The rigorous measures taken by the queen mother-in-law to manage the harem made everyone dare not to make a second attempt. ★ First ★ Send ★ Chasing ★ Book ★ Help ★

This also made Liu Yan live a quiet life.

One month before giving birth, Liu Ye felt a little nervous. Although he was a doctor, he had never experienced such a thing as giving birth.

She felt a little anxious and kept thinking, what would happen if she had an accident when she gave birth?

Nangong Ai kept comforting her, but seeing her anxious look, she also became nervous.

Now it is the first month, and there are many festive events in the palace. Nangong also wants to distract Liu Ye's attention and make her feel a little bit more cheerful. However, Liu Ye is not willing to go out at all. She often shut herself in Feng In Zao Palace, one level is one day. For a whole day, she hasn't seen anyone.

Nangong Yan now dare not talk about Liu's affairs with Liu Ye. For fear of an accident, Liu Yan becomes nervous.

"Actually, I ’m not a timid person. I just do n’t dare to face the days without you. If I really have an accident during childbirth, I will never see you again. If so, please be sure Be kind to our children. In the future, you will definitely marry another woman, but you must assure me that we cannot wrong our children. "

When Liu Yan said this, he cried.

Nangong Yan grabbed Liu Ye's hand tightly and said seriously: "Yu Ye, listen well, I won't allow you to say such things again, you and your child will be at peace, if there is any accident, our family Three will be together. "

Hearing this, Liu Yan was so weary that he was out of breath.

Listening to the doctors at Tai Hospital, Apple can relieve the anxiety. Nangong Yan forced Liu Yan. She had to eat two apples every day. After ten days, her mood really calmed down a lot.

It was a beautiful day, and Nangong and Liu Yan were playing chess.

"Mother, a few days will be February 2nd. Dragon is looking up. Do you remember today?" Nangong asked with a smile.

"Of course I remember, there were so many things happening on this day. Liu Wuyang was killed on this day, right?" Speaking of this, Liu Ye's face also raised a smile.

Nan Gongxi's brow frowned. "I'm not talking about these. I'm talking about daytime. When I took the civil and military officials to farm, at noon, you gave me food. At that time, you were so passionate. Looking at me, I felt at the time that we seemed to be back in the small village. "

Liu Yan smiled and thought back carefully to the situation.

The two thought about it at the same time. There was a quiet day in the small village, but it wasn't really calm. They would have a better life if there were no vanilla to mess with it.

At that time, although life was a bit hard and worried about money all day, the two were very simple, day and night together.

Although now living a life of Jin Yiyu Shi, Nangong Yu is a little too busy, and Liu Ye thought of his distress so that it would be in the middle of the night.

Looking at Nangong's emaciated face, Liu Ye said distressed: "The memorial is inexhaustible. You must pay attention to your body."

Nangong Nian shaved her nose, looked at Liu Yan's belly again, and said, "You too."

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