After seeing Long Live Master laugh, Xiao Ye Zi covered his buttocks and said, "Long Live Master, the slaves are telling the truth, in the future, the slaves should also eat more delicious food, and make up for this. New ★ Chapter ★ Festival ★ Hundred ★ Degrees ★ Search ★ Chase ★ Book ★ Help ★ "

"Don't make any noise here, let's go and see the Queen Mother."

Seeing that Wansui's mood improved, a leaf held by Xiaoye was released.

Nangong Yu came to Liu Yan and said, "You're just a little bit better, so you can run to Yu Garden, you really can't be idle."

"The emperor, I really want to choke to death. If you keep me in Fengzao Palace until the child is born, I will." mouth.

"During pregnancy, you can't say such unlucky words, don't you know?" Nangong Ai pretended to be angry.

Liu Yan did not expect that after her pregnancy, Nangong ’s mother-in-law turned into a baby, just like her nanny.

"Well, I'll take it back. I can take it back."

After Liu Yan spoke, he rested his head on Nangong Yan's shoulder.

"I found out that the most comfortable place in the world is your shoulder. When I'm tired, I can lean on it for a while."

Liu Yan finished his expression with satisfaction.

"He just leaned on for a while, my shoulders are your life-long support."

Seeing the two of them were there with affection, Xiao Ye naturally took a few steps back, he didn't want to make an electric light bulb here.

Weinan has been in a daze since he returned.

Thinking of Liu Ye's cheerful look just now, he looked happy.

She asked herself how she got this recipe, and she just told her briefly. If she knew the specific situation at that time, she would laugh badly.

To put it simply, he got this recipe, but he had to break his leg.

He had forgotten how many people he had asked specifically, and how many eyes he had suffered.

I just remember that when he saw the elder lady holding the child, he followed the elder lady as soon as she came out of the door of Wanshantang.

When he stood in front of the elder mother, the elder mother seemed to misunderstand him as a trafficker, not only glaring her eyes round, but also pushing the child hard into her arms.

He explained it to his aunt several times before everyone believed him.

"Young man, in view of your hard work asking for a recipe for your lady, I'll tell you a recipe, this recipe is a test of Bailing."

Hearing Auntie said that Weinan would burst into tears with excitement.

"Ma'am, let's just say, as long as she can stop vomiting so badly, I will be willing to go up to the sword and down the sea of ​​fire." Wei Nan looked anxious.

Seeing Weinan's pious face, the aunt also jokingly said, "Boy, you are really good to your lady."

Weinan didn't explain, but his face was redder.

This recipe is useful to her, even if she does as much as herself.

After handing the note to Ye Lan, Weinan slept soundly that night, and this was also the night he slept the most since he knew Liu Ye could not eat.

That night he had a dream. In that dream, the woman's face was blurry, but he kept smiling at him.

No matter how he ran, he couldn't reach the person's side, and finally, Weinan woke up in sweat.

Dream forgot, but the smile of the woman that Wei Nan remembered.

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