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After the incident, Lan Xin was swayed by people, and Lord Wang became a hypocrite in people's mouth.

When I asked the little palace girl in detail, the little palace girl was frightened, she only said that when she heard a voice inside, the man said she was going to take the woman away, and then the woman was in pain **, and asked what she would do later I dare not answer.

"Ning Guifei, is it that you want to use a personal girl to collude with court officials and want to do something in your back?" Asked the queen mother.

"The queen mother-in-law, please make sure that Chen Ye really knows nothing about this matter. On that day, after King Wang finished the pulse for Chen Ye, Chen Ye only saw Lan Xin to send King Wang. For the rest, Chen Ye I really don't know. "

Ning Guifei was telling the truth. In front of the majesty eyes of the queen mother, even if Ning Guifei wanted to keep Lan Xin, she couldn't keep it.

The queen mother also knew that Ning Guifei would never take this dirty water out of herself for this slave, and now she was anxious to execute Lan Xin.

To say that in this entire harem, Lan Xin is the one who most hopes to die.

"Although both Master Wang and Lan Xin deny the matter, but the fact is in front of them, so many people have seen what they looked like at the time, and the family can not say anything. Lan Xin has always claimed that she was framed. Yes, the Ai family didn't understand. A girl, is she using Lord Wang to frame her? Ning Guifei, what do you think? "

With that said, the queen mother narrowed her eyes.

Ning Guifei seemed to understand everything at once. This matter was not directed to Lan Xin, but to herself.

The queen mother-in-law did so, she had left room for herself. If she didn't know anything else, maybe she would not live tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Ning Guifei knelt to the ground, righteously saying, "The queen mother-in-law, the court officials are guilty, and the court officials discipline the people, but the court maid and the former Korean officials commit adultery. As far as I know, the court officials have begged the queen mother-in-law, and please execute those who violate the rules of the palace as soon as possible to be innocent with the court officials. "

After speaking, Ning Guifei dropped her head on the cold ground.

The queen mother-in-law's voice eased, and she said to Ning Guifei, "I'll take care of this matter. Go on. From today on, don't leave the gate of Weiyang Palace and reflect on it."

Ning Guifei's body trembled, but she immediately said, "Chen Xuan obeys the decree, thank you queen mother-in-law."

Ning Guifei didn't know how she went back to Weiyang Palace. She just felt that her feet were sinking like lead.

Because no evidence of being framed was found, and Master Wang and Lan Xin were captured on the spot, this matter is a fact.

After being dismissed from office, Lord Wang was expelled from the capital. From then on, he could no longer enter the capital half a step, while Lan Xin was beaten to death and thrown at random graves.

Ning Guijian was unable to teach the palace maid. She was also implicated in this incident. She was confined and had to go out for half a year. When people saw Ning Guifei again, she hardly knew her.

Of course, when she saw the pair of fat children in the garden, she didn't believe her eyes. It turned out that time really passed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, Liu Yan's children were born.

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