The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1003 Rong Qing: I will try my best to make you faint [1 update]

The ground shook violently and made a slight buzzing sound.

The powerful energy gushing out from Zi Rong Qing's palm continued to erode the desolate land. In almost a short breath, cracks appeared in the mountains on the ground.

It was spreading like a big net, and it was still growing. It was like it was about to completely shatter, with a bang bang explosion.

Bai Wuchang, who was watching from the side, had a bit of horror on his face. He hid a few steps behind Jun Muzhen and said cautiously: Grandma, what kind of strength does my grandpa have?

Although the man in scarlet clothes didn't show any sign of pressure, there was an invisible aura of indifference that made him unable to breathe.

Bai Wuchang is also a soul who has been to heaven. Although his strength is not high in the underworld, his official position is still well-known, so he will naturally be summoned by the Jade Emperor.

But even the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother combined were far inferior to the person standing in front of him.

That kind of true superiority spirit, which comes from the inside out and is not angry but self-defeating, is rare in the world.

Bai Wuchang's expression became solemn and serious: Grandma, tell me secretly, are you the innate demon gods out to play?

Oh? Jun Muqian spoke with interest while admiring the stunning beauty in front of her, What should I say?

The boundaries here in the ancient world are strictly separated. Unlike the illusory universe where ten domains coexist, mortals here are mortals and gods are gods.

And gods have more or less come to the mortal world, whether on their own initiative or as punishments.

Once the gods in heaven make a mistake, they will enter reincarnation and endure hundreds of lives in the mortal world before they can return to heaven.

However, there are some powerful people who, in order to overcome their own catastrophes, incarnate themselves into the mortal world and experience the seven emotions and six desires of the mortal world, the ups and downs, and thus achieve a breakthrough in their mental state.

Really, Grandma Grandma, I won't be surprised if one day you go to make trouble in the Heavenly Palace. Bai Wuchang started flattering again, Grandma Grandma, you and Grandpa Grandpa were really born to be kings and control the world.

He is. Jun Muqian looked at the tall figure with a smile on his lips, I'm not, I'm lazy, I'm not suitable to be a king. If I were a king, the world would be in chaos, but -

She touched her chin and thought seriously: What you said about causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace is quite interesting. You might as well give it a try.

Bah, bah, bah! Bai Wuchang was startled, Grandma, I'm talking nonsense!

Jun Muqian glanced at him: I'm talking nonsense too.

In terms of her true strength, she is naturally not afraid of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, but the person standing behind the heaven is the saint of heaven.

Even if she brought her cultivation, she still couldn't defeat him.

Hey, grandma, if you really have this idea, I think I can help you. Bai Wuchang rubbed his hands, You know, Great Sage? You can ask him for advice on his experience in causing trouble in the Heavenly Palace.

Jun Muxian finally became interested: Do you know the Great Sage?

I, I know the Great Sage, but, I don't know if the Great Sage still remembers it. Bai Wuchang scratched his head, But, it seems that I seduced, seduced his soul at that time, and then he I caused trouble in the underworld, and then Lord Yama punished me for cultivating the land for five hundred years.

Jun Muqian looked at him for three seconds and gave a thumbs up: Awesome.

Bai Wuchang: ...

At this time, Rong Qing stood up and frowned a little: This tomb is locked. Without the key, you can't get in.

Is the tomb underground? Jun Muqian stared, Did you just want to force it open?

Yeah. Rong Qing nodded, But it's not underground. It's just because it's locked and we can't see it. The tomb is right in front of us.

I see... Jun Muxian also squatted down and released the power of his soul to sense it, Yes, it's locked, and you need three keys to do it.

One is in the east, and one is in the west. Rong Qing said calmly, There is another one, it should not have appeared yet.

Beautiful Qing, let's go to the east first. Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes, The owner of this tomb has great merits and deeds. Apart from the Three Emperors, he can't be anyone else.

It's a pity that human beings can't live too long. Those humans in the Three Emperors era have long since died, leaving only Yan Ting.

But I am afraid that Yan Ting has never entered the spiritual tomb.

If the physical bodies of the Three Emperors are really here, it will well explain why the merits in the spiritual tomb are so huge.

The Three Emperors saved not only millions of people, but millions of generations. Without the Three Emperors, the human race would have been extinct long ago. How could it have continued to this day?

But any battle related to the Wu clan is definitely not as simple as it seems.

Yeah. Rong nodded lightly.

Bai Wuchang was confused when he heard this, but he had to follow the two of them towards the east.

The air of desolation spread across the sky and the earth, and the dusky sky gradually darkened.

Tomb, it’s night.

The night time in the tomb is twice as long as the daytime. At night, the danger will increase exponentially.

The aura of death is so heavy. Jun Muqian felt it and stared slightly, It's almost catching up with the underworld.

