang Qingxue came, she saw these immortals and Buddhas surrounding Jun Muzhen and Rong Qing, with solemn expressions and staring at them eagerly.

Suddenly anger filled her heart, she raised her voice and shouted angrily: Yulin!

Here! The Xuanxian suddenly raised his head. When he saw the person coming clearly, he was startled for a moment, Lord Qingxue?

Isn't this the disciple of Chi Jing?

Why did you come to the spiritual tomb?

What are you doing? Jiang Qingxue stepped forward quickly, I heard Master said that you came to the mortal world to find things, why are you bullying people here?

Ah? Yulin Xuanxian was stunned, Bullying people?

What nonsense!

They were obviously the ones being oppressed, but didn't they see how this mortal threatened them just now?

However, Jiang Qingxue really didn't see it, she only believed what she saw.

You still don't admit it? She sneered, If I hadn't arrived in time, would you still have killed and silenced me?

Yulin Xuanxian was even more confused: No...

Jiang Qingxue ignored him. She turned around, completely ignoring Jun Muzhen, and looked at the man in scarlet clothes with burning eyes: Don't be afraid, I will help you. As long as I am here, they will never mess around.

In this way, she could just exchange life-saving grace for this person to help her, and it would be easier for her to do things when she ascends to heaven.

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