Early in the morning, Zhu Yuan and Ye Lan decoction. 「^ 追 ^ 书 ^ 帮 ^ 首 ~ 发」

Liu Yan was lying on the bed stupidly, and suddenly heard Yurun's cry.

"Who are you? You," he said without a voice.

As soon as Liu Yan opened his eyes, he saw two guards approaching him.

There was a doubt in my heart, this is the queen's palace, who is so bold?

I haven't figured it out, but my head was covered with something, and when I saw him, it was so dark that I could see nothing.

Liu Ye did not struggle in a random way. She sat calmly and did not move.

"Who are you? Why treat this palace like this?"

The two who held her did not speak, but Mali raised her arm.

It felt like walking to a room, Liu Ye didn't speak, he felt his feet soft, and the whole person passed out.

"Yu Run, Yu Run, wake up, what about your mother? Yu Run!"

When Yu Run opened her eyes, Zhu Yuan's fuzzy shadow appeared.

She felt a bun in her head for a while, and suddenly she thought of something, and stood up sharply, and walked towards Liu Yan's bed.

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law? I saw two guards breaking in, and then I didn't know anything." Yu Run said anxiously while searching in the room.

Ye Lan's hand could not help but clenched the knife in his waist.

The emperor was absent, but the woman was robbed, and there must be some mischief in it.

When Ye Lan found Weinan, Weinan did not find any guards breaking in. When he heard that Liu Ye was being held hostage, his face changed suddenly.

Several people looked at each other, the palace was so big, they just had to put Liu Yan in any room, and even if they were looking for it now, it would take them two days.

Finding someone in this palace is like finding a needle in a haystack.

"Now the emperor is not here, we have to find the queen mother-in-law." Zhu Yuan was about to go out, but Ye Lan held her.

"The news of the queen's maiden's being **** cannot be spread, nor can you go to the public to find out, Weinan, you have to catch up with the emperor. Maybe it's too time to tell him about it. We, as maids, go in and out of each palace It's more convenient. "

After Ye Lan said good night, Weinan fled and left.

After Wei Nan left, Ye Lan didn't let Zhu Yuanyurun go with her, but said to them: "You two must be calm, and you can't let others see the flaws, just wait in the palace obediently, I go out to find . "

Before they could talk, Ye Lan went out.

From her awake to the present, Yurun's legs have been snoring. She doesn't know why her queen lady was taken away under her eyelids?

"What about Zhu Yuan? My mother has three long and two short, what should I do? Do you know who took her away? You talk!"

Yurun's voice was crying, she had never been so nervous.

"If something happens to my mother, I won't live."

Having said that, Yurun squatted on the ground and cried.

Zhu Yuan stood there, staying like a chicken, as if stupid.

"Like those who can do this, her status must be higher than that of the queen maiden. If it is the usual concubine, they would not dare to do this. Therefore, this goal is either the queen mother or the queen mother!"

Zhu Yuan looked out the window and said firmly.

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