There is obviously no wandering soul here, but there is such a strong spirit of death. It seems that the souls of the creatures who died here cannot escape, and can only be trapped in this desolate world, and are finally absorbed by the world, and there will be no reincarnation. Possibility of reincarnation.

It's cool, it's cool. Bai Wuchang was so excited, Fortunately, I stopped this errand. When I go back, I will definitely improve a lot in my cultivation. Then I can pull down that bastard Cui Jue and I will be the judge.

Jun Muxian ignored his crazy words and kept looking for something around him.

Soon, thanks to the huge power of her soul, she found something from the gap in a boulder in just a few minutes.

Taking it out and taking a look, Jun Muqian found that it was a jade talisman, which exuded a faint glimmer of light. It was warm and cool in the hand, and it seemed that there was gurgling water flowing in it. The jade quality was excellent.

Light Beauty, the key. She shook the jade talisman, It seems that it is not difficult to find. If the soul strength reaches the Mahayana stage, you can find it.

Spirit tombs are prepared for cultivators in the mortal world, so naturally they won't be too difficult. Rong Qian smiled slightly, It's just that the tomb is not easy to find.

If Bai Wuchang hadn't felt the power of merit burning his soul, even those from the West and Heaven would not have discovered that there was an ancient tomb here.

Not bad. Jun Muqian nodded and threw another piece of spiritual jade towards Bai Wuchang, which was twice the size of the previous one. Here you go.

Bai Wuchang took it and was moved to tears: Grandma, I...

Shut up and be quiet.


Bai Wuchang didn't dare to speak anymore. He sat aside obediently and began to absorb the spiritual jade.

It's late at night, let's wait until dawn before leaving. Jun Muqian stroked her clothes and sat on a stone. She leaned on her elbows and looked at the man in scarlet clothes with downcast eyebrows. She suddenly said, Qingmei, are you there? People have said you have a beautiful smile?

Huh? Rong Weiwei was startled for a moment. He seemed to think seriously and shook his head, No, you are the first.

He rarely smiled before, it wasn't that he didn't love it, he just didn't think it was necessary.


But when he was a child, his mother said he was cute...

Jun Muqian saw Rong Qing's eyebrows suddenly tighten. She didn't know what she thought of, and there was a blush floating around her ears, like a cloud of smoke.

Seeing this scene, she finally understood why the little beauty turned pink. It was hereditary.

She stared at him for a few seconds, raised her eyebrows, and said slowly: Beauty Qing, you are shy.

Rong coughed lightly, his voice was cold and light, and the two words were extremely cold: No.

However, the haze on his skin became more and more prosperous, with the potential to start a prairie fire.

The two colors of crimson and pure white are intertwined together, which is very vivid and adds a bit of style.

Be shy if you're shy, don't mean what you say. Jun Muqian looked at a certain young gentleman for a long time, and then said in a long tone, Smile more in the future, and more people will say you are good-looking, and you will get used to it.

Hearing this, Rong slightly frowned and said calmly: We don't need more people.


It's good if you know.

Me? Jun Muqian didn't react at first. After thinking for a few seconds, he suddenly realized, You mean you only smile at me?

Rong Qing slowly raised her eyelashes: ...Hmm.

That's right. Jun Muqian supported her chin, You said you are so beautiful, but I am still resistant. If you smile at others, I'm afraid they will faint.

Rong Qing: ...

He was silent for a moment: I will try my best.

Jun Muqian raised his head: What are you working hard for?

Rong Qing glanced at her with an indifferent expression: I'll try my best to make you pass out too.

Jun Muxian choked: No, no, no, this effort is worthless...

She was already extremely beautiful, and if she tried any harder, she wouldn't be able to control herself.

Bai Wuchang, who heard all the words accurately, wailed, covering his heart and said sadly: When I am a human being, I look at others every day, but if I become a ghost, I still won't let me go. My life is really hard, ah...

Jun Muqian couldn't bear it anymore and kicked him forward: Get out of here quickly!

Okay, grandma.



The night passed by in a blink of an eye.

When the dim morning light came down, Jun Muxian stopped practicing

This spiritual tomb is indeed extremely weird. She is just absorbing spiritual energy and is almost in the final stage of integration.

Calculating this, by the time she left the spiritual tomb, she might have passed the ninth level of calamity.

The tomb was opened for three months.

Jun Muqian yawned, and then headed towards the location of the second key with Rong Qing and Bai Wuchang. They would inevitably pass by the location of the tomb on the way.

However, in just one night, this place was completely different.

It’s no longer empty, but…

Jun Muqian's footsteps paused, and Rong Qing hugged her in time.

At this time, a faint laughter rang out: Hehehe...Is there someone here again?

There was a pause in his tone, with a bit of contempt and ridicule: Two mortals?

Bai Wuchang: I refused your dog food and kicked the bowl over

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