Liu Ye pointed to a stool next to him and said to Ye Lan, "Sit down. Free-fees-first-post → [chasing] [book] [help]"

Ye Lan sat opposite Liu Yan and looked at her carefully.

Since Liu Yan became pregnant, although she often vomits when eating, her color is indeed much better than before.

A closer look shows that Liu Yan has a double chin. Her face was originally a face of a melon seed, and now she looks a lot cute when she is fat.

"What are you staring at me? Is it that I became ugly after I was pregnant?" Liu Yan asked worriedly.

"Mother-in-law, Sister-in-law found that the mother-in-law looks better after pregnancy. In fact, the emperor was right, you should eat more. The mother-in-law is fat to look good." Ye Lan laughed after finishing talking.

Liu Yan thought to himself that this is what a woman looks like. No matter how old she is, she always wants others to praise her, and she doesn't care if the praise is genuine.

"Well, mother, why do you want me to dispose of those almond powders? Last time, didn't you say when the doctor came here that pregnant women eat some almonds, which is good for the fetus." Ye Lan asked, puzzled. .

Liu pursed his lips and said to Ye Lan, "It seems that you are still thinking about this problem, then I will tell you why I don't touch those almond flour."

Seeing Ye Lan listening carefully, Liu Ye said, "In a big family, there is a wife and a young sister. Later, the wife became pregnant. When she was pregnant, there were no abnormalities, but children could be born. It was a stillbirth. "

Having said that, Liu Ye saw Ye Lan's face changed, "Why? Wasn't there any abnormality during pregnancy?"

"That lady drinks some almond tea every day."

At this time, Ye Lan covered her mouth. "Is it true that what the doctor said?"

Liu Yan shook his head. "The Taiyi said that it was true. Almond tea is really good for the fetus, but the almond tea that the lady drank was mixed with something by Xiaoyao."

"It's so vicious!"

"If the walnut kernels are ground into powder and mixed into almonds, nothing will be seen at all. After a long time, the fetus cannot keep it, and even if it is kept, it will not survive."

After hearing this, Ye Lan understood why Liu Yan insisted on not drinking almond tea.

"Mother-in-law, you are pregnant, but the first child in the palace. Now you have to look at you with many eyes. We must be more careful." With that said, Ye Lan's eyes were also cautious.

"It's not that I don't believe in others. It's just that people in this palace have many eyes and no one knows what will happen, so it's better to be careful."

"Niangniang, I understand, I will also remind Zhu Yuanyurun." After Ye Lan finished, he gave Liu Ye a quilt.

"If someone asks me if I drink almond tea, you just say I don't drink it, and say that I will feel sick after I smell that kind of taste." Liu Yan ordered again.

"Okay, I remember, so they won't send us almond tea, so they can save it all day long."

After speaking, Ye Lan stood up and moved the round stool.

Liu Ye felt a bit heavy on her eyelids, and closed her eyes. She was very relieved about Ye Lan.

After seeing Liu Yan falling asleep, Ye Lan retreated gently.

Thinking carefully about what Liu Ye had said just now, Ye Lan watched the outside of the room vigilantly and found that there was nothing abnormal before returning again.

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