Liu Ye tried the recipe Weinan gave himself, and the vomiting stopped. 「^ 追 ^ 书 ^ 帮 ^ 首 ~ 发」

She didn't understand, how did this big man get this recipe?

Therefore, this mystery has been in Liu Ye's heart all the time. She always thought that if she saw Weinan one day, she would have to ask the matter clearly.

In the past two months, I basically did not go out, so I rarely saw Weinan.

However, she will never forget this matter. In a sense, it can be said that Weinan saved him. Without Weifang's prescription, Liu Ye thought he might vomit to death.

The vomiting stopped and Liu Ye's body recovered quickly.

When she was walking in the garden that day, she accidentally encountered Weinan.

I haven't seen it for many days, Weinan is still the same, but he is much thinner than before.

"Wei Nan, thank you for the special recipe you found for me. Thanks to it, otherwise, I don't know when I will vomit!"

Liu Ye looked at Weinan with a smile.

Weinan saw Liu Yan's bright smile, and suddenly there was a short dizziness. He quickly returned to God and said, "The queen mother and mother are serious, this is what their subordinates should do."

"I've always been curious, you tell me, how did you get this recipe, a big man?"

Liu Min finally asked the question he thought.

Wei Nan's face turned red immediately. He was a little embarrassed and said, "The last time I went to Wanshantang, I saw an old lady holding a baby, and I chased after her, asking if she had any prescription for vomiting This lady told me and told me that pregnant women are best not to eat peppercorns, because peppercorns contain certain toxicity, which will be bad for the fetus. "

Liu Ye could not imagine how a big man chased an old lady across the street?

Seeing Weinan's embarrassing look, Liu Ye did not want to continue to ask questions.

"Okay, it's okay, you can go." Liu Yan said with a smile.

"Subordinates retire, the queen mother must take care of her body." After speaking, Weinan made a ceremony and then retreated.

All of this was seen in the eyes of Nan Gongyu. He looked motionlessly at the departure of Wei Nan, and his expression on his face could not see the sadness and joy.

Little Leaf looked at the emperor with some worry.

If the emperor saw the queen's maiden usually, he must catch up like a child. Today, he is standing still, and he is obviously unhappy about the appearance of this man.

Xiao Yezi thought that this guard was really short-sighted, and he was so happy to talk to the queen's maiden, which made anyone uncomfortable, let alone the emperor of the Ninth Five-Year.

Thinking of this, he snorted.

"What are you humming?"

Little leaves did not expect that the emperor could hear the sound of his hum.

"Long live Qiqi, the slaves felt that the slaves hated this guard."

Nangong sneered and continued to ask, "Where is it annoying?"

"Back to Long live, this guard is so much taller than the slaves. The slaves are unbalanced. When they see him, the slaves feel like they are short. Every time they see him, the slaves have to raise their heads. , So the minions are a little uncomfortable. "

After Xiaoye finished speaking, he began to secretly look at the emperor's eyes.

The emperor stomped on his **** and said, "full talk!"

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