On the day when the dragon looked up, Liu Ye could not have delivered meals for Nangong Yu, but she didn't want people to think that the queen mother was such a proud man. ★ The first book chase gang ★

So near noon, she packed up and took the carriage to the suburbs.

"Mother-in-law, I have instructed the husband to let him drive the car a little bit. Now, your body is really not suitable for bumps." Ye Lan said with some concern.

Liu Yan shook his head with a smile and said, "It's okay, I've already calculated it. There are five or six days before the due date. Besides, it's just such a distance.

Ye Lan gave Liu Yan a smile, but her heart couldn't relax.

Wei Nan was guarding outside, and his handsome face was full of tension.

Everything went smoothly. After the meal was delivered, Liu Yan and Nangong Yan could return to the palace.

"Mother, let's ride in a carriage." Nangong said with Liu Yan's hand.

Liu Ye nodded, and with the help of Nangong Yu, got into Nangong Yu's carriage.

As soon as she got on the bus, Liu Yan's brows frowned, and she felt something was wrong with her stomach.

Nangong Yan soon found out the situation, and said with some concern: "Are you all right? Is your stomach uncomfortable?"

"A little, my stomach hurts a bit, but it's okay, I can stick to the palace."

Nangong Yan glanced anxiously outside, and now he was halfway on the road. Even if he had a doctor nearby, he definitely didn't make the diagnosis and treatment for the queen and queen outside the palace.

Liu Ye put his hand on Nangong Yan's hand and said softly, "It's okay, you'll be back to the palace in a while. You can rest assured, it doesn't hurt anymore."

Nan Gongxi was relieved for a long time, he looked up at Liu Yan, and found that Liu Yan's face was pale.

"Don't lie to me, I'll declare the Taiyi over here."

Liu Ye waved his hands in a hurry, saying not to.

Liu Ye was the first to have a baby. Generally, a primipara has to give birth to a child, and it takes a day to deal with it. Therefore, Liu Ye feels that he has time and it is really inconvenient for the doctor to diagnose in the carriage. tell you later.

When the carriage arrived at the gate of the palace, Liu Ye felt his amniotic fluid broke.

"Ye Lan, let Zhu Yuanyuzhen prepare and say I'm going to give birth." Liu Yan said calmly.

Her words frightened Nangong, "Isn't it okay? How can you be born when you are born?"

At this time Liu Ye was not nervous anymore, she just hoped that the baby in her stomach would be born early.

Boy, today is the day when the dragon rises, can't you wait?

Thinking of this, Liu Yan could not help laughing.

Nangong Yan looked at Liu Yan without saying a word, his eyes were full of anxiety.

There was another pain, Liu Ye knew that her child really couldn't wait.

After the carriage stopped, Nangong Yan personally picked Liu Yan and walked towards Fengzao Palace slowly.

"The emperor, let someone take me back to the palace with a sedan chair. You hold me like this and you will be laughed at by others."

"Don't talk, I'm holding not only you, but our children."

Liu Yan leaned his head on Nangong Yu's arms, and just wanted to experience this kind of tranquility, and the child in his stomach was restless again.

"Today the dragon looks up, your child can't wait anymore." Liu Yan said with a frown.

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