"You, what are you talking about?" Liu Ye felt uneasy. First www.NovelMTL.com

Ye Lan Ye Lan knelt down on the ground, "Madam, this is the way, after you listen to me, you always vomit badly during this time. For the past two days, I did not go to Wanshantang with Weinan as you ordered. Do I have to pay the bill? I told Weinan that he has a lot of chances to go out of the palace and see if there are any folk remedies for vomiting. If he has any, let him tell me. "

Hearing this, Liu Ye was relieved, and he was scared to death.

Ye Lan was so gasped when she spoke, thinking of this, she couldn't help but stare at Ye Lan.

Followed by Yurun, when she heard Ye Lan talking, she almost did not faint.

"Mother-in-law, it was the slave-woman who did not make her statement clear. Therefore, this note was given to me by Weinan and also to the mother-in-law. The slave-woman did not make the statement clear, so please punish her."

"Okay, you get up."

Now that the words have been made plain, there is no good punishment. They are all kind. This Liu Qing is clear in his heart.

After Ye Lan stood up, he said to Liu Yan, "Madam, the note says, let you put a piece of **** in your mouth every morning. If you feel uncomfortable, you can chew it a few times, or if you think Trouble, let's drink **** water with brown sugar, this method is also possible. "

Liu Ye heard this, and found this method very strange. Ginger can be used to stop vomiting. She was the first to hear about it. However, this recipe was inquired by Weinan, and there will be no problem.

Thinking of this, she nodded and said, "Then contain ginger, save you trouble."

"Ma'am, there is one more thing. You should try not to eat peppercorns during this time. There is no reason on it, it just states that this is a taboo."

"I see. It's not difficult. Anyway, I haven't been interested in peppercorns since I was young.

At this time, Yu Run dare to speak up.

"Sister Ye Lan, you scared me to death just now." Yu Run said in horror.

Ye Lan said with some grievances, "I want to explain, but none of you give me a chance."

Anyway, this false alarm is finally over.

When lying in bed at night, Ye Lan turned up and down and couldn't sleep.

Weinan, do you know? If I did n’t respond quickly today, I really do n’t know how to take care of this.

Ye Lan's handsome face appeared in Wei Nan's head. Suddenly, she felt a little distressed.

What kind of perseverance can Weinan keep doing so?

The queen mother and daughter are doing very well. The emperor treats her like a baby. Weinan, are you still worried?

If you and the queen maiden are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, I say this, you will not believe it, but we will meet every day. The happy smile on the queen maiden ’s face is not the best proof?

Thinking of this, Ye Lan sighed deeply.

Passionate hate since ancient times.

Some emotions burn themselves.

Some feelings are suitable to be buried in the heart, it is best not to say it, because when you say it, it hurts not only yourself but also others.

Weinan, just like your feelings, is an unseen emotion, so you have to bury it in your heart, the deeper the better.

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