Liu Ye didn't know how the days when he vomited came, just remembering that time, he kept vomiting all day, and the vomiting sky was dark, as if he had vomited the whole stomach. ★ First ★ Send ★ Chasing ★ Book ★ Help ★

Although she has researched Chinese medicine, she really hasn't remembered this method of treating morning sickness, and those confused doctors do not work for some prescriptions.

Just ate something and then vomited.

Nangong Yan watched Liu Yan vomit and couldn't eat anything, only anxious.

As soon as I opened my eyes every morning, I started to spit, spit on fruit, spit on water. Finally, when Liu Yan walked, someone had to help, and the whole person left a bone.

Nan Gongxi lost his temper and said to the gurus at Taiji Hospital that if Liu Yan vomited again, they would need their heads. The old men kneeled outside and did not dare to move. They were silently praying. However, the queen mother must never vomit anymore.

Despite so many people praying there, Liu Ye was spit out.

In the evening, the situation will be smaller.

Until that day, Weinan quietly stuffed Ye Lan a note, then lowered his head and said, "Look if this method is helpful for the queen's morning sickness."

After speaking, Weinan strode away.

Looking at the back of his departure, Ye Lan's eyes showed a loneliness, but she quickly turned to the room again.

Ye Lan walked into the room and opened the note under the lamp, which clearly stated that in the morning, the mouth contains ginger. If you want to vomit, you can chew it or cook **** water with brown sugar.

On the bottom line, try not to let your mother eat pepper.

"Sister Ye Lan, what are you doing?" I wonder when Zhu Yuan appeared behind Ye Lan.

Ye Lan would hurriedly put away the note and smiled back, "Nothing, I just found a way to use my sword. At that time, I wrote it on a note. Now I think of it and take a look. "

"Sister Ye Lan, you really work hard." After Zhu Yuan finished, she left with a smile.

Liu Ye was puzzled. When did Ye Lan start practicing martial arts with small notes? This little Nizi, 80% have received a small note sent to her.

After seeing Zhu Yuan leave, Liu Ye said mysteriously, "Ye Lan is not happy to tell you the truth. Who wrote the note?"

Ye Lan's face was embarrassed, and she whispered, "Mother, it's Weinan."

Liu Ye smiled and said in a hurry: "I already saw that Weinan is interesting to you. Don't miss this relationship easily. You have been with me for so long. I know Weinan's life. You are definitely not wronged. "

"Madam, it's not what you think."

"You don't have to explain it. The more these things are explained, the more unclear they are. I will propose to the emperor in the future. I will decide for you and Weinan."

When Liu Ye said this, he thought of Weinan and Ye Lan becoming married.

I do n’t know. Ye Lan knelt down on the ground and said, "Mother-in-law, this note from Weinan is for the mother-in-law!"

As soon as the words came out, Ye Lan froze, and Liu Min also choked.

Yurun, who was standing aside, opened her eyes wide. What did Weinan and Weinan want to do?

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