"Have you heard of it? Weiyang Palace has an accident. ★ First ★ Send ★ Chase ★ Book ★ Help ★"

"Is it in Ning Guifei Palace? But always has power, so what can happen to a cautious person?"

"Don't you know that? The whole palace knows it, one of her servants and the Taiyi Hospital's private doctor."

"The queen mother already knows it, and it must be severely punished."

"Stop talking, someone is here."

In the Royal Garden, a few little maids gathered flowers there, muttering constantly.

Looking at them, Liu Ye knew what they were talking about.

Ning Guifei, is it because you are too careless, or is the queen mother-in-law setting up a bureau for you?

"Mother-in-law, let's stay in the Royal Garden for a while, let's go back early." Zhu Yuan said softly.

"Don't you think the scenery here is good?" Liu Ye looked at the little maids and looked at the distance. The extraordinarily beautiful flowers were dancing in the wind.

"The flowers in the imperial garden really look good, but, when it comes to this, Zhu Yuanyu words stop.

Liu Yan smiled, her eyes stopped in a room next to the Royal Garden.

That room was where the rendezvous of Lan Xin and Master Wang was.

The Taiyuan Hospital ordered that King Wang frequented Weiyang Palace. His actions aroused people's attention, but he did not notice it.

Utilizing the convenience of his post, Lord Wang stopped his mind on the female maid Lanxin of Weiyang Palace.

King Wang promised Lan Xin that as long as Lan Xin committed himself to him, he would find a way to take Lan Xin out of the palace so that the two would stay together for a long time.

Unexpectedly, during the East window incident, two people were found by a palace maid during a tryst.

So far, this matter has been known.

The maid named Xiaoyue was just transferred to the harem, and she was not familiar with the maid in this palace. She just ordered the queen mother to pick some flowers to decorate the house. I didn't expect to hear it when I passed the room. There seems to be painful ** inside.

The unmarried little palace girl thought that someone was injured, so she called the guard who guarded the Royal Garden, and when she opened the door, she found the naked orchid and King Wang.

Faced with this situation, everyone stayed there.

The little palace girl was paralyzed there.

The **** first tied the two together, and then closed the door of the house.

The queen mother-in-law was furious, and immediately declared the theme of Weiyang Palace to Cining Palace.

This is the scene where Ning Guifei went to see the Queen Mother.

The queen mother-in-law's efficiency is really high.

Liu Ye felt a hint of coolness behind her. She held up Zhuyuan's hand and said, "You're right, we should go back early. Now, this imperial garden is not smooth."

After hearing what Liu Yan said, Zhu Yuan also smiled.

"Mother-in-law, let me see, that blue heart is self-sustaining, usually arrogant and accustomed to it. I never thought that the reason that made her arrogant was this King Wang. She must have felt in her heart that as long as she was on the big tree In the future, she will be rich and rich, so there will be no one in her eyes. "

After listening to Zhu Yuan, Liu Ye said something lightly, "You are not Lan Xin, how do you know what Lan Xin is thinking?"

"I can't see this yet. You can see that Lan Xin is usually dressed, and at a glance, she knows that she is a person who admires vanity."

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